Chapter 37 Her Abnormal Behavior
"Yeah!" Linda came to her senses, nodded her head immediately, and reluctantly left.

Xing Siyi came home very late. At that time, Xing Xueru had already fallen asleep. Only Leng Lu was still busy in the living room. Seeing Xing Siyi coming back, Leng Lu immediately greeted him: "Hello, President Xing."

"En!" Xing Siyi responded, and was about to go upstairs. At this moment, he suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "Leng Lu, help me look after Qin Shiyi from now on."

"Ah?" Leng Lu looked confused, "Why?"

Xing Siyi was very patient this time, and explained slowly: "Because I trust you, you have been with me for so many years, and now, can I ask you to do me a favor? But, I want you for a day Watching her 24 hours a day, you have to write down everything she does and says.”

After finishing speaking, Xing Siyi paused, and quickly added: "Especially, it's her abnormal behavior."

Leng Lu twitched the corners of her mouth, still a little puzzled, but she didn't dare to ask. She watched Xing Siyi go upstairs and then disappeared before continuing with her actions.

As soon as he entered the door, Xing Siyi realized that Qin Shihan was sleeping soundly in his bed. He frowned, and instinctively looked behind him, not knowing who put her here.

Slowly walking to the edge of the bed and sitting down, Xing Siyi smiled at her for the first time, then couldn't help reaching out, stroking Qin Shihan's hair that had fallen down her cheek.

"Who are you?" He murmured to the sleeping Qin Shihan.

If this woman married him desperately for Qin Shiyi because she had a crush on him, then he really admired her. Before, she could bear the cruelty he did to this woman. Could it be just to stay by his side, but, that day, she clearly said that she wanted to divorce him.

What is her purpose of approaching him?

Xing Siyi withdrew his hand and sighed. He walked to the table and opened the upper drawer. There was a small black medicine box lying there. A medicine was poured out from it, and Xing Siyi stuffed it in just like that. Qin Shihan's mouth.

He didn't believe that a person would not tell the truth when he was in a coma and unconscious.

He, Xing Siyi, has never done this to a woman before. When Nangong Qi asked him to give the box to him, he still thought it was unnecessary. It seems that he just thought wrong.

After turning off the light, Xing Siyi lay beside Qin Shihan, and fell asleep lightly.

At two o'clock in the morning, he was suddenly woken up by murmurs from the side, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Qin Shihan huddled in a corner disheveled, seemingly unbearable.

Xing Siyi raised the corners of his mouth proudly, it seems that the aphrodisiac has already taken effect.

He got off the bed, lifted Qin Shihan's chin with his fingers, looked at her little red face, and asked, "Woman, who is the person you love?"

"I..." Qin Shihan's lips moved, and the impression in her mind told her that she loved everyone who was good to her, bit her lip, Qin Shihan frowned and looked at Xing Siyi, then shook her head fiercely , "I don't love you, I don't love you..."

How could she love this devil-like man?

"Don't love me?" Xing Siyi was obviously startled, and asked a little angrily, "Say, you don't love me, so why did you approach me? Also, who are you? What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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