The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 412: Jin Li's Guess

Chapter 412: Jin Li's Guess

Why do you think he brought the little koi?

Just when they were talking, Jin Li had already quietly turned all the luck of the rogue rabbit back to her, and then left.

"You, what do you mean?" Gu Tingting suddenly felt uneasy.

He, what he said couldn't be true.

"It's not yours. No matter how hard you try to keep it, it won't belong to you. Ningning's luck has already returned to her." Yun Yi said, looking at Gu Tingting again.

"As for you, are you not afraid of retribution for doing this kind of thing so casually?" Without this luck, it depends on what you can do.

"Mom, mom, what should I do, I want Gu Zhining's luck, I, I don't want to become unlucky, mom, you must have a way, right?" Gu Tingting looked at Mrs. Gu with a pale face.

Since her mother was able to move that luck over for her to use, she would definitely be able to get it back, yes, definitely.

Gu Zhining, the broom star, don't want to get back her luck, it belongs to her, Gu Tingting, Gu Zhining had better be a broom star for a lifetime, and be stepped on by her for the rest of her life.

The previous remarks were actually someone's intention to stimulate these two people to vent their anger on their rogue rabbit children. Now that the goal of getting back their luck has been achieved, Yun Yi doesn't want to talk nonsense with them.

Anyway, when the popularity is up and the things are brought back, it is time to retreat.

"Okay, since I got the things back, I will take my leave first, and there will be no date later."

"Oh, by the way, since Ning Ning is married to me, she is from my Yun family, not from the Gu family. She will not come back, and you don't want to trouble her."

"Otherwise, it would be very easy for my Yun family to bring down a small Gu family." Yun Yi smiled gracefully after finishing speaking.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Abandoning the two people who were almost out of their wits from his fright, Yun Yi strode away.

Having said so much, people are scared and the goal has been achieved. It's time to go back and find the rogue rabbit.

When they got back to the car, Jun Mo, Bai Jinli, and Yun Xuan had already left, and as soon as they got in the car, Yun Yi saw Gu Zhining sitting there obediently waiting for him.

"Rogue rabbit kid."

Seeing him, Gu Zhining's eyes lit up instantly.

"You are finally back." But she was overwhelmed.

"How is it?" Are you angry?

"I gave them a lesson on behalf of justice."

Gu Zhining looked at him regretfully: "I thought you represented justice and wiped them out."

Yun Yi taught her a serious lesson.

"Little rogue rabbit, killing people is against the law." You are exterminating cockroaches.

"Your luck has all returned, and with Jinli's amulet, no one can touch you anymore."

Gu Zhining looked at him weakly: "Is this person... including you?"

Yun Yi: "They are all from my own family, of course not including." He is not someone else.

Gu Zhining: Then she still feels scared... 〒▽〒


Here, Jin Li stared at Jun Mobai solemnly.

Jun stretched out his hand, pinched her small mouth, and squeezed it flat.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Yu always feels that these things seem to have been premeditated?"


"The two people who practiced sorcery we met before, why do I feel that they seem to have a purpose." It's all about taking other people's luck.

"You mean the two masters and apprentices."

(End of this chapter)

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