Chapter 88 Did You Drug Your Wine?
As she spoke, she raised the wine glass on the side, took out his favorite red wine, poured it in, and handed it to him, smiling reluctantly, "It's been so long, don't tell me, you don't even drink with me I don't want to either."

Xing Siyi took a breath, and reached out to take the wine glass. Miaofei has changed a lot now. Xing Siyi still remembered that she didn't drink much, and she was shy and shy. What changes is not, "How are you doing now? What are you doing?"

Miao Fei lowered her head, a little ashamed, she left at the beginning, saying that she would develop well, but now, she is just a manager in the company, "It's okay, Yi, let's have a toast first."

As she spoke, she touched the wine glass in her hand to Xing Siyi's.

If Xing Siyi looked up at Miaofei's face carefully at this time, he might be able to spot the subtle expression, but unfortunately he didn't, but raised his head and drank the glass of wine.

Miao Fei showed an apologetic smile, and secretly said in her heart: Yi, I'm sorry, no matter how much you love that woman, but I came back this time with only one purpose.

Although she had learned that Xing Siyi was the president of Flying Wing Group, she hadn't come back for a long time. The reason was that she also wanted to make a achievement, so that seeing him would give her a sense of accomplishment.

Unexpectedly, because of that, she missed the chance to be with him.

Didn't I dedicate my body to him seven years ago?At that time, Xing Siyi obviously had some love for him, but because of the situation at that time, he didn't say it out.

But why is it like this now?

After a while, Xing Siyi realized that something was wrong. He could get drunk when he drank alcohol, but he definitely wouldn't get drunk so quickly. Besides, he only had one drink, okay?

Squinting his eyes, Xing Siyi's body was already shaking a little. He stared at the blushing Miao Fei in confusion, and asked in confusion, "You, you put medicine in the wine?"

Miao Fei buried her head even lower, she no longer dared to look into Xing Siyi's eyes, she just stretched out her hand to support him when he was about to faint.

Stumbling around the crowd all the way, Miaofei kept gnashing her teeth, her gaze kept staring ahead, and she could only apologize deeply in her heart: I'm sorry, Yi, I love you, I have to separate you, I have to... ...I want you to play a play with me.

I don't know if God is helping her on purpose, but as soon as she walked to the door of Xing Siyi's company, she saw Qin Shihan and Qichen standing outside the door talking.

Miaofei twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, walked carefully through the back door, and arrived at the room one step ahead of Qin Shihan. She was worried about something at first, but after thinking about it carefully, this might be the only chance. She gritted her teeth and helped Xing Siyi into the room. Lie down on the bed and quickly take off his clothes.

Then, the scene just happened.

Qin Shihan went down the stairs, rushed out of the gate, and ran around without direction. Her heart was so chaotic, and her mind was even more chaotic. Qin Shihan could only keep telling herself that she had let go.

"Shihan!" At this moment, Qichen rushed out. He said he would protect her, and naturally he would, but seeing her pale face, he couldn't help but worry.

Qin Shihan, who was running ahead, almost fell over, Shihan?Poetry?Why does this name make her feel strange?Even if Xing Siyi named it for herself, what was her previous name?Why, why is there always something rushing out of my mind?
Unable to clenched her hands into fists, Qin Shihan squatted down suddenly, her head hurt so much, obviously something came to her heart, but she just couldn't say it, was it a memory she had forgotten?
She closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes were already in a trance. She vaguely saw a little girl standing on the street, crying and crying, her eyes eagerly looking for her family, but for a long, long time, no one came to her. ...

The nose suddenly became sore, and for some reason, there was a sudden urge to cry.

"Shihan? You..." Qichen looked at her red eye circles, feeling helpless and worried, he was not very good at coaxing women, and he didn't want to see a woman crying in front of him.

Qin Shihan quickly stopped her tears, and forced a smile. If Qichen was not around, she would definitely cry hard, venting all the grievances she had suffered, but Qichen is a student, and she is obviously his Sister, a sister crying in front of her brother, how embarrassing is that, isn't it?
Standing up, taking a breath, Qin Shihan patted the wrinkled clothes and said, "I'm fine, it's just a dream."

"Dream?" Qichen obviously didn't believe this sentence, you know, ordinary people dream, if it's a nightmare, they might be frightened and cry, but running here from the company building in fright, isn't it a little exaggerated?
Twitching the corner of his mouth, Qichen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then shall I take you back?"

go back?Qin Shihan narrowed her eyes, why did she want to go back?Wouldn't she spoil that man's good deed by going back?

