Chapter 41 The red pill?
Leng Lu didn't hear the answer, picked up the phone and shouted: "Hey, President Xing, what are you doing? Are you listening to me? Uh, if it's okay, I'll hang up."

"Wait a moment!"

Responding in an instant, Xing Siyi ordered word by word: "Go and bring me the medicine in the medicine bottle, immediately!"

"Ah!" Leng Lu exclaimed, President Xing asked her to steal something?She Leng Lu had never done this before, and when she thought of stealing Qin Shihan's things, she felt very guilty towards her.

Originally, Xing Siyi made her feel guilty for letting her stare at her 24 hours a day.

She still wanted to say something, but the phone was hung up. Leng Lu sighed, and after a long hesitation, she walked to Qin Shihan's side. She just remembered that Qin Shihan stuffed the small medicine bottle into the sofa.

Because Xing Xueru had something to go out, Leng Lu quickly tricked Qin Shihan into the kitchen, saying that she would teach her a new cooking method. At first, Qin Shihan refused. Now, she really doesn't have the urge to learn to cook, but Leng Lu Lu chattered in her ear for a long time, and she had no choice but to agree.

After finishing the materials with great difficulty, Leng Lu briefly demonstrated in front of Qin Shihan, and then handed over the whole kitchen to Qin Shihan. While she was not paying attention, she came to the sofa, rummaged for a while, and finally found the little medicine. The bottle was turned over, and a grain was poured out of it, and stuffed into his pocket in a panic.

"Well, Shihan, I have something to go out, you do it first, I'll be back in 10 minutes!" Leng Lu ran to the door quickly, and before Qin Shihan could react, she had already left the gate of the villa.

"Cold..." Qin Shihan stopped before she could speak. She shook her head and sighed. She really didn't understand what happened to Leng Lu.

It always made her feel a little weird.

As soon as Leng Lu went out, she stopped a car, and in a short while, she arrived at Feiyi Group. She ran in in a panic, but was stopped by a woman.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The woman looked at Leng Lu with a smile and asked.

Leng Lu frowned helplessly, pointed at it and said, "I'm looking for President Xing."

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

"No, no..." Leng Lu was speechless for a while, didn't Xing Siyi let her come, why, now she couldn't even get in.

"I'm sorry, no..." Before the woman could finish her sentence, the mobile phone rang in her hand, she quickly connected it, and then called out in a nasty voice: "Ah, President Xing, what's the matter with you?" ?”

"Let her in."

"Huh?" The woman still couldn't react, but Xing Siyi was impatient, "I'll say it again, let the woman next to you come in!"

The woman's face turned pale immediately, then she opened her eyes wide and looked at Leng Lu, and said with the corners of her mouth twitching, "Well, you, you can go in."

"Oh!" Leng Lu nodded, and quickly ran towards the elevator.

And the woman behind her just looked at her back, then looked at the mobile phone in her hand, she was extremely envious, the girl just now was not very good, how could she know President Xing?Or is President Xing's sunshine just that bad?Could it be that he received a call from the new president, but it seemed that he was upset.

(End of this chapter)

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