
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

?Chapter 4

"Hey, Xinlan, the chicken you embroidered is so cute!" A very sincere compliment came from Miss Wang Jiasi's embroidery building, but she didn't know the wrong place.

"This is a mandarin duck, mandarin duck!" Wang Xinlan emphasized unhappily.

Are the things she embroiders so shameful?She was obviously very hardworking, but she looked like a newly hatched chick.Seeing that someone like Jiahan who has never held an embroidery needle before learning how to embroider with a needle and thread can get a compliment from her mother. She has been learning for eight years and is still at the initial stage of embroidering chickens. What is even more annoying is She is more than a year older than Han!Could it be that she has missed embroidery in this life?Wang Xinlan looked at the picture of two phoenixes facing the sun that Han Zhuodao embroidered for her, and then looked back at her finished product, and couldn't help feeling sorry for herself.

Wang Xinlan is tall and fit, a head taller than Han, and her facial features are not as elegant as Han's, and she is quite heroic, but overall she is still a rather eye-catching girl, and her charm is also reflected in her Healthy and lively.She is more like the daughter of the Shi family than Han. She doesn't like female celebrities, but prefers to dance with guns and clubs. Mrs. Wang often sighs whether the concubine has mistaken her gender, otherwise why is she not at all like her demure and virtuous Her older sisters are more masculine than her gentle brothers.

But the reason why nature is called nature is because of its irreversibility.Since Wang Xinlan's "nature" is like this, Mrs. Wang can only let her go.Only occasionally, I still teach her some homework as a woman, and I want to transform her into a lady who advances and retreats well. Embroidery is one of them.But the facts are in front of us, Wang Xinlan is hopeless in this life.

"Hey, why do you look like this?" Wang Xinlan finally realized that Han had a special appearance while feeling self-pitying, just like a little abandoned child who was abused.

"Is someone bullying you! Tell me, I'll help you get justice!" Wang Xinlan immediately deduced a picture of a favored child abusing a disfavored child in his mind, and he was ready to rush out with his sleeves in the way. .

Her "shocking little celestial girl" (her self-proclaimed) friend is being bullied, how can she ignore it?She said that the Shi family was uneasy and well-intentioned, but Han, an idiot, didn't believe it. Didn't he suffer a lot?Fortunately, she still knows to come to rely on her generation of chivalrous women, otherwise she will not know how to fight back if she is bullied to death.But since Han thinks highly of her as a friend, she will take care of her wholeheartedly!

"No more!" Han defended his inexplicably wronged brothers and sisters, "It's none of their business for me to do this!" I don't know whether Xinlan's desire to protect is too strong, or she is born with a pitiful appearance. When Xinlan saw her, she would say that she would help her to avenge her hatred, or ask her to move in with her once.And for more than a year, she said that Xinlan just didn't believe that her family would treat her well.Could it be that people from their Shi family have such a notorious reputation in Shangping Town?She thinks that her brothers and sisters are very nice to her. Even if those aunts don't like her, they won't hurt her deliberately, let alone treat her like a girl as Xin Lan said.

"It's none of their business, you will come to me in a mess?" Wang Xinlan was still obsessed with the storyline she made up and couldn't get out.

"It's really none of their business. I'm just trying to hide what I'm wearing."

"Covering people's eyes and ears? What outrageous things did you do that need to be concealed? Or did your half-sisters want to harm you, so you had to discredit yourself? I knew it, I knew it!" Wang Xinlan's persecution paranoia flared up again, " I knew those half-sisters of yours would not let you go!"

"Why is it my sister who won't let me go, not my brother?" Although Xinlan often scolded her brothers, she didn't talk about her sister's hysteria, which is really a strange phenomenon.

Qingqing on the side also nodded when she heard Han's question, as if she felt the same way.

"Stupid! Do you understand the principle that same-sex repels each other and opposite-sex attracts? Han is so beautiful and cute, even if her brothers don't like her, they won't do anything to her; her half-sisters are different, women's jealousy is Very strong, it is rare to see such a magnanimous woman like me in the world, she can be called a wonderful work through the ages!" She still did not forget to flatter herself during the conversation, this Wang Xinlan is really not an ordinary stinky fart.

"What about after a woman's jealousy is strong?" Dissatisfied with her master's half-speak, Qingqing interrupted Wang Xinlan's self-admiration, puzzled.

"Oh, I don't believe you're stupid!" Wang Xinlan was very proud now, she was usually the one who would take advantage of this little girl, but now she finally had a chance to perform well and win a victory, the taste of victory is really delicious!

"What's the matter?" Han couldn't figure out what Wang Xinlan was proud of, but her unfinished words were really tantalizing.

"After women are very jealous, they will hate Han for being so attractive. In order not to let Han cover up their demeanor, they will definitely try all kinds of vicious methods to torture Han, so that she can't survive. I can't die!" Wang Xinlan's expression became more and more ruthless as she spoke, as if she had an enemy of ten generations in front of her.

"My sisters aren't that bad, are they?" Han, who firmly believes in the goodness of human nature, has never encountered what she said, and naturally he doesn't believe that the sisters who have always taken good care of her would harm her like this.

