Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 46 I'm sick, that's my medicine

Chapter 46 I'm sick, that's my medicine
She felt that today's Xing Siyi was so different from usual, she was a little shocked, and at the same time, a little scared, whether this was just a dream, and after waking up from the dream, she would still be tortured by Xing Siyi.

"Answer me!" Xing Siyi and others were impatient, and ordered with a heavier tone.

Qin Shihan buried her head even lower, and raised it after a long time, bit her lower lip in response, "En."

"Heh, since you don't think it's good to stay at home, go to work in my company tomorrow. It will save you from being bored. If you can't think about it, you will commit suicide by jumping off the building."

After saying this, Xing Siyi pointed to the large and small bags of clothes on the ground and walked upstairs, not giving Qin Shihan a chance to speak at all, as if she acquiesced to everything he said.

Qin Shihan watched him disappear, her expression froze.

"Heh, since you don't think it's good to stay at home, go to work in my company tomorrow. It will save you from being bored. If you can't think about it, you will commit suicide by jumping off the building."

Xing Siyi's words echoed in her ears over and over again, Qin Shihan shook her head vigorously, walked slowly to those bags containing clothes, and then stretched out her hand to open them, these clothes... Are they for her?
Or, it will be the same as before, it's all just fake, maybe it's another conspiracy by Xing Siyi.

"Sister Shiyi, what are you looking at?" When Qin Shihan was in a daze, Xueru pushed open the door of the room at some point, with a look of sleepy eyes, she pushed the wheelchair and quickly came to Qin Shihan, puzzled Said: "These clothes are so beautiful, wow, isn't this just designed by a famous foreign designer?"

Xing Xueru excitedly picked up one, looked it up and down, and then asked: "I seem to have heard my brother's voice just now, Sister Shiyi, did my brother buy these for you?"

"Ah?" Qin Shihan felt as if she had just woken up from a dream, her cheeks flushed suddenly, she shook her head in a panic, not knowing how to answer.

"Hehe!" Xing Xueru smiled, took the clothes and gestured on Qin Shihan's body, then pouted and said: "Look, these are about the same size, I must have bought them for you, Sister Shiyi, Oh yes, it shouldn't be called Sister Shiyi, it should be called sister-in-law."

Qin Shihan trembled all over, she frowned, "Xueru, don't do this." She knew that Xing Siyi couldn't be so kind to buy her clothes, there must be other purposes, after so many days, she seemed to understand this rule , as long as Xing Siyi treats her well, it will be close to darkness.

Qin Shihan pushed away those clothes, turned around and wanted to leave, but was held back by Xing Xueru, only to hear her explain anxiously, "Sister-in-law, you are already married, my brother, no matter what, he is your husband , can you forgive him for what he did before?"

As Xing Siyi's younger sister, Xing Xueru sincerely does not want her brother to be unhappy.

Qin Shihan looked at her and sighed. She didn't bother to explain, so she nodded her head copingly. How could Xing Siyi give her something to forgive so easily?

Only she knew in her heart what she had been tortured by Xing Siyi. Thinking about it, Qin Shihan felt a chill, and even thinking of that name would make her hair stand on end.

Xing Siyi did what he said. Early the next morning, he forcibly changed Qin Shihan's clothes, dragged her to the company, and said directly to Nangong Qi, "Arrange a job for her, it's a little easier!" He didn't know what Qin Shihan's specialty was. If she forgot everything before because of taking the amnesia pill, then she should have nothing to do now.

(End of this chapter)

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