The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 90 Immortals can't grow taller

Chapter 90 Immortals can't grow taller
The little girl couldn't help but giggled at him twice.

"Fish are really smart."

Someone continued to nod.

"Yes, very smart." Before Jinli could speak, he pulled him away.

"Jiang Yi should have brought the lunch here, let's go eat." Jun Mobai dragged him away involuntarily.

I can't let the little girl continue talking, otherwise she may have countless dreams.

As soon as she heard that the meal was served, the little girl's eyes lit up immediately.

"Did you eat?" Then she pulled Jun Mobai away with a backhand.

"Hurry up, eat, the fish is hungry." After talking for so long, the fish was already hungry.

After finishing lunch, Jin Li obediently went into the lounge to rest.

Junjun said that if she doesn't take a nap, she will not grow taller. She has to sleep well, go to bed early and get up early, so that she can have long legs.

But what Junjun didn't tell you is: the fairy's stature will never grow, and you will always be like this. →_→

In this way, the little girl was looking forward to when she would grow taller every day, until... the day she married Jun Mobai.

She... still hasn't grown taller. →_→

Jin Li: Yu is so mad, why did Yu believe your nonsense in the first place.

Jun Mobai watched the little girl fall asleep before slowly backing out.

The little girl was very naughty, he had to see her fall asleep with his own eyes to be at ease.

The little girl didn't sleep for a long time, and soon she woke up again.

Someone rushed to the lounge as soon as she woke up, stuffed her back into the bed, and gently patted her while coaxing her to sleep.

"Good, go to sleep."

The ignorant little girl gave Jun Mobai a blank look, then obediently closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The little girl looked very well-behaved when she was sleeping, Xiao Fen tightly clenched the edge of the quilt, a white and tender ball was nestled in the quilt, and her small mouth opened slightly unconsciously.

This little idiot really exudes cuteness even when he sleeps.

A certain person looked at the little girl sleeping soundly, and suddenly couldn't move her feet, and simply moved all the documents to the lounge for processing.

It wasn't until Jiang called him to a meeting that he reluctantly left.

While Jun Mobai was leaving, Jin Li also woke up.

"Who is the fish? Where is the fish? What are the fish doing?" questions were written all over the little girl's face.

"Why isn't Junjun messing with you?" the little girl's little milk voice muttered while reaching out to rub her eyes.

Jin Li put on her shoes and went straight to the meeting room.

Junjun must have gone to a meeting, she is going to find Junjun.

Standing at the door of the conference room, the little girl knocked on the door very politely, and then opened the door and went in.

As soon as everyone saw a small head poking out from the crack in the door, a soft and cute little bun's face appeared in front of everyone.

All the high-level executives: I was caught off guard and got blood all over my face.

Only Jun Mobai had helplessness written all over his face.

"Why are you here?" Don't continue to sleep?
"After waking up, they saw that you were not there, so they came here to provoke them." The little girl's small breasts were wronged, and she looked at someone pitifully with starry eyes.

Jun Mobai waved at her funny.

"Come here." Seeing the confused look on this little guy's face, he knew that the little koi must have not woken up.

Jin Li obediently sat down on the chair next to him.

Jun Mobai let the little girl's head rest on his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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