"What do you understand, do you understand the heart of the most poisonous woman? You are too simple, you believe what others say, and you don't know when you will be sold. No, I'd better bring you by my side to be safe. "Thinking of Han's incomprehension of the world and her innocence, Xinlan broke into a cold sweat. She was really afraid that she would be framed by the wicked, so wouldn't she be missing a best gunman who cheated?You should know that any female celebrity that makes her headache when she hears it, as long as Han understands the basic method, she can immediately use it at her fingertips, which is easier to use than that sharp-mouthed maid who doesn't know how to adapt.

"Remember, if I'm not by your side in the future, you can't just believe anyone's words. Even if he says your father is dead, you can't just believe it! Do you know?" This will ensure that she will not be deceived Sell.

"En, er!" Han Chong nodded violently with his jade finger pointing directly at her pretty nose.It's not that she is born to be cared for, but Xinlan's expression at this time is clear: If you dare not listen to me, just try it!Anyway, she promised her first, and Xinlan couldn't see whether she did or not.And she knew that Xin Lan was really good to her, although her mouth was a bit bad, but she would never be unfavorable to her friend in the boudoir.

Alas, it seems that she was indeed led badly by Xinlan, and the trick of obedience and infidelity made it so natural.

"Okay, since you're not avoiding the pursuit of your half-sisters, why did you make yourself look like this?" Seeing Han nodding obediently, Wang Xinlan relaxed a little, and then remembered the reason why Han came to find her .

"I did it to escape marriage—"

"What! Escaping marriage?" Before Han could finish speaking, Wang Xinlan's voice rose an octave and cut in.

"Uh, Qingqing, you go and wash Han's face with a basin of wash water first, and then find a suit of clothes that fits her." Realizing her gaffe, Wang Xinlan stopped screaming like a dick, but tried her best This kind of reason dismisses the maid who is too "intimate".

"Ah, and," Wang Xinlan continued, calling to stop the maid who was about to step out of the threshold to do something, "you go to the kitchen and ask for some snacks and a pot of incense, and I want to have afternoon tea with Han."

Qingqing went away in response, even if both their master and servant knew that Wang Xinlan wanted to distract her, otherwise how could a person who never eats snacks in order to keep fit drink afternoon tea?But the duty of a girl is to obey orders, even if she knows that her young lady is hunting ghosts and paying attention to her, there is no way to stop her.

Ha - Qingqing is gone, now she can do whatever she wants - no, speak freely!Wang Xinlan was so excited that all the cells in her body became active, and she almost couldn't dance to celebrate.

"Why are you so happy?" Is Xinlan happy for her escape from marriage?She just said that it was a wise move for her to escape marriage!

"Why not be happy? Run away from marriage, you run away from marriage! Tell me, tell me, what's going on?"

Seeing that Xin Lan was so excited, Han also briefly told what happened.As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that her friend opened her mouth very unladyishly, her eyes were full of stars, and she was almost drooling.

Oh my god, escaped marriage, the escaped marriage she had been yearning for for a long time!She and Han really deserved to be bosom friends, even dared to do things that she didn't have the guts to do.Woo, Han, I love you so much!You gave me the courage to break through the cage!

The biggest commonality between Wang Xinlan and Shi Han at this time is probably that they have a fiancé who is in the way.Just like Han's unwillingness to be bound by marriage, Wang Xinlan also doesn't want to be a shameless "cheap wife" for the rest of her life. This is one of the reasons why the two can become close friends in the boudoir.What is different from the wish of traveling in the mountains and playing in the water is that Wang Xinlan's dream is to be a heroine who is a chivalrous heroine.There is no husband in this world who can endure his wife's traveling abroad, and naturally there is no husband who can endure his wife's years of wandering around the rivers and lakes.

She once tried to test her childhood sweetheart fiancé in a tactful way, asking him what he thinks of chivalrous women who walk the rivers and lakes, but after that bastard Zhan Ruihao lashed out at her idol, he still It is strictly forbidden for her to have such weird thoughts, otherwise he will not keep the three-year agreement and immediately drag her to worship.Now that the three-year contract is approaching, she is worrying about how to get rid of the upcoming troubles, and Han's bold move gave her an excellent revelation—running away from marriage!

Instead of sitting in a sad city, it is better to get up and do it.Anyway, Zhan Ruihao didn't dare to do anything to her, even if he was captured, he would just hold the wedding as promised, but what if she succeeds?Then wouldn't she be able to escape and ascend to heaven?Ha ha!What a great idea, just do it!

Since you want to escape, you must have a complete plan to be safe. While Qingqing's little housekeeper is away, let's discuss it with Han!
That night, two figures, one tall and one short, rushed out from the side door of Wang's house and headed east.At the same time, the Shi family was full of turmoil, and everyone was scurrying around like ants on a hot pot because of Han's disappearance, but they couldn't even figure out whether she was kidnapped or ran away from home, until Guan Shengzhi picked up the girl inadvertently. A bunch of scraps of paper that were casually discarded.

