Chapter 435 Two people's world
The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and sat down next to their wives at the same time.

Even Yunchuan could successfully pull his wife away, but he didn't believe they couldn't.

"Little rogue rabbit, are you done talking?" Reason me.

Gu Zhining looked at him with a red face.

"Talk, we're done talking."

"Then let's talk over there." Yun Yi led Gu Zhining away.

Yun Xuan looked at Xie Yufei expressionlessly: "You haven't spoken to me for nearly an hour." She also ignored me.

Xie Yufei: "So?"

"Now I give you a chance to make up for your mistakes."

Xie Yufei calmly raised her head: "What if I don't cooperate?" What can you do.

"Then force you to cooperate." Yun Xuan said and dragged the person away.

"Huh? Why, why are they all gone?" Jin Li looked at the few people who left in a daze.

Jun Mobai dug a spoonful of cake with her hand and stuffed it into the little girl's slightly opened mouth.

"Because they are going to live a two-person world."

Jin Li blinked her eyes in a daze, her little head crooked for some unknown reason.

"so what?"

"So now I'm the only one with you." Because they all went with their husband.

Jin Li thought for a while, then looked at him solemnly: "Fish can play by themselves." It doesn't need your company either.

Jun Mobai: "...then you accompany me."

"But the fish doesn't want to accompany you." The fish just wants to play by itself.

Jun Mobai immediately grabbed her pink face.

"Will you accompany me?" Not accompanying you swollen your little face.

"Accompany, accompany, I will accompany you..." the little girl said in a pitiful and soft voice.

Seeing that she was obedient, Jun Mobai let go.

"Stinky Junjun." Almost as soon as Jun Mobai let go, Jin Li hummed dissatisfied.

"Tell me, what did you eat just now?" Your mouth hasn't stopped since you sat down.

"I ate a small cake." Jin Li replied honestly.

"anything else?"

"Have a little snack."

"anything else?"

"Drink the fruit tea that Sister Feifei made for me."

"and also."

and also?

The little girl frowned seriously and thought about it.


"that's it."

Jun Mobai looked at her slightly bulging belly.

"You are happy to eat."

Jin Li waved her hand in embarrassment.

"It's okay, hiccup~"

"Didn't Junjun and his brothers also have a good chat?"

Jun Mobai: "Oh, happy." No wonder.

"I'm going to the kitchen to find the housekeeper." Play it yourself.

As soon as Jun Mobai heard the word kitchen, he quickly dragged him back.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Go to the housekeeper and cook for me." The fish was hungry.

"Sit down, I'll call." Jin Li added to the kitchen, it was the end of the world.

Never let the little koi go in.

What if she suddenly wants to cook again?They are not blocked, nor are they not blocked.

Jun Mobai: Stopping is death, not stopping... death is even worse.

Seeing that his little koi still wanted to stand up, Jun Mobai quickly held her down.

"Hey, sit down, I'll go." I don't think the housekeeper would want to see you in the kitchen.

"Okay." Jun Jun said not to go.

Seeing that she had sat down honestly, Jun Mobai hurried to order the housekeeper to cook.

When he came back, Jin Li was drinking the fruit tea on the table in small sips.

"Junjun, this tea is delicious." As soon as she saw Jun Mobai, the little girl couldn't wait to share it with him.

(End of this chapter)

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