Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 119 But in the bottom of my heart, she is also his most important person

Chapter 119 But in the bottom of my heart, she is also his most important person
"Hospital?" An Yexun was startled, "Is something wrong with Xueru?"

At this time, he could no longer bear it anymore. Although Xing Xueru was not going to be with her, in his heart, she was also his most important person.

"I told you, you'll know when you go." Xing Siyi replied with a deadpan expression.

This...Anye Xunqi frowned, and suddenly smiled, "If I leave, what if you do something bad to my sister?"

Facing An Ye Xunqi's words, Xing Siyi just glanced at him lightly, and said helplessly, "Do you think I will?"

"Xunqi, you can go first!" An Ye Xunman seemed to see something, if An Ye Xunqi didn't care about Xing Xueru, the expression on his face would not be so anxious.

Remember, she asked him before, who is his favorite person, An Ye Xunqi simply replied that he has a favorite person, but... can't be together.

Now that I think about it carefully, it may be because of her and Xing Siyi, so An Ye Xunqi does not allow herself to be with Xing Xueru. So selfish.

"Then sister, I'll come back after I go and have a look." After An Ye Xunqi finished speaking, she was about to leave.

An Ye Xunman just nodded, she didn't want An Ye Xunqi to just go and see, Xing Xueru liked Xunqi so much before, maybe the two of them...

As soon as An Ye Xunqi left, Xing Siyi walked around in front of her and asked, "Xunman, why did you suddenly come back to save me?"


An Yexun took a deep breath, and before he could answer, he felt his mouth was blocked by something, and looked down, only to find that Xing Siyi had already kissed him.

This kiss contained too much, everything in the past seven years seemed to be felt in this kiss.

It's just... "Xing Siyi, this is Mo Xuan's house!" Did he forget?Mo Xuan just left, how could Xing Siyi treat her like this.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xing Siyi had already let go of all the dignity of a man in front of Xingman, bowing his head and apologizing was nothing more than ordinary for him, "Xingman, I'm so excited, but seeing you Coming back for me and getting the block for me, I really couldn't help myself."

"Xunman, you still love me, right, Xunman?"

"Xing Siyi, in fact, I didn't hate you very much before, but at that time I felt that you were my enemy, but seven years have passed, and I have already thought clearly, and at that time, you really regarded me as an enemy. Qin Shiyi, if it were me, I think I would do the same..."

"So that's why..."

"No, but I don't love you either." An Yexun swallowed heavily, she was completely confused now, she didn't know whether she loved him or not, but she had no choice but to do so when she didn't think about it. answer him.

Xing Siyi sighed a little, looked up at her again, and said seriously: "Xunman, as long as I can be with you, I will be like Mo Xuan, waiting for you, no matter how long, I am willing, as long as, you are by my side."

An Ye Xunman's eyes were a little hollow, she would not let anyone wait for her, after this incident, she would not do that.

If Xing Siyi waited for her for another seven years, and then she thought it over, and after she came back, something like Mo Xuan happened again, wouldn't that be... another person let down?

"Well, Xing Siyi, give me three days, and I will think it through." An Yeqian blinked her eyes, and she caught a glimpse of An Yeli who was hiding upstairs. She chose to come back before, half of the reason It was because of An Yeli, moreover, An Yeli's biological father was originally Xing Siyi.

Now in her heart, it seems that there is only one purpose, which is to build a complete family for An Yeli.

"Okay, Xunman!" Xing Siyi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, his eyes were full of confidence. In the past three days, he will definitely make Anye Xunman fall in love with him.

At this time, An Ye Xunqi had already arrived at the hospital. He didn't know why Xing Xueru was hospitalized, but he thought she might be sick, so he bought fruits and flowers.

After wandering outside the ward for a while, An Ye Xunqi raised his hand and knocked on the door softly, there was silence, no one answered inside, Xing Xueru just closed his eyes, lying on the hospital bed, as if he didn't hear anything In desperation, An Ye Xunqi raised his hand again and put in more effort.

But inside, there is still no answer from anyone.

Gritting his teeth, An Ye Xunqi directly pushed open the door, saw the familiar figure deep in his memory, and walked forward involuntarily.

"Xueru?" He raised his lips and called softly.

I thought it would be my brother, but this voice was obviously the one I wanted to hear the most, but I didn't want to hear it. Xing Xueru's heart tightened, and her breathing became short of breath.

"Xueru, are you asleep?" An Yexun breathed a sigh of relief, put the things on the table, sat down by himself, pursed his lips and smiled slightly, "Since you are asleep, I'll just talk about it All right."

