Chapter 63 That Woman Hates Herself So Much

However, Nangong Qi didn't dare to say it after all, she smiled awkwardly, and said to Qin Shihan: "That... I won't eat here, bye."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Qi reached out to take something to eat from the plate and rushed out.

Xing Siyi didn't react for a while, but glared at Nangong Qi's figure that was getting further and further away, feeling an urge to kick him.

After Nangong Qi left, Xing Siyi sat back in his seat. He waved his hand with a smile, and said to Xing Xueru who was opposite him: "Xueru, go back to your room and eat."

"Huh?" Xing Xueru raised her head in doubt, looked at Xing Siyi, then at Qin Shihan, she seemed to understand something, nodded repeatedly, and couldn't help muttering happily: "Brother, really, having a sister-in-law think I'm in the way."

Qin Shihan watched Xing Xueru leave, and really wanted to call her to stop, after all, Qin Shihan was reluctant to be with the man beside him, God knows what that man was thinking, or what he would do.

When Xing Xueru's figure completely disappeared, Xing Siyi looked at Qin Shihan and asked provocatively, "How do you want to punish those who hurt you?"

Qin Shihan's hands were entangled. She really wanted to say that those who harmed her were hateful, but there was another person who was more hateful than those people, but she couldn't say it out.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Shihan said in a low voice, "I, I don't want to see them again." She knew that Xing Siyi could decide whether those people would go or not. For her own safety in the future, it was better to let them go, or Xing Siyi would Kindly let her go.

"Is that so?" Xing Siyi raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help reaching out to lift Qin Shihan's chin. He hated that when he was talking, other people's eyes were not looking at him. He wanted to see the timidity in Qin Shihan's eyes, maybe he had It was indeed cruel to her, completely treating her as a tool for venting and revenge, but at that time, after all, he didn't know the truth.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Qin Shihan nodded, stretched out her hand to push Xing Siyi's hand away, and it was not at all uncomfortable to be pinched by his chin.

"Okay, that's it!" Xing Siyi sat up straight, took a deep breath and picked out the phone from his pocket. He remembered that he should have Linda's phone in his hand.

"Hey, does President Xing want to ask me for anything?" Linda seemed very proud of receiving Xing Siyi's call, and her heart was pounding with excitement.

"Well, there are some things!" Xing Siyi glanced at Qin Shihan next to him, and said in a slow voice, "Look, how about you coming to my place? There are some things you must do."

"Huh?" Linda didn't understand what Xing Siyi meant for a moment, and thought he was asking her out, so she blushed and asked shyly, "President Xing, what do you want me to do?"

"Well!" Xing Siyi wanted to find an excuse, but after thinking about it, let's forget it, and said: "You will know when you come, see you in ten minutes."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the other side, Linda just bit her lower lip with a happy face, and complained happily, "What, 10 minutes, President Xing is too anxious."

Thinking about it, she had already started to pack her things.

Xing Siyi drank a glass of water, stood up and walked to the table, picked up a comb on it, returned to Qin Shihan, and slowly combed her messy hair.

After all, she also married him, how could she be allowed to meet people like a beggar.

"You, you..." Facing Xing Siyi's actions, Qin Shihan had already blushed, her palms were sweating, her whole body couldn't help trembling, and she couldn't say anything.

"What am I?"

Xing Siyi asked dissatisfiedly, "Do you think you look good like this?"

Qin Shihan lowered her head, she was really afraid of this person, she really felt that he could change his face faster than turning the pages of a book, obviously she could refute him very well, but she couldn't make a sound
What's wrong with her like this?
Isn't she like this because of him?
Xing Siyi had never combed a woman's hair before, not even Xing Xueru. After all, this was the first time he had done such a thing, so it was unavoidably clumsy.

In order not to hurt Qin Shihan, Xing Siyi combed very slowly, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled into a crescent arc, and his eyes as deep as amber were full of love at that time.

Once again he could not deny that the woman had won and he had lost.

For Qin Shihan, shouldn't she be enjoying such a scene?Is she full of admiration for Xing Siyi?But the truth is, she is very nervous, she is afraid, this is another kind of conspiracy to happen.

"Come on, go change your clothes, do you want to see someone later?" Xing Siyi lowered his hands, looked at his combed hair with satisfaction, and said.

