The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 77 Cartoon vs Jun Jun

Chapter 77 Cartoon vs Jun Jun
The little koi looked so stupid, where did it go again...

"Let's go, don't you really want to eat snacks?" Jun Mobai reluctantly pulled her away.

"I want to eat, I want to eat." As soon as he heard about the snacks, Jin Li obediently followed him away.

Jun Mobai: "..." Just like the greedy little koi carp, even if she is sold, she might be happy to count the money for others...

So bullying.

As soon as she entered the office, the little girl went to touch the drawer familiarly.

The little koi really is, all he wants to do is eat.

Jun Mobai looked at the little girl with a funny face.

The little girl was sitting on the sofa with a bottle of milk in her hand and a half straw in her mouth. There was a tablet in front of her, and she concentrated on watching cartoons.

Jun Mobai turned his head from time to time to look at the little one nestled on the sofa.


Well, very good, the little koi has no intention of talking to him at all.

The little girl was still concentrating on her cartoon, she didn't have the slightest intention of talking to someone, and she still had to let out a crisp laugh or two from time to time.

Jun Mobai: Sure enough, he was cute when he was a child, at least at that time he would cling to him in a childlike voice, call him Junjun, and ask him to hug him.

Now that benefit is gone. →_→

"The cartoon is good?" Finally, Jun Mobai couldn't help but leaned in front of the little girl.

Jinli nodded her head.

"It's beautiful."

"Better than me?"

The little girl looked at him suspiciously.

"Why do you want to compare who looks better than cartoons?"

Someone has a resentful expression.

"Because you haven't talked to me since you entered the office."

Jin Li: "Oh, then the cartoons are good."

Jun Mobai leaned in front of the little girl without giving up.

"I don't look good anymore?" Why do you only watch cartoons and not me?

Jin Li swung him away with a paw.

"What's so interesting about you." It hinders me from watching cartoons.

After being rejected by the little girl, Jun Mobai sat back at the desk in desperation.

Forget it, he still doesn't want to bother the little koi watching cartoons, otherwise what should she do if she ignores him later?
While watching the cartoon, the little girl slowly took out a blue gem, and then began to carve on it.

Well, this is the special transfer charm made by the little koi.

The kind that can take you from unlucky to very lucky.

While engraving, the little girl raised her head and glanced at the cartoon from time to time.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows.

Is the little koi starting to work?Then he has to speed up.

Although, the little girl is not short of money, but it's rare that she has something she wants to do, so of course he has to be satisfied.

Jinli: Isn't it easy for fish to make money?It would be nice to spend more than a dozen yuan a day to buy a lottery ticket.

Just as the two of them were busy with each other, there was a knock on the office door.

Yes, that's right, it's Jiang Yi.

Jun Mobai didn't even glance at his subordinates.

"You better have something important."

Jiang just won the grand prize and was very proud. He handed Jun Mobai a mobile phone.

Yun Chuan's trending search was definitely on the phone.

The guy posted a photo of himself with the little girl.

group photo?

Jun Mobai frowned slightly.

Speaking of it, he didn't seem to have taken a photo with the little girl.

Someone flipped through their phone.

Well, they are all photos of the little koi that he secretly took.

Cough, I can't watch it, or he should be intoxicated.

Heh, he hasn't even taken a photo with the little koi, so why is this guy ahead of him?

(End of this chapter)

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