Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 24 Don't drink if you don't know how to drink!

Chapter 24 Don't drink if you don't know how to drink!
However, Qin Shiyi really wanted to see her sister, she wanted to know too many things, but she couldn't go out now, her sister suddenly appeared in front of Xing Siyi, almost killing herself.

Xing Siyi lay on the soft bed, and slowly closed his eyes. In his mind, the scene of seeing Qin Shiyi in the bar was still beating. At that time, the woman was wearing heavy makeup and wearing sexy clothes. In a red dress, cuddling with those strange men.

Thinking about it now, that was the Qin Shiyi he knew and understood, and the one at home...

Thinking about it, Xing Siyi suddenly sat up, picked up his mobile phone and made a call impatiently. Not long after, he heard an indistinct voice on the other side of the phone, "Hello! President Xing! You, what do you want from me?" Huh? Huh, don't make noise, I'm so sleepy, huh..."

"Loulan?" Xing Siyi called out uncertainly.

"I'm Loulan, what's the matter? If you have something to say, tell me quickly, it's so annoying to me every time! sleepy, um"

"..." In an instant, Xing Siyi hung up the phone, and then murmured coldly, "If you don't know how to drink, don't drink! It's as if someone forced you."

Sighing, Xing Siyi had no choice but to call Feng Luoli. Before he could speak, he rushed to the topic, "Investigate Qin Shiyi for me, immediately!"

"Now?" Feng Luoli obviously didn't wake up. He didn't wake up at first, but he was already tired after playing with them in the bar for so long today, and he drank some wine. Sleepy to death.

"Immediately!" Xing Siyi's voice was not loud, but commanded.

Feng Luoli frowned in embarrassment, and said, "Yi, why did you ask me to investigate her? Shouldn't Loulan help you if you want to investigate? Why is it my turn to do this kind of thing?"

Xing Siyi narrowed his eyes impatiently, exhaled angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you still want to hang out?"

"..." Silence, Feng Luoli didn't understand Xing Siyi's thoughts at first, but now, he couldn't understand even more, "Okay, okay, investigate."

"I wouldn't have let you investigate if it wasn't for Loulan's drinking unconsciousness!" Xing Siyi paused, and then continued: "I want Qin Shiyi's information from seven years ago to the present, but of course, the more the better. "

Feng Luoli nodded sleepily, and only now remembered that Loulan had indeed drank a lot today. She usually doesn't drink, so it's no wonder she didn't get drunk after drinking so much. However, Xing Siyi wanted that woman's information Why, could it be... "Yi, are you interested in that woman?"

"Interested?" Xing Siyi snorted coldly, "Since when have I been interested in women? I just suspect that the one at home is a fake."

"Fake?" Feng Luoli asked incredulously: "That is to say, you married the wrong person?"

Facing Feng Luoli's doubts, Xing Siyi directly ignored them, "I will see all the information about her tomorrow morning!" After speaking, Xing Siyi hung up the phone without hesitation.

For Feng Luoli, investigating a person's information can be done in a few minutes, so as soon as Xing Siyi hung up the phone, he fell asleep.

The next morning, Xing Siyi woke up early. In the living room, Qin Shiyi curled up and fell asleep on the sofa. He walked up to her and sat next to her. A face, not a person?But why do they look so similar?
(End of this chapter)

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