On the official road leading to Hangzhou, a handsome scholar in white is leading a handsome boy in Tsing Yi walking slowly on the road.The two of them only carried light luggage, but the two piles of snacks in their hands were quite interesting.Seeing a small teahouse in front of them, the two couldn't help but quicken their pace and walked forward.However, what attracted them was not the thirst-quenching tea, but the watermelon stand next to the teahouse.

"Xinlan, is it okay to leave Qingqing behind?" The more Han thought about it, the more Han felt guilty, and he felt uncomfortable even eating watermelon.

"Ann! My parents know my temperament and won't do anything to her. On the contrary, we two, if we take her with us, we will be arrested before leaving Xi'an. Do you want to be arrested? Are you living a life without seeing the sun?" In order to be afraid of Han's conscience, she ran out at an untimely time to cause trouble, so Wang Xinlan had no choice but to spare no effort to belittle her loyal servant, and relentlessly brainwashed Han.

"Well, if you give up, you get something. If you don't give up, you don't get anything. For our bright future, this kind of sacrifice is unavoidable!" Suddenly, a sentence that is quite Zen-like, Han imitated Wang Xinlan and temporarily lent his conscience to The stray dog ​​waved his hand, threw away the watermelon rind, and continued to travel leisurely with his companions without taking a cloud.

two months later.

"Wow - we've finally arrived in Hangzhou! We've finally arrived in Hangzhou!" When Han saw the boundary marker marked with "Hangzhou" in red paint, his excitement was beyond words.

In the past two months, they walked when they were in the mood, and took care of the car or sedan chair when they were not in the mood. Sometimes they tried the waterway when they were in a good mood.Anyway, they go wherever they want to have fun, and when they hear that the snacks are famous, they will take a detour to try them.Along the way, Han had a full view of the mountains and rivers, and sighed that "reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles"; Wang Xinlan was even more addicted to being a chivalrous woman, but it is a pity that the two have been dressed as scribes, and she cannot be "shocking the world". The reputation of "Goddess" spread far and wide.But even so, the two of them are satisfied, because if they don't take this trip, they will only see that narrow piece of sky when they die!
It took more than [-] days to leave their slender shadows in the places of interest and historical sites in Hangzhou.Having played enough and eaten enough, real problems have also emerged-they are not far from being ashamed of their pockets.So they unanimously decided to spend a good day at the inn to "recover and recuperate".

"Xinlan, if we continue to eat, drink and have fun without doing anything productive, one day we will be sitting and eating. Should we find a way to raise some travel expenses?"

Although they brought a lot of valuable things when they fled, but according to the two of them's extravagance, it cannot keep them for a long time.As a matter of urgency, they can only live frugally, otherwise they will have to find another source of income.

"I'm also very troubled!" Wang Xinlan lay weakly on the table, her whole body twisted into a weird appearance as if she had no bones. "But since we come out to play, we can't abuse ourselves, and no matter how we save money, we will have a day of sitting and eating. But we are both pampered daughters, what can we do to make a living?" Oh, what annoyance.Who told her to be so chivalrous that she donated their traveling expenses to others, and now the money they have on hand is not enough to let them go back to Xi'an.Although Han Xin was kind and would not blame her cock-in-law, she was already guilty of guilt.

It seems that it is not so easy to be a chivalrous woman. First of all, the belly is a major problem.Is she really going to beg that person?Although she knew that she couldn't escape for a lifetime, but—hmph, she wouldn't throw herself into a trap unless it was absolutely necessary!She didn't believe that with her, a "generation of chivalrous woman", the two of them would starve to death!

"Oh, never mind! Cars must have a way to the front of the mountain, and boats will naturally go straight to the bridge. We will think of a way when we have no money. Life is short, and we must have fun in time. Let's worry about those annoying things when they happen. Anyway, I won’t let you be wronged.” Wang Xinlan immediately asked the waiter in the shop to bring some snacks.She has already figured it out, depending on Zhan Ruihao's ability, it will be a matter of time to find her, and that Han is also very famous in the world, and his influence on the world is even more boundless.According to Han's description of him, he can be said to be determined to win Han. Although the girl didn't understand the man's determination in a daze, but according to her experience with men - the source of her experience is mainly her childhood sweetheart fiance - —Look, that man will never allow Han to abandon him.

If the two of them really reached the end of the rope, she would go to the branch of the Zhan family in Hangzhou to earn some extra money.Even if the branch people passed the news back, it would be a while before Zhan Ruihao arrived.Taking advantage of this time, maybe she can sneak to Suzhou with Han to play!As the saying goes, there is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below, they have all come here, how can she be worthy of herself if she doesn't play hard enough!
Affected by Wang Xinlan's optimistic nature, Han, who has always been extremely convinced by her and takes her as his leader, naturally no longer worries about it, and happily eats famous Hangzhou dishes.Anyway, when the sky falls, there are tall people who can stand up to it, but no matter how you look at it, she, Shi Han, belongs to the short family.

What Wang Xinlan didn't expect was that the day when she visited Zhanjia branch would come so soon!
*The copyright of this article is reserved. Without the authorization of "Flower Season Culture", please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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