Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 98 She Doesn't Want to Sleep With Xing Siyi

Chapter 98 She Doesn't Want to Sleep With Xing Siyi

"Then tonight..." Xing Siyi exhaled softly, "Shall we sleep together?"

"What?" Qin Shihan's body froze all of a sudden, and a bad premonition began to spread from the bottom of her heart, "We are going to get divorced, so there is no need for that."

"Why not?" Xing Siyi stood up, walked around in front of her, and said with a smile: "It should be because they are getting divorced, so it is best to sleep together."

"Heh!" Qin Shihan chuckled, pushed Xing Siyi away, shook her head helplessly, went straight to the room, and quickly closed the door, she didn't want to sleep with Xing Siyi.

The corner of her mouth twitched, Xing Siyi was really worried about Qin Shihan's IQ, he was the master of the house, did she think that he would not be able to get in if the door was locked?

After casually eating dinner and watching TV for a while, Xing Siyi took out the key and opened the door a few times. Qin Shihan had already fallen asleep. He lay quietly beside her, put his arms around her, and closed his eyes , he just thought that when she woke up, the first person she saw was him.

the next day.
"Ah! Who are you!?" Qin Shihan huddled in the corner, kicking Xing Siyi in front of her with both hands and feet. Why, why didn't she have any memory in her mind?

Everything around her, including the man opposite, made her feel strange.

Rubbing his head in pain, Xing Siyi stared at Qin Shihan suspiciously, and asked, "You don't know who I am? You don't know where this is?"

Qin Shihan shook her head, only feeling some pain in her head, she twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "I, I don't know anything, I don't even know, who am I?"

Feeling a little surprised in his heart, Xing Siyi approached her slowly, and said softly: "You have lost your memory, don't worry, this is your home, you don't have to be afraid of anything, you know?"

"I lost my memory?" Qin Shihan frowned, thinking about it carefully, but his mind was still blank, "Why did I lose my memory?"

"Because!" Xing Siyi pursed his lips and said, "Because you are too stupid to believe that you hit the wall and smashed your head."

"Oh..." Qin Shihan was stunned for a moment, and asked in puzzlement, "Then who am I? Who do you have?"

"Come here, I'll tell you!" Xing Siyi stretched out his hand, hugged Qin Shihan in his arms, and explained in her ear softly: "Your name is Qin Shihan, you are a vagrant and my...wife. "


Qin Shihan was obviously taken aback, she really forgot too much, too much.

"You, you let me go!"

Suddenly, Qin Shihan stretched out her hand and pushed Xing Siyi away vigorously, "How do I know if you are lying to me? Do you have any evidence?"

"Evidence?" Xing Siyi shrugged. He had expected this a long time ago and was ready. He reached out, took out their marriage certificate from his pocket, and threw it to Qin Shihan.

In the photo, that person is indeed her, and the person opposite is exactly...

"Huh!" After exhaling, Qin Shihan sat down, returned the marriage certificate to Xing Siyi, and said with a smile: "Then it looks like it's true."

"Of course." Xing Siyi smiled, and hugged Qin Shihan into his arms again.

This hug was very warm, but it made Qin Shihan feel a little uncomfortable. She pouted, and she nodded his palm and said, "I, I'm hungry."

"Hungry?" Xing Siyi looked down at her, "I'm hungry too."

"Can you cook?" Qin Shihan was overjoyed, and raised her head to meet his gaze, only to realize that he was so good-looking. At first, she thought she was a bit of a loser, but now it seemed that she had made a profit!

"Hey, let me cook again?" Xing Siyi frowned and sighed with reluctance on his face.

again?Why does he use another?Did I often ask him to cook before?Thinking of this, Qin Shihan could only nod shyly, "Who told you to husband..."

"Haha!" Suddenly, Xing Siyi laughed, and his face was full of pride, "If you say that, then I'll cook, but you have to give me some reward, right?"

"Remuneration..." Qin Shihan lowered her head and thought for a while, a blush appeared on her face. Suddenly, she raised her head and kissed Xing Siyi's face, "Does this count?"


Nodding his head in satisfaction, Xing Siyi let go of Qin Shihan, began to get dressed, then opened the door and said, "I'm going to cook now, just wait a minute."

Qin Shihan nodded, watched him leave, and breathed a sigh of relief. She was really nervous just now. After all, according to what Xing Siyi said, she lost her memory, that is, all her previous memories of him and her were gone, so Xing Siyi seems to her now , is a stranger, except for the marriage certificate that can prove their previous relationship, she can't think of anything, can she not be nervous to kiss a stranger?

