Chapter 84 Robbed?
If there was really that kind of robbery by someone who didn't want to die, then he should have received a threatening phone call, but he didn't. In other words, those who robbed her were either her friends or friends with her. There are people with deep hatred.

"Have been robbed?"

Mo Xuan froze for a moment, at this time, he didn't bother to care about what Xing Siyi did to him, so he took out his phone from his pocket in a panic, and Mo Xuan called.


There was a busy tone on the phone, Mo Xuan gritted his teeth and hung up the phone, Lin An, it really was Lin An, he knew, with Lin An's personality, it was not so easy to leave.

No wonder, she had to borrow the car from her so many days.

Glancing at Xing Siyi, Mo Xuan breathed out, and said lightly, "I know she's there!" After speaking, he walked outside.

Xing Siyi hesitated for a moment, the situation is really confusing now, he has no clue about Qin Shihan, if he wants to find her as soon as possible, he can only follow Mo Xuan.

"This child!" Father Mo shook his head helplessly, and said in a tone of hatred: "I know that I care about women, and I won't take revenge when I was bullied like that by Xing Siyi."

Mother Mo shook her head, feeling a little helpless, "Okay, even if Mo Xuan can take revenge?"

Yes, their Mo family, although they can be regarded as a big company at the top, is still a bit weaker than Xing Siyi. What's more, Xing Siyi built that company with his own efforts, but they spent several generations His strength, although it took a long time, he just couldn't surpass Xing Siyi.

Mo Xuan drove out of a car in a hurry, and drove out without waiting for Xing Siyi behind him to catch up. You must know that time is more precious now than ever. If Qin Shihan is really in Lin An's hands, then she will be in danger Now, Lin An might do something.

Thinking of this, Mo Xuan slammed the steering wheel hard, Shi Han must have nothing to do, absolutely nothing to do!


The first piece of clothing was torn off by Xiao Wei. He looked at her trembling evilly, his eyes were full of greed, he raised her chin in disdain, and said coldly: "Shihan, what a pity, you still Not with Mo Xuan, tell me, how would he feel if he knew you were in my hands now?"

Haha, thinking of Mo Xuan's appearance, Xiao Wei felt amused. As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Although he couldn't find Mo Xuan, he was able to eat his favorite woman, wouldn't it be equally cool? ?

"You, you..." The words came to her lips, but Qin Shihan didn't know what to say. Even though she and Mo Xuan were very close, it was in the past after all. Now she can't remember everything, so naturally she can't say anything about him Gritting her teeth, Qin Shihan felt a little helpless, "I don't know, I don't know what kind of deep hatred you and Mo Xuan have, but now that I have left him, please, please let me go?"

"Let you go?" Xiao Wei raised his eyebrows triumphantly, then shook his head and snorted coldly: "You know? Even if you have nothing to do with Mo Xuan, but for a man, a woman who is given to him for nothing, isn't that Are you stupid? Well, don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will treat you well."

If Qin Shihan was given strength, she would definitely beat the man in front of her into half!
However, the problem is that she doesn't have that much power..."Don't do that, it's a crime, you're not afraid, aren't you afraid that the police will catch you?"

"Police?" Xiao Wei's face darkened all of a sudden, he was not afraid of the police, what he wanted was to take revenge on them, he stretched out his big hand again, and ruthlessly tore off Qin Shihan's clothes, then looked at her fair skin Skin laughed loudly, "Haha, you better leave them alone."

Suddenly, that bastard's face approached, Qin Shihan frowned unbearably, her hands and feet were tied, she couldn't deal with him at all, just when Xiao Wei wanted to kiss her, Qin Shihan vomited without thinking Drooling all over his face.

"Bastard, stay away from me!" Qin Shihan shouted with amplified voice.

Stretching out her hand to touch her face, Xiao Wei was already in a panic. She was such a ignorant woman. She stretched out her hand and slapped her on the face. Before she could react, another slap came towards her...

Her face was in burning pain. At this moment, Qin Shihan only hoped that someone could save her, even if it was... Xing Siyi.

Seeing Qin Shihan gradually becoming obedient, Xiao Wei took a few hard breaths, picked her up from the chair, and walked straight towards the bed inside.

Throwing her down fiercely, Xiao Wei also pushed her down, and deftly inserted one hand into her clothes.

Qin Shihan's whole body trembled, and she instinctively stretched out her hand to push the person on her body away, but he was too heavy and her strength was too weak.

Just when the man's lips struck again, suddenly, a kick on the door stopped him.

"Oh shit!"

Xiao Wei cursed angrily, and moved away from Qin Shihan's body. As soon as he turned to leave, he felt his neck tighten and his breathing became difficult.

