Movie tycoon

Chapter 723 Superstar Lineup

Chapter 723 Superstar Lineup
Los Angeles Broadcasting Corporation.

"What? How is it possible? Damn it, does this Lafite Chen really dare to ignore our ban?" Smith, the person in charge, slapped the table angrily.

"Since this Chinese guy doesn't know how to flatter, we don't have to be polite to him, why don't we just send someone to close the venue?" said his assistant next to him.

Smith narrowed his eyes, "That Lafite Chen is a big star no matter what, and he has a reputation in the entertainment industry. If we act rashly, we will attract criticism!"

"Then what should we do? Just look at him so arrogant?"

"Of course not, he's just cannon fodder, and his damn movie! We're targeting Powell's bastards, as long as we defeat them, we'll have a seat in the new election, Los Angeles It will be in our hands!"

"Then what should we do now?"

"It's very simple, bring troubles to others, drag Powell and his gang into it, and let the people of Los Angeles see who is the hero and who is the sinner!"

But before Smith and the others made a move, they heard a commotion outside.

"It's not good, sir, there are many reporters outside!" Before the words fell to the ground, a large group of reporters rushed in.

"Hi, Mr. Smith, I'm a reporter from the Washington Times, can I interview you, about the fact that your Bureau of Radio, Film and Television banned the release of Moying Entertainment's movie, I heard it was out of selfishness..."

"Hello, Mr. Smith, I am a reporter from the British "Reuters". I heard that you abused your power and discriminated against the Chinese..."

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the French "Liberty Times". I heard that your radio, film and television bureau is indiscriminately enforcing the law and persecuting filmmakers..."


In the face of these major media from various countries, Smith, who has always been majestic, suddenly felt that he had fallen into the gutter. How could it be possible that even though Lafite Chen is a superstar, how could he have such great energy to move the major media from various countries to be a rescuer? !
But now he can't allow him to think too much. Facing the reporters who asked questions one after another, Smith said with a smile: "Rumors, this must be rumors! Who said we discriminated against Chinese and persecuted filmmakers? Misunderstanding, there must be something wrong with it." Big misunderstanding!"

Smith was eager to clear the relationship, first to clear up these charges, and then use his three-inch tongue to reverse the situation.

"Then, Mr. Smith, in your opinion, what is the reason, or the reason, for what you did to Specter Entertainment?" a reporter asked straight away.

Smith was waiting for this sentence, and he restrained his mind and prepared to speak eloquently.

It's a pity that someone didn't give him a chance.

"I can answer this question for him!" While speaking, Powell, the mayor of Los Angeles, came forward with his troops.

"Wow, it's the mayor!"

"Yeah, why did he come?"

"There's a good show to watch!"...

Smith was even more stunned. The sudden appearance of someone who shouldn't appear is definitely not a good sign.

really.I saw Powell smiled slightly, and then said: "As the person in charge of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television, why Mr. Smith makes it difficult for a Chinese actor or a play, the reason is very subtle. To put it bluntly, he is helping himself to win votes!"

As soon as these words came out, the inside story of the Los Angeles election was immediately revealed, and the eyes of the reporters from various countries lit up.Everyone listened intently, knowing that the next revelation would be even more exciting.

"As a Republican, I have always been proud of American democracy and freedom, and I am even more proud of being an outstanding citizen of the United States of America. Shame on exclusion, independence, and public opinion attacks! Yes, we in Los Angeles are going to hold a democratic election, but you can’t use racism as an issue, and you can’t win over the people by fanning the flames and disrupting social order.”

"Yeah, just like some people said, Lafite Chen's film messed up social order and made everyone feel uneasy, but looking back, social order is the responsibility of us people. It doesn’t matter at all! But some people make a fuss about these things, saying that the Chinese are engaged in cultural aggression, robbed the spiritual idol of the United States, and destroyed the image of heroes and supermen in many people’s minds. What I want to say is that even God does not have to be white, why must Superman be?! In my opinion, as long as he is able to help others, no matter he is black, white, or Chinese, he is in our minds Superman!"

"Superman is a kind of spirit! It is not an excuse to wantonly retaliate against others! Superman is our spiritual idol, not a toy puppet made by some people! Here, on behalf of the Republicans, I appeal to everyone to see the facts clearly, distinguish between black and white, and do not Be deceived by some people's moral lies!"