After getting dressed slowly, tidying up her hair, and pushing open the door, Qin Shihan couldn't help being surprised, their home is so big!

Excitedly running downstairs, Qin Shihan didn't know where to look for Xing Siyi, but was deeply attracted by the sight in front of her, wow, what a beautiful balcony, and that sofa, so soft!

"Ahem!" Xing Siyi happened to come out of the kitchen, and she couldn't help being a little surprised to see Qin Shihan drooling profusely. In the past, she was not interested in these things, "How is it? Our house is beautiful, right?"

"Yeah!" Qin Shihan was happy for a while and forgot everything, and she didn't think Xing Siyi was strange, but felt very kind, "Husband, I think it would be better for our family to have another pet."

"Hmm..." Xing Siyi pursed his lips, "You can think about it, okay, let's come over for dinner first."

When she heard that she could consider keeping a pet, Qin Shihan became even more excited. Pets are her favorite thing, and she never thought that her home would be so beautiful and big.

Then her he rich?

Sitting opposite Xing Siyi, Qin Shihan had already started drooling, she really wanted to know everything before, how happy she and Xing Siyi were, and how lucky she was.

Xing Siyi couldn't help being good-looking, rich, able to cook, and so kind to herself, but unfortunately, an accident happened to her, and she lost those memories with him just like that.

Pulling the corner of her mouth, Qin Shihan picked up the food and put it into her mouth without hesitation, eating happily while staring at Xing Siyi with a smile.

It's like, no matter how you look at it, you can't get enough of it.

Xing Siyi also looked at Qin Shihan, and his heart was so sweet that he couldn't describe it. He used to think that she was a little dumb and stupid, but now he realized that she was so cute.

Suddenly, several buzzing sounds brought back their thoughts and looked away. Xing Siyi took out his mobile phone in a panic, and before he had time to think about anything, he connected the phone, cleared his throat and asked, "What are you doing?"


"Huh?" Xing Siyi frowned, put down the phone, looked at the phone number carefully, and then sighed helplessly: "What can you do with me?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see you!" Miaofei's voice was almost begging. She knew that she had done a big mistake, and she also knew that Xing Siyi was really angry that day. So I didn't show it to her.

After hesitating for a moment, Xing Siyi nodded and asked, "Where?"

He really hated what Miaofei did to him that day, but he really couldn't get angry with her. Many years ago, he did something wrong to her. She didn't hate herself, but helped her. At that time, he really fell in love with Miao Fei.

However, before that feeling could spark, it was extinguished by reality.

"Shihan, stay at home this afternoon, I have something to do, remember, wait for me to come back, don't run around, you know?"

"Hmm... where are you going?" Qin Shihan looked at him suspiciously, why was she fine just now, and then became so serious just after answering the phone, could it be... "What happened?"

Until now, she still doesn't know what her husband does, let alone what happened, whether it's about work, or...

"It's nothing!" Xing Siyi exhaled, stood up, reached out and rubbed her head a few times, and said with a smile, "I'm meeting a friend, but you must not run around, you know?"

"En." Qin Shihan could only nod her head, and said in silence for a long time, "What kind of friend are you?"

"Uh!" Xing Siyi only realized now that she was so curious and had so many questions! "It's a friend I made before. We've known each other for many years. Don't you feel relieved?"

Even if she has a lot of problems now, even if she is a bit annoying now, to Xing Siyi, he will not feel bored, on the contrary, he likes it very much.

"Well, I'll wait for you at home!" Lowering her head, Qin Shihan frowned a little displeased. They didn't stay together for a long time. She just wanted to know how deep her relationship with him was, and what was the relationship between them. What stories, but before he had time to understand, he was called out by others.

Seeming to have seen something, Xing Siyi smiled and said, "Why this expression? It's not like I'm not coming back, are you so reluctant?"

There was a slight tremor in her heart, and she was a little excited and nervous at the same time. Qin Shihan was stunned for a while, she didn't expect him to say that at all, but hurriedly replied: "I, why can't I bear it? I'm not afraid of any danger you will encounter, anyway , you should come back sooner."

"Don't worry, even if you don't let me come back, I will come back." His eyes were full of love for Qin Shihan in front of him. This feeling was a new feeling, which Xing Siyi had never felt before.

It can be said that Xing Siyi had arranged everything before leaving. In fact, he didn't want to go out at all, or he wanted to take Qin Shihan with him all the time, but the person he went to see was Miaofei after all.

(End of this chapter)

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