Di Shao, your sweet wife is online

Chapter 405 Wanwan Be Good, It Doesn't Pain Anymore

Chapter 405 Wanwan Be Good, It Doesn't Pain Anymore

Hathaway came out of the Mingyuan Hotel, holding an umbrella open in her hand, and was about to leave.

With sharp eyes, she saw a car that she was familiar with in her bones driving slowly.

The rain was heavy, and the puddles on the road were full of water.There are many pedestrians on the road, Xu is taking care of the pedestrians on the road, the car drives very slowly, and when passing the puddle, he tries to avoid the puddle as much as possible.

If it is unavoidable, the speed of the car will drop and move forward slowly.

The luxury car stopped in front of a hot pot restaurant, the passenger on the co-pilot opened the door, and the first thing that caught his eye was the open umbrella.Instead, a man in a decent suit came down again.

Holding an umbrella, he quickly came to the back seat, bent down, and opened the rear door.

The shiny leather shoes stepped on the wet ground, and then a pair of straight and slender long legs came into view.Then, Lu Yu got out of the car.

Hathaway stood on the corner opposite the hot pot restaurant, seeing this scene, her face was full of joy.

Without thinking too much, holding an umbrella and stepping on high heels, she ran towards Lu Yu.

After closing the car door, Su Qin stood beside Lu Yu, holding an umbrella, "Master Lu, this is the place."

Glancing at the signboard, Lu Yu put one hand in his pocket, raised his hands and feet, showing nobility and abstinence.

Light and elegant, Zhilan Yushu, a face, indifferent and unkind, exuding a coldness.

Luxury cars are beautiful, especially top luxury cars, top beauty.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately attracted passers-by to stop.After a while, a lot of people have accumulated.

Lu Yu stepped forward and walked towards the hot pot restaurant. Su Qin respectfully held an umbrella.

For fear of an accident, the rain would fall and splash on Lu Yu's body.

Stopping at the entrance of the hotpot restaurant, Su Qin put away the umbrella, and Lu Yu was already walking towards the restaurant.

His appearance seemed out of tune with the environment in the store, like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world.

The people who were eating hot pot were already stunned, looking at the beauty in front of them.

It's not an exaggeration, this is the first time they have seen a man who is more delicate than a girl.

The expensive suit, the demeanor is cold and quiet, reserved and abstinent, with a cold and murderous aura.

A pair of extremely charming phoenix eyes, beautiful and unique, majestic and charming.

His eyebrows are picturesque and his facial features are exquisite.The dress is calm and elegant, meticulous, and the accessories are exquisite.

From head to toe, without exception, there is exquisiteness and luxury, making people afraid to get close.

Stepping on the high sky and running in the torrential rain, Hathaway finally arrived in front of the hot pot restaurant.

Seeing that Lu Yu had already walked into the store, he hurriedly said, "Master Lu."

She ran in a hurry, and the words she shouted were not substandard English, but English.

With a standard British accent, she shouted urgently, and most people didn't understand what she was calling.

Seeing that Lu Yu ignored him, he walked away on his own.

Hathaway was in a hurry, she was about to walk in without caring about the umbrella that was still in her hand.

Su Qin stepped forward and stopped Hathaway, "Master Lu has something to do, don't disturb him."

"Su Qin, let me in, okay?" At this time, Hathaway also lost her temper, but due to Su Qin's status, she was not easy to get angry, so she just looked at him beggingly.

Su Qin glanced at the hot pot restaurant, but he could no longer see Lu Yu, so he let go.

Seeing Su Qin let go, Hathaway was very happy, but this happiness came after seeing Lu Yu who had disappeared from the store.The smile collapsed in an instant, and he looked irritable.

Lu met the second floor, stood at the long staircase, and looked at the private room on the left.

He took out his hand from his pocket, walked over and pushed open the closed door of the private room.

The door opened, and Gu Wan was lying on the dining table with her back turned to him, and her expression could not be seen.

In front of her was a hot pot that kept tumbling and boiling, and a table of untouched dishes.

Gu Wan shrunk into a small lump, seeing Lu Yu's nose sore inexplicably, and walked in.

Seeing that Gu Wan was still silent, a strange look flashed across Lu Yuyou's cold eyes.

Walking over quickly, a deep and gentle voice sounded: "Wanwan..."

The person lying on the table did not respond, and Lu Yu's heart panicked.

Seeing that Gu Wan had just fallen asleep, Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down, and looked at Gu Wan at a close distance, seeing that her face was flushed, sweat was still on her forehead, and her hair was wet.

Raising his hand to touch Gu Wan's head, Lu Yu's hand trembled from the heat immediately, and his eyes turned cold.

He hurriedly took off the windbreaker and covered Gu Wan, and gently hugged Gu Wan.

Seeing Gu Wan wrapped in the large windbreaker, he couldn't get a glimpse of her appearance, only Lu Yu's nervousness.

Holding Gu Wan out of the private room and walking downstairs, Lu Yu looked scared and nervous.

Seeing Lu Yu go and come back, holding Gu Wan in his arms, Su Qin's heart skipped a beat, and he rushed up to meet him.

He came up to meet him, but before he could speak, Lu Yu had already passed him and walked out.

Then, Lu Yu's low, cold voice sounded, "Su Qin!"

Seeing Lu Yu like this, Su Qin probably knew that something must have happened to Gu Wan.

Busily holding an umbrella and walking out, Su Qin kept his posture very low, for fear of offending Lu Yu.

Su Qin held up an umbrella to cover Lu Yu, and when the umbrella passed, Su Qin inexplicably felt a chill down his spine.

His hands trembled unconsciously, and he immediately changed the position of the umbrella, trying to cover Gu Wan as much as possible.

After getting into the car, the driver naturally knew that at this juncture, he was going to the hospital.

In the back seat, Lu Yu held Gu Wan in his arms, feeling her scorching heat.

"Drive faster." The voice was so cold that both the driver and Su Qin trembled unconsciously.

The driver wanted to speak, saying that the speed of the car was already the fastest, and he couldn't drive any faster.

But looking in the rearview mirror, Lu Yu's face had cooled down, leaving only a cold expression on his face.

The heater in the car was fully turned on, but he and Su Qin still felt very cold.

Heartbroken and teeth clenched, the driver drove the car to the maximum speed and drove all the way as fast as lightning.

"Mom, I'm so cold...it hurts..."

Gu Wan, who was in Lu Yu's arms, murmured, her voice was crying and helpless.

Hugging Gu Wan tightly, Lu Yu's eyes were full of distress, and he told Su Qin, "Su Qin, turn on the heat."

Su Qin originally wanted to say that the heating was sufficient, but when the words came to his lips, his meaning changed, "Yes, Master Lu."

The heating was turned on fully, and Su Qin felt that it was too hot.

Gu Wan in Lu Yu's arms still felt very cold, bitingly cold.

Obviously her body is so hot, it makes people feel scared.

She cried, and cried, crying very sadly.

She said: "Mom, I'm in so much pain... so hurt..."

"Mom, my eyes... are gone, my... my face..."

She had a high fever and was talking nonsense, intermittently.

Su Qin was far away from the driver and couldn't hear clearly.

Even if she could hear clearly, she still didn't understand why, and just thought Gu Wan was talking nonsense.

They didn't understand, but Lu Yu understood, he listened to Gu Wan's voice.

He hugged her tighter, as if rubbing her into his own body.

The whole person was buried on Gu Wan's body, shoulders twitched.

"Be good, Wanwan, it doesn't hurt anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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