The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 415 Your face will be lost sooner

Chapter 415 Your face will be lost sooner
Jinli:? ? ?
"No, you just drove me away?"

"Otherwise? Should I treat you to dinner?" After talking about the matter, of course we should leave.

"You won't invite me to dinner?"

Moze directly reached out and pointed in the direction of the gate.

"The gate is over there, so you can leave without seeing it."

"If I really keep you for dinner, Jun Mobai will kill me." Besides, they are lonely and widowed, and men and women can't get along with each other, so he still wants to keep his innocence and marry a wife.

"Hmph, cheapskate." Jin Li left angrily.

She will ask Junjun to take her to eat delicious food later, who cares about staying at your house for dinner?Hum hum!
As soon as he went out, Jin Li saw Jun Mobai waiting at the door.

"Let's go to Sijin and take my little koi to eat delicious food." Jun Mobai pinched the little girl's puffed up face amusedly.

"Go, go, the fish is hungry." She didn't even eat lunch.

After eating, Jin Li officially started to get busy.

Now that Moze has been promised, he can't be lazy.

As a result, not long after she turned on the tablet, she was lifted up.

Jin Li turned her head subconsciously, and then saw Jun Mobai who was carrying her.

"What are you doing?" Why did he lift the fish up again.

"Take a nap."

"I watched you sleep." Jun Mobai said, sitting by the window and staring at her.

Jin Li huddled under the quilt, revealing a pair of eyes looking at him.

"Fish can sleep by themselves." No one needs to watch.

"You're dishonest." Who knows if the little stupid fish was really sleeping after he went out.

Seeing that Jin Li was still looking at her with her eyes open, Jun Mobai threatened her: "If we don't sleep, we will have a "fight"." It depends on whether you sleep or not.

The little girl closed her eyes for a moment.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep right away." Don't "fight".

Five minutes later, Jun Mobai nodded in satisfaction, looking at a certain fish who was already sleeping in the quilt, and then left.

After waking up, Jin Li jumped out of bed energetically, and then ran around the entire lounge.

Your little koi is back online.

Jun Mobai: What kind of deceptive behavior of the little koi is this again? ? ?
Jin Li pushed open the door with a "snap"

"Junjun, I..." Woke up...

Just halfway through speaking, Jin Li's remaining words suddenly froze.

Because... because there are many people in Junjun's office!
Jin Li shrank back weakly, and closed the door by the way.

Woohoo, what a shame, she just woke up, didn't do anything with her hairstyle, and just ran out so stupidly. 〒▽〒

A group of high-level executives who hadn't appeared for a long time were accepting Jun Mobai's criticism, when they suddenly heard Jin Li's milky voice, they were so excited that they were about to fly.

Ahhh, it's a little angel. It's been a long time, but she's still so cute! ! !

Jun Mobai stared at the crowd unhappily.

"What are you looking at? Go out." That was his wife, what were you looking at, a group of single dogs.

After driving everyone away, Jun Mobai got up and opened the door of the lounge, and Jin Li huddled into a small ball under the quilt.

Jun Mobai reached out to pat her little butt, his voice full of laughter.

"what happened?"

Hearing Jun Mobai's voice, the little girl moved, revealing her little face covered in pink, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Woo... what to do... Yu Delong lost all face..."

Jun Mobai tore off the quilt and pulled the man over.

"Why did you lose it all?" You lost it not long ago.

"It's so embarrassing, why didn't you tell me that there are people outside..." Embarrassed to death.

(End of this chapter)

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