"It was your brother who told me you were here, Xueru, I know your feelings for me, but what your brother Xing Siyi did to my sister before, really made it impossible for me to accept you and go to the real I love you, but tell me the true feelings in my heart, I..."

At this moment, the door of the ward opened again, and a little nurse came in, wondering, "Sir, are you this lady's friend?"

"Well, I am!" An Ye Xunqi stood up and quickly responded.

"Oh, I'm going to give you an injection!" The little nurse nodded, took out the tools, and started to prepare.

An Yeqian hesitated for a moment, but still asked curiously: "What disease does she have, is it serious?"

The little nurse frowned, sighed suddenly, and said helplessly: "Actually, it's not really a disease. I'm depressed, so I have some depression, and my body has been weak all the time, and I don't accept cooperation, so I have been living in the hospital. .”

"Live here all the time?" An Yexun trembled, he didn't know how long he had been ignoring what he said.

"Yes!" The nurse nodded a few times indifferently, walked in front of Xing Xueru, took out her hand, and slapped her slowly, "I've been here since three years ago."

Three years...

It's been a long time.

After the nurse finished the injection, An Ye Xunqi sat back, sighed with heartache, slowly raised his eyes, looked at her, and said softly: "Why did you make yourself like this?"

It's not that he doesn't love her, it's just that he can't love her. Although he doesn't know why he can't, but when he thinks of Xing Siyi, he has to refuse.

Xing Xueru clenched her fists slowly, her eyes were moist and her nose was sore, she quietly narrowed her eyes and looked carefully at An Ye Xunqi.

She had missed this face for a long time, and hadn't seen it for a long time.

Suddenly, An Ye Xunqi stood up and walked outside, "Xueru, I'll come to see you again some other day."

At this moment, Xing Xueru suddenly opened her eyes, yes, she has stayed here for three years, sleeping all the time, just to forget the dark night.

But at this time, she didn't want him to leave, "Qichen..."


An Ye Xunqi stopped immediately, and looked back, only to see that Xing Xueru's eyes were open, the amber pupils were full of desolation, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Are you... awake?" An Yexun asked awkwardly after being stunned for a few seconds.

Xing Xueru nodded, and tried to sit up, because she had been lying down for so long, she felt struggling to move now, "I, have been awake all the time."

An Yeqian took a breath of cold air, but he was awake all the time?

Then he just said so much...

"Hehe!" An Yeqian scratched his head and walked over again, "I thought you were asleep."

"No, I just wanted to ask you a question, so I called you down!" Xing Xueru raised her eyes, but there was no brilliance in them.

"You ask." At this time, An Ye Xunqi was completely confused. In terms of feelings, he really didn't know much. If it was at work, it wouldn't be like this.

"What was your true feeling in your heart just now?"

Once, An Yeqian walked into her world and brought her sunshine and love. Later, he left without saying goodbye, and she went to look for him, but he didn't recognize her. Now, for him, she After living in this hospital for three years, she had paid too much for him. At this moment, she just wanted to know what his true feelings for her were.

An Ye Xunqi panicked a little, and after a long time he let out a deep breath, he could no longer deceive Xing Xueru, if he did, he really didn't know what Xing Xueru would do.

"My true feelings for you are... Actually, Xueru, I have always liked you." After saying this, An Ye Xunqi couldn't help lowering his head, his face flushed. To be honest, Xing Xueru was the first The girl who walked into his heart, maybe, he once thought she was not beautiful, maybe he was just using her when we first met, even, he never thought that he would fall in love with her, but it turned out that he was all wrong.

"You, what you said is true?" Suddenly, Xing Xueru became excited and stuttered a little.

An Ye Xunqi just nodded, this is indeed his true inner thoughts.

Immediately, two lines of hot tears flowed out. Xing Xueru stretched out her hand, quickly wiped them off, and asked hoarsely, "Then, why are you leaving? Why...don't tell me."


An Ye Xunqi helplessly opened the corners of his mouth, and showed a faint smile, "At the beginning, I only thought that you were my enemy. After all, your brother treated my sister..."

"Dark night Xunqi!" Before he could finish, Xing Xueru interrupted him, "Why do you think so? Have you ever thought about it, there is no so-called hatred between our two families, let alone our It's the enemy, and it's not like you don't know what happened, it's obviously Qin Shiyi who designed the conspiracy alone, and it's Qin Shiyi who caused all these consequences!"

(End of this chapter)

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