"Forget it, I want to stay here for a while!" After speaking, Qin Shihan walked to the side of the road, sat down without thinking, and asked, "What about you? Do you want to sit down?"

Qichen hesitated, walked over, always felt a little weird, just opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Qin Shihan, "Okay, don't ask me anything, how about it, let me tell you Tell me about the dream I had."

"Okay!" Nodding, Qichen sat next to her.

Qin Shihan glanced at the sky, and said slowly: "What I had was not a nightmare, I just saw a little girl crying on the street, she seemed to be lost with her family, I wanted to help her, but... It was a dream after all!" Oh, to be precise, it wasn't a dream at all, it was just a scene she saw in a trance, as for why she wanted to tell Qichen, it was just to interrupt him Just ask questions.

Qichen on the side suddenly narrowed his eyes, his face became serious, Meng?Did this dream really make him feel familiar?Once, he also had such a dream.

"Ahem!" Clearing his throat, Qichen looked at Qin Shihan, in the vague blackness, her frail face was somewhat similar to his.

Resisting the suspicion in his heart, Qichen pretended to be calm and asked, "Shihan, is what you said just now really a dream?"

Glancing at Qichen suspiciously, Qin Shihan frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Yes, of course!" She had almost forgotten that feeling of trance, even if it wasn't a dream, but in her opinion, it was almost the same.

The black eyes suddenly became lost, Qichen sighed secretly, and asked again stubbornly, "Is it really a dream? Or, do you often have such dreams?
Qin Shihan was a little helpless when asked, and at the same time a little embarrassed, she seemed to be in a difficult position now, why, she didn't understand, why did Qichen have to care about what she said just now?

"No, not often!" After answering with a stiff nod, Qin Shihan stood up, and just as she was about to leave, Qichen pulled her straight, "Where are you going?"

where to go?
Qin Shihan doesn't know where to go now, it's like she has a family and dare not go back. It's someone else who did something wrong, but let her bear the consequences, sighed, lowered her eyes slowly, and said unwillingly : "I'll just sit here, Qichen, you should go back first."

Although she really doesn't want to be alone, even though she really doesn't want to rush Qichen away, but Qichen has nothing to do with this matter after all, she can't still hold Qichen to keep him from sleeping so late.

With a slight smile, Qi Chen slowly said: "I will accompany you, don't forget, I am your bodyguard, and I am responsible for your safety."

On the one hand, he really wanted to protect her safety, on the other hand...he wanted to observe Qin Shihan carefully.

You know, what Qin Shihan said just now is very similar to the scene in the past. He accidentally lost his sister on the street.

At that time, my sister was just an ordinary little girl, so of course she would cry.

Just after recovering, I saw Qin Shihan embracing each other, trembling non-stop. Also, it's the middle of the night, a girl must not be able to stand the cold, frowned, Qichen took off his coat , covered Qin Shihan's body, and then squatted beside her, letting her head rest on him.

The pupils dilated suddenly, Qin Shihan's face turned red slightly, I really didn't see that this Qichen was usually cold and indifferent, but at this time he actually knew how to care about girls.

Sighing, Qin Shihan closed her eyes. At this moment, she really needed a shoulder to lean on, even if it was a strange shoulder.

In the distance, the man stood there panting, glaring at the two people not far away. In fact, not long after Qin Shihan left, Xing Siyi really wanted to chase her, but his body was weak. You know, he is in a state of being drugged. Most people may not even be able to stand up. Didn't he risk his life to get out of the company for that woman?
But... what he saw was indeed such a picture.

Squinting his eyes, Xing Siyi's eyes reflected a domineering look, "Nangong Jie, tell Qichen for me that he has been fired."


Nangong Jie on the other side hung up the phone before he figured out the reason. He just stared at the floor and blinked. What's wrong?
Did Qichen offend Xing Siyi?

Although Qichen has a weird temper and a bit arrogant personality, he is still very serious about his work, and Xing Siyi usually will not dismiss people who are beneficial to him casually.

The only possibility is that Qichen is harmful to Xing Siyi?

But Nangong Jie really didn't see it, isn't Qichen a student?What harm could it do to Xing Siyi?

I don't know how long it took before Qin Shihan opened his eyes, stood up, returned the coat to Qichen, and said with a slight smile, "Okay, I'm going home."

"Go home?" Qichen looked into the distance in confusion, didn't she just say that she didn't want to go home?Oh, women are really fickle.

(End of this chapter)

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