Qin Shihan was taken aback, a little worried, she pursed her pink lips, and asked in confusion: "Who, who wants to come?" This man smiled like this, could it be... just like last time, pushing her away? to someone else?

The more Qin Shihan thought about it, the more nervous she became. She backed away in a panic, with tears in her eyes, and shouted: "Bad guy, devil, pervert, don't get close to me! Don't even think about it!"

In an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped to the extreme. The smile on Xing Siyi's face disappeared instantly at that moment, and then it was replaced by black lines all over his face. Hurry up and change it! Otherwise, I will punish you before it's too late."

There is no way, to deal with this woman, it seems that it is more useful to use persecution.

Qin Shihan's heart skipped a beat, did she guess right again, but she knew the consequences of refusing, hesitated for a while, Qin Shihan gritted her teeth and went back to the room, picked up a decent looking dress and put it on herself, walked away When she reached the door, she stopped, shook her head fiercely, and said to herself: "Don't think about it, don't think about it..."

Just when she was about to go down the stairs, the door of the villa was suddenly pushed open. For a moment, Qin Shihan stopped again, looking at the door curiously and fearfully.

"President Xing, why are you looking for me?" Linda was beaming, she was wearing a thin gauze skirt, her big eyes sparkled, her pink lips, fair face, she knew how to dress After a long time, I am afraid that men will be a little excited when they see it.

"Yeah!" Xing Siyi still smiled lightly, that smile was full of playfulness, cynicism and disapproval, he lay down on the sofa with his whole body, then hooked his fingers and said, "Come here."

"Huh?" Linda looked at Xing Siyi in surprise and joy. At this time, she was already in a state of dissatisfaction. She was completely unaware of Qin Shihan who was looking at her on the stairs. She just thought that the legendary person who was not close to women The president of Xingda has been deeply fascinated by her.

For a while, Linda said in a coquettish and complaining voice, "President Xing, are you in a hurry?"

Xing Siyi frowned, a little displeased, he looked at Linda again, and still couldn't help snorting, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just want you to watch something with me."

"Oh, that's it!" Linda realized that she had said something wrong, and immediately lowered her head, but she said to herself in her heart: Xing Siyi, just pretend, hum, sooner or later you will belong to this lady.

Thinking about it, she had already reached Xing Siyi's side, and even sneaked closer to him. Xing Siyi only felt a burst of irritation in his nasal cavity. Before Linda came, she didn't know how much perfume she had sprayed.

He stretched out his hand, turned on the remote control, and soon, the video was played in front of Linda...

"This... This is fake...President Xing, someone wants to harm me. I, I have never harmed Qin Shiyi...President Xing, trust me."

What Linda said next was almost crying. She looked at Xing Siyi innocently, her heart beating out of proportion.

"This is your explanation?" Xing Siyi suddenly became serious, and when he narrowed his eyes, a cold light came out, staring at Linda uncomfortable.

At this time, Linda didn't dare to look at Xing Siyi's beautiful eyes anymore. She got up from the sofa, took a few steps back, stared at the floor and continued: "What I said is true, if you don't believe it, you can ask me Cousin."


Xing Siyi was even more dissatisfied. He stepped forward angrily, and slapped her with all his strength. Immediately, blood gushed out of Linda's mouth, but she didn't dare to say anything, and could only pretend to be innocent. Looking at Xing Siyi's stern face.

"How dare you mention Loulan after doing such a thing yourself? I really want to know, how could Loulan have a cousin like you?"

Xing Siyi's words entered Linda's ears word by word, and at the same time, they also entered into Qin Shihan's ears. She just misunderstood Xing Siyi, and that man would really avenge her. The applause just now woke her up. Looking at such a picture now, it is clearly close at hand, yet out of reach.

Qin Shihan really wanted to say thank you to him, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back. After all, why did she say thank you to him?Didn't all of this happen because of him?He has such a cruel employee under his command, he should have punished him well.

So, Qin Shihan stood there, ready to watch quietly.

Linda's face was burning hot, two horizontal tears welled up, but she still persisted, stepped forward and grabbed Xing Siyi's arm, smiled forcedly and continued: "President Xing, you really misunderstood me, I didn't do this Things, as for, as for these videos, they must be fake, President Xing, you..."

"Enough!" Xing Siyi almost growled. He shook off her hand angrily, went to the table, picked up a dagger and plunged it into Linda's body. But the knife was very light, at most It will only hurt, not die.

(End of this chapter)

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