I saw a man glaring at him, pinching his neck with his fingers.

"You, you are..."

Xiao Wei could clearly feel the strength of that person. Now, he could almost utter a complete sentence, and he even felt as if he was about to suffocate.

Mo Xuan didn't speak, he didn't bother to pay attention to this person at all, but shifted his worried eyes to Qin Shihan's body, shook off the man in his hand vigorously, Mo Xuan walked over, and hugged Qin Shihan tightly in his arms.

"Mo Xuan..." Qin Shihan just wanted to find someone to confide in the grievances and abuses she had suffered, and flung herself into Mo Xuan's broad and warm arms, Qin Shihan whispered: "Why, do they hate me so much?"

"No!" Mo Xuan hugged her lovingly, "No one will dare to hate you anymore."

Because Mo Xuan never spared those who hurt her, and he wanted them to suffer the consequences.

At this moment, Xing Siyi pushed the door open and entered. Seeing the two hugging together, he couldn't help but frowned, and said with a dark face: "Mr. Mo, please respect yourself!"

Mo Xuan's heart tightened, his hands trembled involuntarily, that's right, now Shihan is Xing Siyi's wife, it's really inappropriate for him to hug her like this, but he just wants to hug her and comfort her.

Gathering his mind, Mo Xuan looked at Xing Siyi indifferently, and said dissatisfied: "You let her suffer such harm, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh?" Xing Siyi shrugged helplessly, and suddenly coughed a few times. At this time, Nangong Qi came in from the door, dragging a confused woman in her hand.


When he first came here, because he was too anxious, Mo Xuan didn't notice Lin An's figure, and thought that Shi Han's robbery had nothing to do with her, but now he couldn't help worrying... "Lin, Lin An..."

"Oh, you really know her!" Xing Siyi raised his head arrogantly, and said with some pride: "Let me tell you, why did this woman see you running away just now?"


Reluctant to let go of Qin Shihan, Mo Xuan walked up to Lin An, raised her chin, and asked in confusion, "Lin An, did you really do it?"

Lin An was beaten up at first glance, and the person who beat her was either Xing Siyi or Nangong Qi, although there was no difference between the two.Hearing Mo Xuan's familiar voice, Lin An weakly opened his eyes, no matter what he asked just now, he just begged sadly: "Mo Xuan, I love you so much, why, why... you took me Well? Marry me, marry me, Qin Shihan won't be with you anymore, she, she's already with Xiao Wei..."

Maybe he was knocked out, but what Lin An said now is all messed up and gibberish.

With a cold snort, Xing Siyi ignored the two of them, walked straight up to Qin Shihan, narrowed his eyes and observed her, well, the top part of the clothes was gone, but the bottom part was still there.

It seems they came just in time.

Looking away, Xing Siyi's cold eyes met Xiao Wei who was lying on the ground in pain, a woman who dared to touch him is crazy!court death!
Walking a few steps in front of the man, Xing Siyi didn't even think about it, picked up a fruit knife on the table, and stabbed him in the thigh. Then, he slashed the knife in his hand fiercely, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

At this moment, Xiao Wei realized that the man in front of him was the terrifying Xing Siyi, and couldn't help but tremble, "President Xing, let me go, I didn't want to do this, yes, it's Lin An, it's Lin An!"

Xing Siyi sneered in disgust, and pulled out the knife in his hand, "As a man, it's really shameful to blame a woman for doing something wrong. You might as well be dead if you're alive!"

"no no……"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Qin Shihan only felt a headache, very chaotic, the smell of blood spread in the air, the smell of tears was salty and bitter, hatred, more like a demon, entangled her.

Why, did she have to go through this?

Holding her head, Qin Shihan huddled together and shivered.

Xing Siyi didn't care about anything else, and the knife in his hand stabbed the man's body again. This time, he was killed by one blow. He watched the man close his hands before standing up.

Walking gracefully in front of Mo Xuan, Xing Siyi said indifferently: "Look, this place was accidentally messed up by you, so please trouble Boss Mo to clean it up."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a tissue, wiped his hands, and then walked in front of Qin Shihan, staring at her for a while helplessly and distressed, then suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly into his arms, "Shihan, how are you doing?"

Qin Shihan seldom heard Xing Siyi talk to her softly. This man sometimes treats his family members coldly, so it's really unaccustomed to do this suddenly. Quick, when I saw the pool of blood on the ground again, my whole body shivered even more.

very scary!
Terrible to the point of cold hands and feet, terrible to the point of tongue-knot.

Even though Xing Siyi was the one she hated so much, at this moment, she no longer had the strength to hate. She just hoped that there was someone to comfort her and not let herself face such a thing alone.

(End of this chapter)

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