The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 62 Small koi are different from ordinary fish

Chapter 62 Small Koi Are Different From Ordinary Fish

You said to help with the barbecue, she may not be as tall as that grill.

Cooking skills... Fish don't seem to be very good at it either.

Then just cheer up.

Listening to the little girl's milky voice shouting cheers from time to time, the smile on the corner of Jun Mobai's mouth gradually deepened.

The little koi is really cute, and he knows how to cheer him up.

Soon, Jun Mobai took the lead in helping her grill the sausage.

"Be careful that it's hot, eat slowly." While handing it to the little girl, he still reminded him.

Jin Li picked up the sausage with a small fork, blew it cool carefully, and handed it to Jun Mobai's mouth.

"Here you go~"

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yo, the little koi protecting the food actually shared food with him?And it was the first bite.

"Don't you eat it yourself?"

The little girl swallowed with great difficulty, but still firmly handed the little fork to Jun Mobai's mouth.

Then someone heard the little girl's soft milk voice.

"Junjun has been roasting for so long, I am very tired, Junjun first time~" She is also a little koi with a conscience.

Seeing the little girl's salivating expression on the grilled sausage, Jun Mobai handed her the grilled sausage amusedly.

"Then Jin Li, I'll take a bite first, and then I'll eat." This little guy might be staring at the food in his hand just now.

Jin Li whimpered very impolitely, stuffed a big mouthful into her mouth, and didn't forget to greet someone.

"The rest of Jun Junci." The little girl handed him the fork with some ambiguity.

Jun Mobai didn't dislike it either, he ate the grilled sausage that the little girl had eaten, and then continued to grill fish for her.

"You're a little koi, why have you started eating fish?" Is this considered cannibalism?

"He's a little koi, the first one in the world to change shape. What you baked is not a little koi. What does it have to do with fish?" The little girl's expression was very arrogant.

They are small koi that bring good luck, how can they be the same as ordinary fish?

"Well, what Jinli said is also reasonable." The little koi is not an ordinary fish, but a little koi with great luck. If ordinary people can get a compliment or blessing from the little koi, that's good luck. There will be a steady stream.

On the other hand, if you bully the little koi and make her unhappy, then you will be out of luck.

As for those who try to hurt the little koi or dare to hit her attention...

So far, the entire God Realm seems to have none.

Because all the malice will bounce back on them.

Well, anyway, this is a very difficult little koi.

Especially since she still has the favor of heaven, and she has such a powerful fiancé.

Jin Li: The fish doesn't care, the fish only wants to eat that grilled fish in your hand.

The little girl looked eagerly at the grilled fish in someone's hand.

Jun Mobai put the grilled fish on her plate dumbfounded.

"Junjun, your cooking skills are really good." The little girl praised while eating.

After eating this barbecue, she felt that she couldn't do without Junjun's cooking skills.

"Only cooking is good?" The only thing he ranks in Xiao Jinli's heart is his cooking?
Has he reached the point where he can only conquer little girls with cooking skills?
"It's long, and it's good-looking too..." the little girl said with a little hesitation.

"Then if Xiao Jinli meets someone who is better at cooking than me, will he just go with him?" This little guy won't just run away with someone who is better at cooking, right?
(End of this chapter)

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