Otherwise, politicians are sharp-tongued, and they can withstand thousands of troops with verbal criticism. Powell's reflexive words are like a hard uppercut, directly knocking Smith, who represents the Democratic Party, to the ground.

Smith still wanted to defend himself, but those reporters had already been incited by Powell to justice. Without any explanation, they shot wildly at the red-faced Smith.

"Mr. Smith, how would you explain this?"

"Mr. Smith, are you really that mean?"

"Smith, does the Democratic Party you represent like to find random people as cannon fodder?"...

At this moment, Smith has long lost the general demeanor he used to strategize. Facing the camera, he is speechless!I shouted loudly from the bottom of my heart, Powell, my day~ your mother!


The screening format of "Superman: Man of Steel" was destined to be different from any previous ones from the very beginning. The tense atmosphere before the screening of such a movie has been fully revealed.

Chen Xiaotang made a move, and Mayor Powell made a move. Facing them, Smith and the others, who had originally taken the initiative, were completely caught and hurt.

And the Hollywood filmmakers who gathered at the Fox One Cinema were completely incited by Chen Xiaotang, and they were excited.

In the movie theater, Chen Xiaotang looked at the audience who came in to watch the movie one after another, looked at his watch again, and then waved his arm vigorously!
Clap clap!In the movie theater, the lights were turned off and plunged into darkness, and then the light of the projectors radiated out, and the movie officially started.

A black ocean, at a glance, densely packed with human heads.These people just looked at the screen with their heads held high, with solemn and sacred expressions!
All quiet.In the silence, the speakers placed around the theater began to play a low and slow soundtrack full of mysterious universe.

This chanting full of cosmic mysteries has a slow melody, female voices first, and then a chorus. The content of the chanting is some strange languages, giving people the feeling of alien language.

Such a piece of music suddenly appeared at the beginning of the movie, and when no subtitles appeared, it suddenly reminded everyone, and everyone was stunned.In just a moment, through this chanting, people's originally noisy state of mind suddenly calmed down, as if they were in the vast space of the infinite universe, where the stars change and time and space fly by.

Under this chanting, the title and subtitles of 21st Century Fox began to be slowly displayed on the screen.

Screenwriter: Chen Xiaotang.

Director: George Lucas.

Produced by: Fox Corporation.

Starring: Chen Xiaotang, Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Steven Seager...

When these names appeared on the screen, the scene was completely boiling.

The long names that surfaced on this movie, one of them was randomly selected, and it would be a shining top talent in Hollywood, but now they all appear in one movie. For the audience, this is simply a great enjoyment .

In fact, Chen Xiaotang spent a lot of energy for the cast of this play.First of all, the king of heaven, Mike, and the queen of heaven, Madonna, have already cooperated with Chen Xiaotang once, and they can be regarded as old friends. Last time, they used their names to publicize; There is no need to go through the hype of this star lineup to come to this drama, what is needed is new ideas!Yes, this is what Chen Xiaotang pursued. In order not to let the brilliance of the stars obscure the true meaning of this drama, Chen Xiaotang deliberately concealed the news that the king Michael and the queen Madonna joined the cameo.After all, their acting is no longer a revelation, so there is no need to continue this hype.

Therefore, many viewers and even the media don't know the exact lineup of this drama, they just know that the King of Heaven and Queen of Heaven will join in this drama, who would have expected them to participate in it!

At this moment, when their names appeared on the subtitles, all the audience couldn't help being surprised, and then lamented that only a genius like Rafi Chen could persuade the Heavenly King and Queen to work tirelessly for him, filming one after another, or doing Others, it is estimated that they have been rejected N times.

If it is said that the king Michael and the queen Madonna will appear in a movie that worries too much for the second time, which surprises everyone, then the joining of veteran actor Marlon Brando will surprise everyone.

As we all know, Marlon Brando is a national treasure actor in the United States. The "Godfather" he starred in once became popular for a generation, and more importantly, he once participated in "Superman 1" as the original version of Superman's father, so everyone Curious, what role will he play in the play this time.

After the subtitles appeared, the music gradually slowed down, and the plot subtitles slowly appeared on the screen: Krypton exists as a high civilization in a distant universe. For some reason, people here cannot give birth naturally, but one day, a miracle But it appeared...

When such subtitles slowly appeared, Chen Xiaotang glanced at the Hollywood filmmakers around him.All of these guys adjusted their postures, straightened their backs, and opened their eyes wide.

