The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 392 Yunxuan: My Girlfriend...

Chapter 392 Yunxuan: My Girlfriend...

"How can you forcefully buy and sell like you." Xie Yufei complained in a low voice.

"It was you who didn't speak, and I didn't gag you." So, blame yourself.

As Yun Xuan said, she taught her with a serious face: "Being a man must be honest, girlfriend." You can't go back on your word.

Xie Yufei blushed at what he said.

"It's obviously you who tricked me."

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, girlfriend." Anyway, you didn't say anything, so who can blame you.

"Can you stop repeating those three words?" Does she have to adapt to this new identity now? (╥﹏╥)
Yun: On the surface, the wind is calm, but in fact he is so happy that he is dying. Xuan: "I am happy."

Xie Yufei was dragged in front of Xie's mother with such a sad and indignant expression.

"Oh, what's wrong with Feifei? Why this expression?" Seeing that her daughter was wronged, Xie's mother immediately took her little hand with concern.

"Auntie, she's shy." Yun Xuan explained to Mother Xie solemnly.

Xie Yufei suddenly became excited.

"Nonsense! I don't!"

"You have it, girlfriend." Admit it.

"Girlfriend? Feifei, why don't you tell mom." Xie's mother was a little shocked at first, and then couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

Could she not know about her own daughter?This kid is probably just shy.

"Auntie, we just confirmed the relationship." Before Xie Yufei could speak, Yun Xuan took the lead in explaining for her.

"Hahaha, this is a good thing. It's a good thing for you to meet such a good child as Yunxuan." This child is so good, she was worried that he would feel wronged if he married Feifei.

Xie Yufei: Mom, who is your real child? ? ?
"Let's go, auntie, I'll take you back home." Yun Xuan said and gave Xie Yufei a faint look.

"My girlfriend is shy, so I can't say any more."

Xie Yufei frowned instantly: "Shut up!" This annoying bastard.

"Okay, okay, don't say it, don't say it, usually you are very bold, this child, why is he suddenly shy now." Xie Mu looked at the two standing together, and nodded with great satisfaction.

Well, Yunxuan is really a good match for her daughter.

"Mom, I have a boyfriend, won't you keep me?" Xie Yufei looked at her mother quietly.

Why does mom look so happy.

Xie Mu waved her hand.

"Aren't you married yet? What's the fun here?"

"Besides, if you get married, as long as your partner is Yun Xuan, mother will not object." She will be very happy.

"Thank you, auntie. Although I really want to marry her immediately, but if she doesn't agree, I won't force it." Anyway... the future wife is also a wife. →_→

With tears streaming down her face, Xie Yufei pulled the two of them who had already started fantasizing about the wedding.

"Let's go quickly..." If I don't stop you, I will have to fantasize about having a baby.

After sending the two back, Mother Xie pushed Xie Yufei out.

"Go on a date with Yunxuan, have fun, and don't come back until bedtime."

After exhorting her daughter, Xie Mu showed a gentle smile towards Yun Xuan.

"Yunxuan, look at her carefully."

Xie Yufei silently looked at the door that had been closed with a "touch".

"Mom, you are really my own mother..." Is there such a mother who pushes her daughter away?

Yun Xuan: Auntie is really my god assist, I won't worry about not being able to marry Xie Yufei in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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