Chapter 95 Thunder
"Then it would be bad if I don't let you go?"

"How could Junjun not let me go?" Didn't he agree just now.

The little girl raised her two little hands excitedly.

"Yeah, the fish are free!"

Jun's expression gradually became dangerous.

"Why, is it not free to stay by my side?"

The little girl trembled all over, then glanced at him cautiously.

"No, it's not." The fish didn't dare to say, and the fish didn't dare to ask...

"What's that? Huh?" This little guy still doesn't feel free when he is by his side?I'm getting fatter.

Jin Li looked at him weakly.

"Isn't it too late for that fish to withdraw what he just said?"

Jun Mobai looked at her with a smile.

"Come on, no, it's time, it's over, what. What you say is like poured water, how can you take it back.

The little girl glanced at him quietly, and the little milk murmured.

"Then what do you want..." She didn't say that on purpose, she just said that, she was just too happy...

"Little koi kisses me, and I won't be angry." Someone said, and took the initiative to move his face closer.

Jin Li looked at him with some embarrassment.

"Really, do you really want to kiss?" She is no longer a child now, so she feels embarrassed to be so close to Junjun.

Jun Mobai looked at her amusedly.

"Didn't you kiss me just now?" Why are you embarrassed now?

"Well, I couldn't help it just now..." Now that she was asked to kiss at first, she was really a little embarrassed.

Jun was completely unmoved.

"Hurry up." I agreed to kiss, I just wanted to kiss, how could I go back on my word.

"Okay, okay." The little girl leaned over with a red face, and kissed someone quickly.

The little girl covered her face in embarrassment.

Really, shame to death...

Before someone could speak, a thick layer of dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky.

Jun Mobai: Suddenly, I have a bad feeling...

Sure enough, a series of thunderbolts struck around the villa.

The little girl looked at Jun, then out the window, and silently moved a few steps away.

Cough, brother Tiandao is angry, she should stay away from Junjun for the time being, otherwise, what if he hacks with her later...

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows, and looked at the little koi who sat silently away.

"What does Tiandao mean?" Don't think that if he doesn't speak, he doesn't know that this bastard Tiandao did something good.

This kind of thing that thunders at every turn is only done by him.

Jin Li looked at him hesitantly.

"Are you sure you want me to say it?" Saying it would offend Junjun.


"My brother said, if you get close to me again, I will chop you up."

"..." Sure enough, it was something that bastard would say.

Jun snorted coldly with disdain, and pulled the little koi back into his arms.

"So what if I'm close?" Hit him if you can.

The little girl looked at him weakly.

"Brother also said, let you be more reserved." She didn't dare to tell the truth, because Tiandao's original words were: show some face.

If she really dared to speak out, when Jun Jun returned to the God Realm, she would have to go directly to fight with her brother.

Someone directly bowed his head and kissed the little girl in his arms.

The thunder outside the window suddenly dissipated gradually.

Jin Li: "..." My brother, what kind of sao operation are you doing...

Jun Mobai hugged the little girl triumphantly.

Hmph, you still want to tease him by virtue of the will of heaven?
(End of this chapter)

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