They all know that the next "Superman: Man of Steel", the most controversial movie with the largest investment by Hollywood Fox, will officially unveil the mystery!
At the beginning of the movie, there is a piece of music, a piece of subtitles, there is no gimmick, and even the picture does not come out, it directly pulls all the people who watch the movie into the interstellar time and space full of reverie!
When the music sounded and the subtitles appeared, the movie theater of Nuoda was completely enveloped in a sci-fi atmosphere. History, after a long river of time, is once again spreading before people's eyes.

The screen gradually brightened, and what appeared on the screen was a huge interstellar castle.The background behind the castle was a lofty and clear sky. On that day, the blue was almost too blue, as if it was a disease.The camera slowly pulls away, eventually becoming a long shot.

Then there is a huge window, the camera slowly pokes in through the window, and then there are painful groans.The camera slowly found the source of the "pain", and it turned out to be a woman who was trying to give birth!

"Flowing clouds and flowing water! Flowing clouds and flowing water! This rhythm, this atmosphere, is simply amazing!" Sitting behind him, the filmmaker Spielberg, who will film "Jurassic Dinosaurs" in the future, began to mutter to himself.

"Yes, there are so many Hollywood movies, and there are countless movies that start with subtitles, but none of them are as interesting as this subtitle! Just a few subtitles have brought the entire interstellar era closer. There are no tricks at the beginning, just such a shot of the interstellar castle immediately set the sci-fi tone for the whole movie, and the music, the rhythm, is already flowing quietly! Wonderful! Really wonderful!" Hollywood veteran director Martin Sixes kept talking while analyzing.

Amidst the music, the movie screen brightens again.

early morning.The sun has just risen, there are still snowflakes flying in the sky, and the sky is covered with dark clouds.The wind howled and the entire castle was frozen.

Immediately there was a loud cry, and the sound of the baby's croaking and crying filled the entire screen!
At this time, a tall man lifted a dancing baby high and said, "Son of Krypton!"

As soon as this line came out, the audience below shouted, "Needless to say, this is Superman!"

For Americans, the image of Superman has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so it is undoubtedly very sincere that this drama can follow the original work and portray Superman as the "son of Krypton".So when such a line appeared on the screen, many people showed gratified smiles at the corners of their mouths.

On the big screen, the camera gradually moved from the crying baby to the tall man's face.

A close-up of his face was done, and when everyone saw clearly who he was, there was huge applause in the cinema.

The actor who plays Superman's father is none other than Marlon Brando, the most popular actor in Hollywood!That is, the "father" of Superman in the original "Superman 1"!
It is said that as an American national treasure actor, Marlon Brando has played many classic characters in Yinhai for decades, but as he gets older, he rarely shows his face on the big screen anymore. Many big directors want to invite When he was filming, he was politely declined due to his limited physical strength, and he did not appear on the big screen for a long time, so that there were constant reports of his death.

But today, fans who like him suddenly found that the actor in their minds, the former "Godfather" is not only alive, but also alive and well, and played the role of Superman's father again. This cannot but surprise and delight people.

Let’s talk about Marlon Brando on the big screen. When he was young, he used to be a suave prodigal son on the screen. Kane", "Kids Teacher", "The Godfather" and so on.Now, the veteran actor is once again filming a sci-fi film, playing the role of the chief scientist of Krypton, wearing a very dazzling alien suit, but it seems to have a special flavor.

This old man was originally a tall and burly man, but the alien battle suit on his body was very mighty, and that face, which had been polished by the years, made the movie theater thunderous when Marlon Brando came out!
Then the movie continues.

According to the development of the story, Steven Seager, who played the villain, came on stage.He plays "General Zuo De" in the play, a seemingly ruthless and ruthless guy who kills the Superman family and destroys all those who hinder Krypton, but his purpose in doing so is actually very simple, which is to protect his homeland.To put it more bluntly, he is actually a very pitiful and tragic character. In order to survive on his own planet and save his own citizens, he has to act as a big villain and compete with the superman who will grow up in the future.

In terms of acting skills, Steven Seager has the potential to be a "big villain", especially his handsome face under the packaging of justice, through the light of the big screen, it gives people a psychological contradiction and dark refraction .

Since we want to be a villain, we must carry out the role of villain to the end.

