The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 49 Jin Li: You Can Shut Up

Chapter 49 Jin Li: You Can Shut Up
"Actually, in fact, she's so small..." Jin Li's voice became softer and weaker.

"Oh?" Jun Mobai suppressed himself from laughing.

"I'm only four years old, and I'm still a child." How can I get married.

"Didn't you just say that you have grown up?" Jun Mobai did not intend to let go of the little girl in his arms.

"Jin Li just said that he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Hey, he's still a child, and he still uses a feeding bottle to drink milk." The little girl blinked her eyes cutely.

Jun Mobai: "..."

The little girl is about to get a nosebleed...

"Okay, just to tease you, I want to actually hug a four-year-old child to get married, do you think it's feasible?" Jun Mobai scratched her little nose amusedly.

Jin Li thought about it, and felt it made sense.

"Looks like it is."

"Little stupid fish."

"Hmph, fish are not stupid." The little girl pushed him away with a whimper.

"Go, go, go to work." I know how to complain about others all day long.

Hey, the little koi has become so arrogant that he even dares to despise him.

If I had known that the little koi was so cute, I should have kidnapped the fish when she was born and raised it.

It's cheaper now, that bastard Tiandao.

How dare she help Jin Li hide from him for so long.

Seeing Jun Mobai still sitting next to her, the little girl looked at him with disgust.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"..." Does Xiao Jinli hate him that much...

Someone sighed pretending to be sad.

"Sigh, I won't cherish it if I get it. The little koi doesn't like me now."


"Before, she obviously liked to cling to me."


"Now they are starting to dislike me and want to drive me away."

The little girl couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

"You can shut up, when did the fish say something like that..."

"Look, you really turned your back and didn't recognize anyone." Jun Mobai looked at Jin Li with the eyes of a heartless fish.

The little girl blushed when he saw it.

"No fish, you are talking nonsense."

Jun Mobai still looked aggrieved, but there was a cunning flash in Taohua's eyes.

It was so much fun to tease the little koi, and the little girl's reaction was so cute.

Jin Li secretly wiped away the beads of sweat that didn't exist on her forehead.

The big devil is too difficult to deal with, no matter what she says, it will be her fault in the end, and the fish is so angry.

"You still deny it." Jun Mobai looked at the little girl aggrieved.

"..." What to do, how should the fish answer him...

I'm so worried, I knew that the fish would not go with him in the first place.

The little girl held her chin sadly.

After teasing the little girl, Jun Mobai chuckled and looked at her amusedly.

"Look, don't keep thinking about messy things with your not-so-intelligent fish head, you should think about what to eat for lunch." Someone patted her little head.

"He is smart, not stupid." The little girl looked at him unwillingly.

"Oh? Let's continue the topic just now?"

Seeing that the big devil was about to bring up the topic just now, the little girl hurriedly climbed onto him and covered his mouth with her little hand.

"Shh, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive."

"Why, didn't Jin Li just say that she was very smart?" Someone looked at her in confusion.

The little girl took a deep breath, and a sweet smile appeared on Xiao Baozi's face, resolutely looking like a caring little koi.

"Go to work quickly, the fish won't hold you back from making money."

(End of this chapter)

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