The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 443 Couple's Pajamas

Chapter 443 Couple's Pajamas
Yo, it turns out that the little koi had this idea.

I want to wear couple pajamas with him.

"Let's go." Jin Li pulled him and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, a gentle and gentle salesman came over.

"Welcome." The girl looked up, and immediately recognized Jin Li's little bun face.

"Ah, you are Jinli."

The little girl froze for a moment.

"How do you know me?" She hasn't been here either.

The girl covered her mouth and snickered: "I've watched your show with your second brother."

"Oh~" No wonder I know fish.

The girl looked at Jun Mobai next to her, and then looked at Jin Li with a clear face.

"You and Jun always come to buy couple's pajamas, right?"

"Then let's see this, you will definitely like it." The girl said and took the little girl to a shelf and took out a set of pajamas.

"This is our new arrival. We only have this set in our store. What do you think?" The girl said and glued a nightgown off.

"Wow." Jin Li looked at the nightdress in the girl's hand.

There are cute little chubby fish printed on that exquisite nightdress, which looks so cute.

Jinli: It's as cute as the little koi one-piece pajamas that Jun Jun specially ordered for Yu at home.

What to do, Yu likes it so much, after reading this, she looked to the side again.

"It's a set, Junjun can wear it too." What to do, Yu was even more excited.

Seeing Jin Li's love for it, Jun Mobai immediately said, "Buy."

Buy whatever you like.

"Yeah, long live Junjun!" Junjun is also super generous today.

"It's really loving." Seeing the loving interaction between the two, the girl couldn't help but snigger.

Finally, Jin Li happily went out with a bag.

The pretty lady even gave the fish a discount, which is great.

"Okay, let's go home."

"Stop shopping?" Seeing the little girl's happy face, Jun Mobai suddenly felt that he understood something.

"Little stupid fish, you didn't have this idea from the beginning, did you?" This little villain didn't always want to come here to buy pajamas, did he?

Having been punctured, Jin Li readily admitted it.

"I just saw it when I came here, so I want to buy a set from Junjun." Who would have thought that I could still buy one with fish printed on it, so lucky.

Can the little koi be unlucky?
"Satisfied now? Go home."

As soon as she got home, Jin Li took the initiative to wash her pajamas.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows.

Yo, I know that I take the initiative to do laundry.

Although it was washing the two pajamas, it didn't prevent him from feeling that his little koi had grown up.

"Okay, just play by yourself obediently for a while, I'm going to cook for you." After walking a few steps, Jun Mobai fell back again.

"Remember to comfort your little fans." Otherwise, they should go berserk.

"I know, I know."

Seeing Jun Mobai leave, Jin Li took out her phone.

"Don't be afraid, Jinli, don't be cowardly." After taking a deep breath, the little girl clicked on Weibo, and there were many replies under her Weibo.

"Hey, my sister is finally back."

Does my sister remember me? "

"Sister, I miss you."

"Did Mr. Jun ask you to send the message?"

Jin Li shrank her shoulders a little guilty.

How did they know that Junjun asked him to post on Weibo.

Randomly picked a few replies, observed for a while, and saw that everyone was in a good mood, and the little girl was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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