The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 67 The Long Legs of the Octopus is Coming

Chapter 67 The fish's long legs are coming back

However, the more irritating thing is yet to come.

The little girl looked left and right as if nothing had happened, and suddenly looked at Jiang Yi in a very magical way.

"Wow, Jiang Yi, when did you sit in the front?" The fish didn't notice.

Jiang Yi: Received a knowing blow from Fairy Jinli.

"I've been here all the time." He drove all the way, did the fairy see him only now? (╥﹏╥)
What was even more heart-wrenching was that Jiang Yi watched his husband turn the little girl's head back, and then opened his mouth unhappily.

"I don't like you looking at other men." His little koi could only look at him.

Some other man who is disliked: "..."

Okay, it's okay if he doesn't talk anymore, no one cares about him anyway. (╥﹏╥)
"Don't say that, Jiang Yi will be sad." How could he say that about his subordinates.

Jun. Indifferent face. Mobai: "Why can't you say that?" Does it matter to me whether he is hurt or not?Anyway, he's happy.

Someone coldly hugged the little girl and got out of the car and left.

Jin Li took Jun Mobai's big hand and followed him into the company.

Along the way, he greeted all the female employees very skillfully.

Jin Li: That's right, Yu has already gotten to know all the ladies and high-level executives in Junjun's company.

Jun Mobai looked expressionlessly at the employees who were greeting his little koi along the way.

Very good, I'll remember you all, and I'll transfer them all to the branch office later to see who else will grab the little koi from him.

Someone thought secretly.

As soon as she entered the office, Jin Li opened someone's drawer very familiarly, took out her snacks, set up the tablet, climbed onto the sofa with short legs and sat down.

Jun Mobai: Oh, this set of movements is quite skilled.

Seeing that the little girl settled herself down, Jun Mobai started to work with peace of mind.

However, for some reason, Jin Li always felt that she didn't have much energy today.

After sitting for a while, the little girl yawned.

"The fish wants to sleep."

Hearing the deep sleepiness in Jin Li's baby voice, Jun Mobai carried her into the lounge.

"Then sleep."

Jin Li pulled off the quilt to cover herself, and then really fell asleep.

Seeing that the little girl seemed really tired, Jun Mobai didn't bother her, and went out after closing the door.

And the little girl sleeping here frowned slightly, looking very uncomfortable.

"Jin Li." Tian Dao's voice came, and Jin Li realized that she seemed to be dragged into a dream by Tian Dao again.

"Brother, it's hard." The little girl threw herself into Tiandao's arms regardless.

It felt like being roasted by fire.

Tiandao patted the little girl on the head and hugged her up.

"Don't be afraid, Jin Li is just recovering."

The little girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really?" After so long, her long legs are finally coming back?
"Yes, and Jin Li's cultivation will also increase." With Jun Mobai's help, the little girl will not only recover, but her cultivation will also improve.

"Hahaha, that's great, the fish is about to recover." The little girl was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Well, if it wasn't for her brother still holding her, she really wanted to jump up immediately.

"Go, you should recover when you wake up." Tiandao put her down, and then patted her on the head again.

"Is brother leaving?" Jin Li pulled Tiandao with a face full of reluctance.

Seeing the little girl wrinkling her face and pulling him, Tiandao looked at her with a funny face.

(End of this chapter)

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