Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 77 You, You Must Be Calm After Listening 1

Chapter 77 You, You Must Be Calm After Listening
How could Xing Siyi, who just came back from the outside, not guess this point, if Qin Shihan jumped out of the window, he would definitely see her, but in fact, he didn't see her, or, it's this time, if Qin Shihan jumped out, He must die without a doubt, then someone will definitely inform him, but...

"She escaped!" Xing Siyi said indifferently, and suddenly looked at Nangong Jie, "Since you lost her, it's up to you to find her back, and you can't resume work until you find her."

"Oh!" Nangong Jie nodded helplessly. Didn't Xing Siyi's words mean that he was temporarily suspended?

Shaking his head, Nangong Jie was about to leave, when he remembered a very important good thing, he couldn't help but come back and ask, "But where should I find it?"

Didn't he say that when Qin Shihan ran away, he didn't see it at all, so how could he find it?
"Surveillance!" Xing Siyi was sure that if Qin Shihan hadn't jumped out of the window and left, then she would definitely be found in the surveillance of the entire company.

Nangong Jie nodded, he must have been frightened, otherwise how could he not have thought of this?

"Shihan, Shihan..."

Mo Xuan sighed, looking at the sleeping woman next to him, no matter how much he called her, she probably wouldn't remember him.

"What is it because of? How have you been hurt in the past seven years?" Mo Xuan muttered, and suddenly clenched his fists, "Shihan, no matter what happened in the past, whether you still remember me or not, from now on From the beginning, I will protect you well and will not let you suffer any harm."

His eyes were full of determination. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, carried Qin Shihan out of the car, and walked slowly towards the gate of the villa.

"Mo Shao."

"Mo Shao."

When the maids saw him, they backed away one after another, their faces were full of incredible expressions, their Master Mo said, "Why don't Miss Lin An bring back a sleeping woman?"
Mo Xuan didn't look at them, and went directly into the house. The old lady was sitting on a chair alone, watching the fish swimming in the water. When she heard footsteps, she raised her head quickly, and her face darkened.

"Mo Xuan, I think I..."

Before the old lady finished speaking, Mo Xuan interrupted her directly, "She is the woman I like, and I don't want anyone else except her!"

Those words sounded sonorous and forceful, full of power, the fish in the water were so frightened that they swam around, the old grandma's black face became even darker, and she was deeply angry, "Mo Xuan, what nonsense are you talking about?" What? Even if you turned down the engagement banquet, so what? Lin An, she is already your wife!"

"That's just grandma's personal idea!" Mo Xuan replied indifferently, he never wanted to quarrel with grandma, but he owed Shihan too much, he couldn't forget that Shihan married another woman, and it was not him who talked back to grandma willing.

"You, you!" The old grandma almost fainted from anger, she frowned, and had to be convinced by Mo Xuan. Originally, the child seemed to have repented a little, so she let him go out. Unexpectedly, she brought back a woman now. What is your favourite? "Then let me ask you, what are you going to do with Lin An?"

There is no way, the current society is like this, even if Lin An loves Mo Xuan to death, but if Mo Xuan doesn't love her, even if he is beaten to death, there is no way to change his mind.

"I'll tell her that I don't love her!" After Mo Xuan said this, he was about to go upstairs. The old lady looked at him, hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.


Looking at the fish in the water, the old grandma sighed fiercely, her wrinkled face twisted together, "Grandma!" Suddenly, Lin An came out from the corner, and shouted with moist eyes, what did she just say? She could hear everything clearly, she never expected that Mo Xuan would be so decisive.

It seems that he must not care about her feelings.

"Lin An, since you've heard it all, I can't help it. I thought Mo Xuan would slowly accept you, but look, now he has brought that woman back, and..." The old lady paused, Seemingly a little helpless, he said after a long time: "And that woman is still asleep, who knows what they did?"

Lin An naturally understood the meaning of these words. She took a deep breath, clenched her hands quietly, suppressing the trembling, and said, "Grandma, I'll be leaving in a few days."

Originally, Lin An didn't have such a strong desire to harm Qin Shihan, but things have come to this...

"If this is the case, Lin An, you can leave, maybe you really have no destiny in this life!" The old lady nodded and looked away.

In fact, she doesn't care anymore. Although she likes Lin An more, she just wants to hold her grandson. Since Lin An can't do it, she doesn't mind other women, as long as she is obedient and well-behaved, she can still accept it.

"En!" Lin An nodded, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and left.

