The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 439 Tiandao vs Jun Mobai

Chapter 439 Tiandao vs Jun Mobai

My brother looks so serious.

"Think, miss my brother more." The little girl's milky voice was inexplicably guilty.

Hearing Jinli say that he misses himself, Tiandao nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, it was the little koi he raised, so cute.

Jun Mobai: Heh, didn't you see the guilty look on this little idiot's face?A discerning person can tell at a glance that his mother-in-law doesn't miss you at all.

"If you miss my brother, go back to the God Realm." He also missed the little koi

"But, but..." Jin Li pinched her fingers in confusion.

"But I don't want to go back now..." I really can't bear to stay here and everyone.

The point is, I can't bear to part with the snacks here and there are so many delicious ones.

Jun Mobai directly hugged him back.

"She doesn't want to go back now."

Tiandao didn't even look at him.

"I didn't ask you again."

"I have the right to speak for my wife."

Tiandao: "..." Really, if this guy comes to the God Realm in the future, I will feel sorry for myself if I don't beat him up.

"Brother, can you not go back?" The little girl shrank into Jun Mobai's arms after she finished speaking, not daring to look at him.

Yu was really afraid that her brother would beat her up when he was angry.

Seeing Jinli's cautious look, Tiandao looked at her expressionlessly: "Am I that scary?" He still hid so far away.

It seems that after not seeing him for a long time, the little koi started to be afraid of him.

Usually in the God Realm, the little girl always hides behind him.

Tiandao thought about it and looked at Jun Mobai again.

It must have been this guy's fault.

Jun raised his eyebrows at him, and proudly hugged the little girl in his arms.

Do you see it?Jin Li is afraid of you, so she hides from me.

Before Tian Dao could get angry, Jin Li only heard him say to herself in a flat tone: "Come here."

Jin Li carefully poked her head out of Jun Mobai's arms to observe the way of heaven.

Brother doesn't look like he's angry.

Thinking about it, the little girl walked up to him obediently.

"If I want to stay here, I won't insist on taking you away. Don't be so nervous." Does he look like a bad guy?
Jin Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don't take it with you.

Tiandao: "..." Why did you really think that I would forcefully take you away just now?

Tiandao reached out to touch her little head.

"If you want to stay, you can stay. If there is anything that can't be solved, you can always come to me. My brother is always there." Those people are also very good to his little koi, and Jun bastard is rich, so he will definitely take care of his little girl That's right.

Jin Li nodded obediently.

"it is good."

"Brother, when will I go back?"

Tiandao looked at her inscrutablely: "Wait until I call you next time."

Jin Li: "..." Isn't that something that happens at any time?

I don't know what I thought of, the little girl's big eyes rolled around a few times, and then looked at Tiandao again, the little milk voice was a little flattering, and she called him sweetly.

"elder brother."

"What's the matter, tell me." Generally, Jin Li would act like this when she asked for something.

Jin Li tugged at his sleeves flatteringly, and then looked at him eagerly: "Brother, I met a person who is very talented in cultivation, he is really super powerful."

Tiandao: "So?" What do you want to say.

"So people want to ask, can I take him with me when I leave."

"You said that person, I occasionally pay attention."

Hearing what Tiandao said, Jinli's eyes lit up immediately.

"Really? Brother, how do you know Moze." Is Moze really so good?

(End of this chapter)

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