Di Shao, your sweet wife is online

Chapter 375 Lu Yu, walk with me

Chapter 375 Lu Yu, walk with me
Life is like a play, full of drama everywhere.She, Gu Wan, really plays like life.

Coming out of the bureau, Gu Wan stood at the door, watching the torrential rain, with a wry smile on his lips.

Then he stretched out his hand, taking advantage of the torrential rain, the rain fell into the palm of his hand.It overflowed, dripped down the palm of her hand, and dripped on her dress.

Looking at the top luxury car parked at the opposite corner, the door opened.

A figure walked slowly holding an umbrella, Gu Wan smiled suddenly, and took a step forward.

The whole person was immediately exposed to the rain curtain, and the heavy rain hit the body, and the weather was slightly cold.Gu Wan walked in the rain without changing her expression, and walked towards the figure running towards her.

As the distance drew closer, there was a chilly smell in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Wan was pulled into his arms, and an umbrella cut off the rain.

The moment the hanging heart fell into Lu Yu's arms, it received incomparable comfort.

The person who hugged her was a little tighter, his body trembling slightly, and he was undoubtedly worried about her.

Before she thought about it, her body warmed up, and a black windbreaker was draped over her body at some point.

She looked up and saw Lu Yu looking at him with a cold face. Behind him stood Su Qin who came after him, took the umbrella from Lu Yu's hand, and handed a white towel to Lu Yu.

And Lu Yu, holding a towel in his hand, was gently wiping the rain off her head.

Gu Wan thought, Lu Yu was her salvation, every time she was in a mess, it was in front of him.

Grabbing Lu Yu's hand, Gu Wan took down the towel in his hand, and with a flick of her hand, the towel fell to the ground. Her phoenix eyes, which were looking forward and shining brightly, looked straight at Lu Yu's expressionless face.

Finally a smile appeared, she looked at Lu Yu, "Lu Yu, I'm very sad."

She was really, really sad, but she didn't know where to start.

Holding her in his arms, holding her head in his big hands, Lu Yu said in a low voice, "Why are you so sad, tell me, what's wrong? What made you so sad."

With her head buried in his arms, Gu Wan held his hand tightly and cried silently.

Stretching out his other hand, Lu Yu took the umbrella in Su Qin's hand.

Handing the umbrella to Lu Yu, Su Qin turned around and left quickly, away from the scene.

Back in the car, he took the towel handed by the driver and wiped himself off.

Seeing the two embracing each other outside the window, the driver withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Su Qin.

"Ma'am, what's the matter, it's all right, it looks like it's sad?"

After wiping off the rain on his body, Su Qin raised his head to meet the driver's sight.

Sighing lightly, "No one will feel good if it falls on such a family."

After hearing Su Qin's words, the driver nodded in agreement, "Madam, it's not easy."

The rain was still falling, and the two people in the car were not talking, but were silent about their own thoughts.

On the opposite street corner outside the car, Gu Wan buried her head in Lu Yu's arms, crying like a child.

At first, she just cried silently, but in the end, she cried so loudly that everyone was heartbroken.

Lu Yu couldn't see Gu Wan crying the most. When she cried, his heart would be tightly grasped.

It was like being pinched by a hand, and it was getting tighter and tighter, until it was so tight that it hurt his heart.

However, in this situation, instead of saying some comforting words, it is better to let her cry.

Cry loudly and vent your emotions. After crying, those sad things will come to an end.

Every drop of Gu Wan's tears fell on Lu Yu's heart, and he remembered every drop clearly.He held an umbrella in one hand and put his arm around Gu Wan in the other, giving her the greatest support possible.

After a century, Gu Wan finally stopped crying. She let go of Lu Yu's hand, lowered her head to wipe away her tears, raised her head, and looked at Lu Yu with red eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yu felt very distressed.

Lowering her head, her cold lips kissed her crying eyes, carefully and extremely tenderly.

The part of Gu Wan's dress hanging on the ground has been soaked by the rain.

After Lu Yu kissed her eyes all over, Gu Wan grabbed Lu Yu's hand again and looked directly at Lu Yu.

A weeping voice sounded: "Lu Yu, walk with me."

Two people with one umbrella, one world, walking side by side on the road torrential rain.Behind them, a top luxury car was following them, slowly following their steps.

The long dress dragged on the floor, soaked by the rain, stained and dirty.

Lu Yu held an umbrella with one hand, and put his arm around Gu Wan's shoulder, bringing her very close to him.

The umbrella was big, more than enough to support them, but Lu Yu was still afraid that she would get wet in the rain.

The two walked in silence for a long time. There were very few pedestrians on the road, and even if there were, they were in a hurry.

The sky is getting darker, the street lights are neon, the traffic is busy, and it is a lively scene.

Normally, this is a very familiar scene to Gu Wan, but at this moment.

She just felt strange, a kind of strangeness permeating from the bones, covering her whole body.

"Lu Yu, do you know that Gu Haoran told me that I am not his daughter." A faint voice sounded, Gu Wan's expression remained unchanged, but indescribable sadness spread in his eyes.

How ridiculous, the person she hated for so long was told that it was not her biological father.

This hatred, once the blood bond is gone, will become pale and powerless.

"The marriage between Gu Haoran and my mother was just a cooperation. When I married Gu Haoran, my mother was already pregnant with me. She needs a husband in name, and Gu Haoran is very suitable."

Laughed extremely ironically, "No wonder, Gu Haoran teamed up with Shen Lanxin to kill my mother. It turned out that it was just a deal. It was not a loss of life. For Gu Haoran, mother should not exist."

"At least, after helping Gu Haoran solve the story group, it shouldn't continue to exist."

She wondered if her mother knew that one day, she would be plotted to death by Gu Haoran.And mother, even if she knew about it, she didn't stop it, but accepted it.

Otherwise, according to his mother's intelligence, how could Gu Haoran succeed.

Therefore, when killing his mother, Gu Haoran did not hesitate.

Even later, when Gu Ning scratched her face and poked her eyes blind, Gu Haoran turned a blind eye.

He even killed her with his own hands.

The reason is that she and Gu Haoran have no blood relationship.

They are father and daughter in name, but in reality, they are not.

"Lu Yu, am I sad? It's like a joke."

After saying this, Gu Wan laughed ironically.

"Silly Wanwan, you should be glad that someone like Gu Haoran is not your father."

The deep voice said, but it was right.

Gu Wan stopped in her tracks and handed the mobile phone she got from Gu Ning to Lu Yu.

"This is Gu Chen's cell phone. Mr. K will contact him through this cell phone when he comes back to Nancheng."

You Leng's eyes fell on the phone, and Lu Yu's voice was hoarse: "What request did Gu Ning agree to, that she is willing to give you the phone?"

How could his Wanwan be so stupid?

For him, promise anything.

(End of this chapter)

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