In the room, just as Mo Xuan put Qin Shihan on the bed and covered her with the quilt, she heard her soft voice, "Mo Xuan, where is this?"

Mo Xuan froze for a moment, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "This is my home."

Only then did Qin Shihan look around, seeing that she was in a completely unfamiliar environment, she stretched out her hand slightly, Qin Shihan sat up, sighed and said, "Thank you, Mo Xuan."

"It's okay!" Although he didn't like these three words, Mo Xuan still said it out. In the past, he and Shihan were so good, they were like family members, and they were never so restrained.

But now he had to get used to it.

"Shihan, you haven't told me yet, why did you suddenly come out of Feiyi Group?" Mo Xuan never thought that there was anyone in this world who would love Shihan more than him, even if Xing Siyi appeared that day , can't change his mind.

As soon as the previous incident was mentioned, Qin Shihan felt a headache and frowned. Qin Shihan said helplessly: "Don't ask, okay? I don't want to say anything at all."

Mo Xuan was silent for a while, nodded, walked out of the room suddenly, and came back after a long time, still holding a big plate, "Shihan, you must be hungry, should you eat something?"

Qin Shihan nodded, showing no humility, she was indeed hungry, if Mo Xuan didn't tell her, she would really be ashamed to ask him for it.

After eating enough, Qin Shihan finally had some strength. Sitting up from the bed, Qin Shihan looked around and suddenly asked, "Mo Xuan, do you want to wash your clothes?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mo Xuan frowned in confusion.

Qin Shihan bit her lower lip, hesitated for a while before saying: "I just think, you are so kind to me, I have to do something for you? It's just... I don't know how to do too many things, but I can still do laundry .”

"Haha!" Mo Xuan laughed suddenly, even though Qin Shihan didn't remember him, her heart was still the same as before, she always felt the urge to laugh, which made him feel kind, "Shihan , you just rest, do the laundry or something, there are servants to do it."


Qin Shihan pointed at herself, "I don't have anything to do now, look, if you don't let me do it, I always feel uneasy, what should I do?"

Mo Xuan was completely defeated. He shook his head, sighed and said, "Okay, I can do the laundry, but for safety, I have to watch you do it, which can be regarded as supervising you."


Qin Shihan smiled and nodded. She doesn't want to go back to Xing Siyi's place now, and she hasn't thought about what to do next. An outsider like her will definitely be disgusted if she stays at Mo Xuan's house, so she can only do something for them. She felt at ease.

In the huge room, Qin Shihan threw the clothes into the washing machine. Only now did she realize that this job is not easy to do. Some clothes can be solved with a washing machine, but some clothes are made of such good materials that using a washing machine may damage the material , can only be washed by hand, and can not use too much force.

Rolling up her sleeves, Qin Shihan squatted down, and must pay off the debts she owed to others, otherwise she would only owe more and more.

"Boom boom boom!"

The washing machine made a sound, and the grandmother walked over suspiciously. Isn't this room Mo Xuan's laundry room?Usually there are no servants inside, why is it so noisy today?
When they reached the door, they found that a girl in a pink dress was squatting on the ground, washing the clothes in her hands seriously, while Mo Xuan was standing there watching.

"You, what are you?" The old woman finally asked in confusion.

Mo Xuan looked back at her, frowned and didn't know what to say. At this time, Qin Shihan also turned his head and smiled slightly: "Grandma, do you have any clothes to wash? May I help you?"

The old grandma suddenly widened her eyes curiously, pointed at herself and said, "Do you want to help me do my laundry?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Shihan twitched her lips, "Although I don't know who you are, washing clothes is still very simple for me. You are so old, you should rest more."

"Hehe!" The old lady was so teased that she giggled, laughed, looked at Mo Xuan, winked and said: "You boy, you should also watch the girl's laundry, go out, don't come in!"

"Me!" Mo Xuan wanted to say something, but he swallowed it before he could get out. Qin Shihan would marry her sooner or later, and she would have to face her grandma sooner or later.

"Alright then, Shihan, talk to grandma." After speaking, he walked outside.

"Grandma..." Qin Shihan murmured, looked at the old grandma with even more admiration, and couldn't help but said: "Grandma, you are really lucky. Having such a good grandson, he must hurt you very much, right?"

"Does it hurt me?" The old lady pointed at herself, and shook her head helplessly, "That kid, obviously gave you all the pampering, okay?"

"Grandma, don't say that!" Qin Shihan frowned, and said depressedly, she didn't remember Mo Xuan, even though he said they were friends and lovers a long time ago, but that was what he said alone after all.

(End of this chapter)

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