At the beginning of this scene, Steven Seager met the veteran Marlon Brando, and the two had a great performance in just 10 minutes. One was a new generation action star, and the other was an old veteran. Fight with guns and tongues, and then use force.The grand scene of DBS makes people have to wonder if the bearded Lucas is filming this movie as "Star Wars" again.

However, for countless sci-fi fans, such a battle scene is very in line with their wishes. They spend money to buy tickets just to have fun. Doesn’t such a magnificent Star Wars scene have a very cool visual effect? !
For the first part of the play, Spielberg and Martin Sixes, who were invited by the great director, gave a high evaluation in the future. They believed that as a great director of science fiction films, Lucas was very good at computer special effects and Star Wars. The wrists and skills on the scene have reached the level of proficiency.

With the development of the storyline, Marlon Brando was KO'd by Steven Seager's "General Zod" after his short appearance. This cannot but make many fans who like him regret.But everyone also knows that the old actor in this movie is just playing a cameo role, so he may not be physically strong enough to act from the beginning to the end. After all, he is old and weak in all aspects, so we should feel sorry for him.

Next, the movie showed that the "Krypton Son" was sent to the earth to be adopted by a farmer and named "Clark".Then began Clark's growth story.

In this scene, in addition to retaining a few small stories in the original book where the child Superman lifts a truck to save his father, Chen Xiaotang also ingeniously added some excellent content from the American TV series "Smallville" he had watched in his previous life, such as Superman How did I find out that I have super powers, how was bullied by my classmates, how I started to run in the wheat field after being left by the bus, the air waves crossed the wheat field, and I ran faster than the train...

These scenes made the audience mesmerized. After all, the old version of "Superman" had too few descriptions of these, and Chen Xiaotang just satisfies the "YY" psychology of most people through these.

The superman played by Chen Xiaotang, with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, did not make everyone look too uncomfortable. On the contrary, due to Chen Xiaotang's rising fame in Hollywood, many people are already familiar with him. His fans Fans feel even more cordial when they see him on the big screen.

Besides, Chen Xiaotang's acting skills are absolutely impeccable, vividly portraying the sullen psychology of young superman and the plot of youthful rebellion.

To be honest, during the filming of this film, the old actor Marlon Brando once watched Chen Xiaotang act with his own eyes, and then said after filming, "When I was so young, I was not as good at acting as you are!"

What does it mean?
Self-explanatory, it is a compliment to Chen Xiaotang's acting skills!
You must know that Ma Long is not an ordinary person. Among the best movie stars in Hollywood, there is no one who can be praised by him like this, not to mention that Chen Xiaotang is the only Chinese who has received this honor!

No matter what, Chen Xiaotang's appearance has been recognized by many audiences when the movie has reached this point. For this, Chen Xiaotang, who was sitting below watching the ceremony, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'll go out for a breather." Chen Xiaotang said to the fat Wang Jing beside him.

The fat man nodded, understanding his intentions, it's too depressing here, it's better to go out and blow some air.

Chen Xiaotang left his seat and came to the resting place outside.He took out a cigarette and took two puffs.Speaking of being in Hollywood for a long time, Chen Xiaotang almost quit smoking.This is not like Hong Kong. You don’t need to give up your cigarette when you meet people. If you do, you will be looked down upon instead.Over time, Chen Xiaotang quit this hobby a lot.Besides, as a Chinese star and a public figure who came to Hollywood to make a living, Chen Xiaotang can be regarded as a clean man, less prone to such bad habits as smoking and drinking.

The resting place is set on the balcony, near the window. A gust of wind blows, and the night of Los Angeles is mixed with the breath of money in an industrial metropolis.

This is a foreign country.

Looking at the moon above his head, Chen Xiaotang actually missed Hong Kong a little bit.

Yes, I have been away from Hong Kong for so long, working hard in Hollywood alone, it seems that I have achieved success, but who knows the hard work involved?

I really miss Ah Weng and the others, I miss drinking with Hua Tsai and the others, I miss the fried beef in Wanchai, I miss the char siew buns, siu mai, egg tarts... I miss my parents even more.

By the way, it has been more than a month since the last time they came here to play, and I don’t know if Dad made a mistake and still squatted in the toilet?How many brand-name bags did mom buy?How is the dating between Xiaomei and Xingzai going?
Chen Xiaotang was smoking a cigarette, his heart was surging.

At this moment, a voice suddenly said, "Chen, what are you thinking about?"

Chen Xiaotang looked back and couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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