Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 96 Even if someone wants to fight against them

Chapter 96 Even if someone wants to fight against them

"What?" Nangong Jie immediately became serious, and then remembered the phone call just now, and waved his hand to signal Yun Nan to leave first, and then he looked at Xing Siyi, "The call just now was from someone from the Xunman Group, saying See you, talk about Mohs and our project, you say?"

"This is the case, I must see it!" Xing Siyi sighed, and it has been a long time since he was so worried. How powerful is the other party, so that Mo's and their project were suddenly interrupted. You know, that project was in Not long ago, it was illegal to interrupt like this, and Mo's should compensate them for their losses, or even more, but even so, do they still want to interrupt?Those people must have given Mo's bad benefits.

"Yeah!" Nangong Jie nodded and began to pack up. The other party only said afternoon, and didn't say the time. They didn't know when they would go, so they had to be ready at any time.

In the afternoon, in the lively coffee shop, Loulan and Feng Luoli were already sitting by the window. Not long ago, Xing Siyi learned about Linda and had an argument with Loulan. He thought she would not come... However, Judging from her appearance, she is here just to deal with it.

"Nangongjie, are we here too early? What time did the other party say?" Feng Luoli had been investigating for a long time, but he couldn't find out why. Now they seem to be walking in the dark.

"No!" Nangong Jie shook his head in frustration, and sat aside with a smile, "You know, we don't know their strength now, so we have to follow them."

"As long as they come!" Xing Siyi interrupted their conversation and sat down with a stern expression.

He is not a very patient person, if the other party doesn't take them seriously and teases them, how can Xing Siyi remain indifferent?
After waiting for more than two hours, the sun was about to set. Lou Lan stood up. She was in a bad mood. How could Linda be her cousin, but Xing Siyi wanted to kill her? Now she was caught in a dilemma. In the middle, she didn't know what to do, she patted her clothes, and she pouted angrily, "I'll leave first, anyway, you can't handle it without me." A tall figure stopped him.

"Miss Loulan, look forward to it for a long time!" The other party was a standard burly man. If he didn't know it, he thought they were going to fight. Loulan took a breath and said helplessly, "Hello, but you are?"

"Miss Loulan is really different from what I remember!" the burly man said, with a shirt on in every sentence, "I thought Miss Loulan was so considerate and gentle, but now it seems that I have to wait for her." It’s really disappointing to not be able to wait for such a short time.”

Under the audience in the hall, anyone would be angry, and Loulan was no exception. She glanced at the man and said coldly, "I want to know, what do you mean?"

Before the man could answer, another man came over from behind them, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, with a look of disdain on his face, "Hello, my subordinates have offended me, but they are so honest."

"You..." Lou Lan was so angry that she couldn't speak, she was just in a bad mood, if it wasn't for Xing Siyi, why would she have left first?

"Hehe!" The man smiled and said, "It's just a joke, Miss Loulan won't mind, hello, I'm Ling Fei, vice president of Xunman Group."

"Vice President?" Xing Siyi immediately stood up, took a look here, and said, "Nice to meet, then, where is your president?"

Ling Fei still smiled, and the expression on his face did not change, a little proud and proud, "Sorry, our president has something to do today, so he can't come."

Immediately, Xing Siyi's eyes turned cold, and he stopped coming if he couldn't come. He really didn't pay attention to people. They all came to welcome them, and they sent a vice president to deal with them, hehe, "Then, how should we talk? ?”

Ling Fei exhaled, walked to the sofa and sat down, as if he was the boss, "How to talk, how to talk."

"That's good!" Naturally, Xing Siyi couldn't lose to him in terms of aura, adjusted his emotions, sat opposite him, and said, "Mo's sudden termination has something to do with you?"

"Yes!" Ling Fei nodded with a half-smile, "Actually, we did it, but Mo's has already agreed. In order not to involve them, we decided to discuss it with you. To be precise, our head I have ordered you to either pretend that this has never happened, or don't blame us for being rude and attack your company."


Xing Siyi sneered, isn't this a blatant threat?
"Vice President Ling, what are you talking about? We Feiyi are so insignificant in your eyes?" Nangong Jie couldn't bear it anymore. At first, he just thought that person was more arrogant, but now it seems that it's more than that. It's a comparison, it's simply very arrogant!

"But, then what should we do?" Xing Siyi ignored Nangong Jie's words and asked directly: "We have lost a lot because of the sudden termination."

