Chapter 51 Conscience discovered?
She took the water glass with her cold hand, and felt a burst of warmth immediately.

Xing Siyi looked at the watch on his arm, sighed, and murmured, "It's really troublesome." Then, he pulled Qin Shihan and walked outside, "I'll take you back."

Outside the door, Nangong Qi heard the sound of the door opening and looked over instinctively, but she was still shocked when she saw the scene where Xing Siyi was pulling Qin Shihan.

The boss clearly hated this woman a few days ago, what happened these days?Conscience discovered?
"Retract your eyes, otherwise, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Sensing that Nangong Qi's gaze was fixed on him, Xing Siyi said to him coldly.

Immediately, Nangong Qi turned her head obediently, and now he felt that what his brother said was so reasonable, even if he was curious about how Xing Siyi would investigate Xing Siyi and follow Xing Siyi, so what if someone as difficult to deal with as Xing Siyi He can figure it out.

These days, oh no, since they took that woman, their boss has changed.

Sitting in the same elevator again, Qin Shihan's heart started beating violently again, she deliberately leaned into the corner, trying to hide away.

But Xing Siyi didn't seem to intend to do anything to her. Soon, the elevator arrived. With a ding dong, Qin Shihan really wanted to rush out immediately, but the door of the elevator didn't open for a long time.

She frowned and couldn't help being curious, "What's going on?"

"Oh, it's broken!" Xing Siyi responded lightly, seeming disapproving.

"Broken?" Qin Shihan exclaimed in surprise, and then murmured: "This is... the elevator, how could it break down so easily? Why don't you know how to fix it, should we call for help?"

She didn't want to stay with Xing Siyi, not even for a second.

Hearing Qin Shihan say so many words all at once, Xing Siyi felt a little annoyed, he raised his head and took a breath, then his eyes fell on Qin Shihan, "I'm here to fetch water for you, and I'm here to bring you back , I’m still locked here with you, I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait, do you know, I’m busy? Should you make it up to me?”


Qin Shihan felt that her heart was about to jump out, she swallowed, and immediately reacted, and bent down involuntarily, "Well, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate it!"

"Is there only thanks?" Xing Siyi asked with some disappointment.

Qin Shihan looked around for a while, and said with difficulty, "Hmm..."

Xing Siyi sighed, and didn't speak for a moment, but when Qin Shihan relaxed slightly, he leaned over suddenly, and said in a low voice, "But I don't think it's enough."

"You, don't..." Qin Shihan made a low voice, she wanted to push Xing Siyi's body away, but unexpectedly, one of Xing Siyi's hands had already clasped her two hands.

Qin Shihan's cup also fell down, making a "touch" sound.

She knew that it was impossible for Xing Siyi to send her back so well, but it was useless to regret it now, the only thing that surprised Qin Shihan was that Xing Siyi hadn't been beating, scolding or humiliating her recently.

Instead, it used another form to torture her.

She felt a chill on her back, Xing Siyi's hand got into her clothes at some point, Qin Shihan reflexively leaned forward, and it happened to fall into Xing Siyi's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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