The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 377 Helping Others

Chapter 377 Helping Others
Yun Xuan calmly explained to her.

"Xie Yufei's mother lives here."

"So, you want to pick up the lawyer's sister's mother???"

The little girl looked at him with a shocked expression of "Third Brother, are you so fierce?"

"Not picking up."

"Then why are you here?" Hmph, the fish don't believe anything you say.

Yun Xuan continued to walk in with a blank expression.

"do charity."

Jin Li: This excuse is not perfect at all, third brother, you are clearly here to help others.

Seeing Yun Xuan leaving, Jin Li hurriedly followed.

Then she saw that Yun Xuan didn't even need to ask, she just took the elevator and went upstairs.

"Third Brother, don't you even need to ask?" How do you know which ward he is in?

"Investigate, by the way."

Yun Xuan led her to stand in front of a ward with a blank expression, knocked on the door, waited for the people inside to win, and then opened the door.

Xie's mother in the ward thought it was her daughter who came, but when she looked up, she saw a handsome young man with a cold face, and she froze immediately.

"You, you are."

"Hello, Auntie. My name is Yunxuan, and I'm Xie Yufei's friend. This is my younger sister, Jinli." Yunxuan nodded politely to Xie's mother, and then introduced herself.

When she heard that it was her daughter's friend, Mother Xie laughed again.

Xie's mother's appearance was Xiaojiabiyu's type, her eyes were gentle and kind, and her whole person exuded a warm aura.

"Ah, it's our Feifei's friend. I know this little girl. I've watched her TV." Mother Xie warmly greeted the two to sit down.

"Come, come, sit, sit, sit."

Yun Xuan shook his head.

"No auntie, I'm here to transfer you to another hospital."

Xie Mu's face suddenly changed.

"Did those people from Qiao's family come to make trouble?"

"That bastard surnamed Qiao, I'm going to settle accounts with him right away!" She was really mad at her!
"No, Xie Yufei asked me to pick you up. She told you to find a better hospital and then perform surgery on you." Yun Xuan explained to her with a slightly softer expression.

Seeing her third brother's gentle expression, Jin Li was stunned.

When did the third brother become so gentle?

After explaining to Mother Xie, Yun Xuan closed the door and led Jin Li out.

As soon as he went out, he immediately returned to his previous expressionless look.

Jin Li: "..." It's a pity that the third brother doesn't learn how to change faces...

"Third brother, when did you become a friend of the lawyer's sister?" Why didn't the fish know?
"Otherwise? Should I say that I'm her competitor, and it's malicious to take her away?" Then they should call the police directly.

"Then why did you take Auntie away?"

"The reason why the Qiao family allowed Xie Yufei's mother to live here was nothing more than to threaten Xie Yufei. They didn't even think about her mother." So why did they keep people here.

"Auntie must be taken away!" How could those bad guys succeed.

Yun Xuan directly went through the discharge procedures for Xie's mother, and then asked her about her physical condition. Only then did she know that Xie's mother had a heart problem and needed an operation, but after all, it was a major operation that required a lot of money. Xie Yufei obviously Since he couldn't afford so much money all at once, and he just happened to be approached and threatened by Qiao's family, the disease could only be dragged on.

Yunxuan personally drove her to the best hospital under the Yun family, went through the hospitalization procedures for her, and paid all the expenses before preparing to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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