"This is your business!" Ling Fei shrugged his shoulders, seemingly helpless, "I have finished what our president asked me to bring. I still have something to do, so I will leave first." I can't come here now, but I insist on opening a company here, saying that I want to kill the Feiyi Group. You know, Feiyi is already the number one, and he wants to kill it, but it is not that simple.

No, we can only start with a simple one.

Seeing Ling Fei leaving gracefully, Nangong Jie clenched his fists together, "Yi, who is this? What are you pulling? What shall we do next?"

"How can it be done?" Just as that person said, they might really be enemies with Fei Yi, and with that person's haughty attitude and his identity as An Ye, they already guessed that he was not easy.

"If they just stop our project with Mo's, then let them go. In fact, this little loss will not cause any harm to Feiyi, but next time, absolutely not." Standing up, Xing Siyi After saying this, his eyes moved to the distance.

Although a little reconciled, Nangong Jie didn't open his mouth to say anything. He didn't know what the identity of the other party was. They must have the capital to talk like that. They could only back down, but he knew that this was all temporary.

"I will find out!" Suddenly, the silent Feng Luoli opened his mouth. He is an expert in this field. He was cheated once for nothing by the other party. How can he swallow his anger? He must investigate clearly.

After going out the door, Ling Fei withdrew the smile on his face, replaced it with a sigh, took out a small note from his pocket, and dialed the number on it, "Hello, is this Mr. Xing Siyi's house?"

It was a female domestic servant who answered the phone, she hesitated and replied: "Yes, but Mr. Xing is not at home now, look..."

"Oh, I'm not looking for him!" Ling Fei put out his purpose before she finished speaking, "I'm looking for his wife, Qin Shihan, I'm her friend, if I have something to ask her, just one minute."

The girl frowned in embarrassment. She remembered that she should have opened the door for the butler last time, but she was scolded by Xing Siyi. Now, she dared not call Qin Shihan at all.

At this moment, Qin Shihan walked up to her, stretched out her hand and said, "It's for me." Her ears are not bad, and the voice of the phone is relatively clear, so she probably heard something.

The girl just gave her the phone, that's fine, if Xing Siyi asks, just say that Qin Shihan answered the phone, seeing how much he loves her, she should be fine.

"Hello, I'm Qin Shihan!" Qin Shihan introduced after answering the phone and putting it to his ear.

"Well, I know!" Ling Fei nodded, a little excited, this is their long-lost princess!I really didn't expect to hear her voice, "Well... are you interested in coming to work?"

Anye Xunqi said that Xunman could no longer remember what happened before, but she needed help very much now, and the only way he could think of to help her was this way.

Qin Shihan couldn't help frowning, she thought for a moment that the other party was a salesman, but hearing his voice, it didn't seem like that at all.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well..." Ling Fei took a deep breath, and his brain began to work rapidly. It is estimated that anyone would ask this question. It is indeed a bit strange to ask someone for no reason if they want to find a job. After thinking for a long time, Cai said: "Oh, I'm An Ye...Qichen, Qichen's friend, he asked me to ask you."

With a smile, Ling Fei's head was covered with a layer of dense sweat, and he almost said the wrong thing. After all, An Ye Xunman still doesn't know that An Ye Xunqi is Qi Chen, let alone the place of the Dark Night Empire.

"Why did he ask you to find a job for me?" Qin Shihan didn't understand, and it's not like he didn't know that now that he was at Xing Siyi's house, he couldn't do anything for the time being.

"He said, it would be better for you to find a job!" Ling Fei actually didn't know much about the things between them, so he could only take one step at a time, "Don't worry, this job is easy and the salary is good. After all, earning money by yourself Some money is better, if you want to buy things, you can save yourself from asking others."

Uh, Qin Shihan frowned depressedly, did he mean himself?
Sighing, Qin Shihan said helplessly, "No, thank him for me."

"Aren't you really going to think about it?" Ling Fei became anxious all of a sudden, and An Ye Xunqi told him that he must help Qin Shihan no matter what, and there must be a suitable reason. If the work is not good, then he really doesn't know What to do instead, "You just sit in your office and work is really easy."

"No, it's just that I can't go!" In the past, if there was such a job, Qin Shihan would definitely go, but, in order to divorce Xing Siyi, she had to stay here for a while and leave without knowing it. There will be no more accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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