Chapter 1

"Xiao Su, I really like you, Xiao Su..."

"Close the door!" Su Che sighed, and gave instructions to the guard. Immediately, the electric gate blocked a yelling man holding a rose in his hand.

"Miss, Old General Su has ordered you to go to the study on the second floor when you come back." The guard said with a smile.

"Grandpa is back?" Su Che was startled, then nodded, "I see."

"Xiao Su, come out, listen to me, I am..." The two iron doors couldn't stop the passionate courtship outside.

Su Che patted himself on the forehead, stepped into the villa helplessly, and returned to his room along the spiral staircase.

Why did the grandfather who had been recuperating after retiring suddenly come back?There was no rumor at all beforehand!Is something big going to happen again?

While thinking wildly, she took off the dusty military uniform and changed into casual clothes for home use.Turning around, a heroic woman was reflected in the floor-to-ceiling full-length mirror.

Pulling back a corner of the curtain, sure enough, the annoying suitor was still lingering outside the door.

Su Che continued to sigh. She knew that she was not the kind of beautiful girl who was very popular with men. Be strong in everything, it can be said that there is no femininity at all, otherwise how can you not have a serious relationship at the age of 27?
"Sister, are you ready? Grandpa is calling you!" Following a burst of shouting, the door was slammed several times.

"Here we come." Su Che washed his face casually, opened the door and went out. Sure enough, the impatient person at the door was his only younger brother, Su Mo.

"Sister, what kind of brother-in-law are you going to find for me?" Su Mo pulled her away with a smile, and said, "I think that Chen Yun outside is not bad, only thirty is the main hall level, the future is boundless, yes Are you infatuated...considering it?"

"What's the benefit of accepting someone?" Su Che bluntly knocked him off, "I'm not interested in a man I can't beat, unless he wears a wedding dress to marry me!"

"You're picking a husband, not a thug, okay?" Su Mo ignored her last words, turned behind her and pushed, "Grandpa is inside, I'm leaving first!"

"Hello!" Su Che missed him and could only watch him slip away.This kid, fighting and skipping classes in the military academy, the ability to escape under the noses of the discipline inspectors has become more and more slippery with practice!

"Xiao Che? Come in." A vigorous voice came from the study.

"Yes, Grandpa." Su Che straightened his clothes and pushed open the door.

"Come and sit." The old man behind the desk pointed to the opposite chair with a stern smile.

"Grandpa, what do you want from me?" Su Che sat down and asked respectfully.

She is in awe from the bottom of her heart for Su Jianguo, the former No. [-] military figure who single-handedly taught her to grow up.

"Yesterday I received a task letter, it's for you." Su Jianguo said, took out a sealed document bag and pushed it over.

"Mission?" A trace of doubt flashed in Su Che's eyes.Why was my mission brought back by my retired grandpa?And still at home.

"Originally, you just came back from the battlefield, but this task is very unusual, you can choose to refuse." Su Jianguo said lightly, paused for a while, and added, "The content of the task is to cooperate with the latest research of the Academy of Sciences. .”

"What did those lunatics from the Academy of Sciences come up with again?" Su Che frowned and tore open the file bag, scanned the contents inside ten lines at a glance, and then frowned even tighter, "Grandpa, what is this? Traveling through time and space? Going back in time? How is this possible!"

"The Academy of Sciences has invented a set of space-time travel instruments, and has conducted experiments with various animals..." Su Jianguo said while tapping on the table lightly.

"Okay, I'll go." Su Che said without hesitation before he finished speaking.

"Have you thought it through? Although in vivo experiments have been done, there are still certain risks." Su Jianguo reminded.

"Wouldn't life be too boring if there were no adventures and excitement?" Su Che suddenly smiled, "Your granddaughter has never been a peaceful little woman."

"Okay, I will tell them." Su Jianguo sighed softly, "Which dynasty do you want to go to?"

"I'm a soldier, and soldiers should live in troubled times, not in peaceful times." Su Che raised his eyebrows, showing his heroism, "I'm going to the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms!"

"Get ready and report to the Academy of Sciences in three days." Su Jianguo said in a deep voice, "Remember, this is a state-level S-secret mission, and even your younger brother must not mention it. There will be arrangements in the organization, and you will be transferred to the south for further study in name .”

"I see. If it's okay, I'll go out." Su Che stood up.

Seeing the door close again, Su Jianguo let out a sigh, his originally tall and straight figure appeared a little old, and a slight sadness gradually appeared between his brows.

On the other hand, Su Che's heart was extremely calm.

time travel?It's often written like this in novels, but... those lunatics and lunatics in the Academy of Sciences really developed an instrument that can travel through time and space?

Well, anyway, the war is over, and these soldiers have no chance to go to the battlefield, maybe... not bad.

Three days later in the afternoon, the military department sent a transfer order, Su Che didn't bring anything, waved to his family lightly, and boarded the special car of the Academy of Sciences.

After leaving the city, gradually, the places the car passed by became more and more remote. After a few hours, there were continuous mountains in sight. Not to mention the villages, there seemed to be no human habitation!

Su Che didn't ask the driver any questions, the nature of a soldier kept her silent.

Until it was completely dark, a light finally appeared in the mountain.Sure enough, the car drove towards the light without hesitation.

Su Che was surprised to find that the research institute of the Academy of Sciences was built entirely in a hollowed-out mountainside, no wonder it couldn't be seen from the outside at all.

"Major Su, I believe you already understand the situation, then let's start!" Several researchers in white robes excitedly dragged her inside as soon as they saw her.

Su Che shrugged and did not refuse.Anyway, it has to be done sooner or later, so it's better to be more straightforward.

Several researchers let her lie on a bed covered with chips, and picked up a closed helmet to put on her. One of them explained: "We will transmit your consciousness to the Three Kingdoms era through the instrument current, And your body will be well protected, all you have to do is write down what you saw and heard over there, this will be a major breakthrough for the study of history!"

"How do I get back?" Su Che calmly let them dictate.

"As expected of the most promising female officer in the military department, her psychological quality is really strong!" The researcher nodded appreciatively, "This machine is effective, and you will come back automatically after two months. Of course, it may be because The difference between the two time and space time, these two months is only an approximate value, but the difference will not be too much."

"I see." Su Che nodded and closed his eyes.

"Don't you ask who you realize it will be attached to? What if it's a bad old man?" the researcher asked curiously.

"It's not for a lifetime." Su Che said indifferently, and immediately choked him.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, start the instrument quickly!" shouted an old researcher.

"Turn on the instrument!" Immediately, the whole research institute started to move.

Su Che took a deep breath, preparing for the coming mutation.

The "bed" under him gradually heated up, the helmet also began to emit warm heat, and there were various lights, colorfully flickering.The heat gradually became thicker, but it was not blazing, and a sense of drowsiness slowly emerged from the depths of consciousness.

Su Che has received strict anti-drug training, even an anesthetic injection can't make her fall asleep quickly, but the drowsiness seems to come from the depths of her soul, making her irresistible, and she is unwilling to resist ... In the haze, I only heard the exclamation of several researchers: "Time control... change... the difference between the years before and after... is not a big problem..."

In the colorless brilliance, scene after scene flashed quickly.Gold and iron horses, the sound of drums rumbling; the Forbidden Palace, glazed green tiles, and the women sitting on the high jade steps are elegant and magnificent...

As if having a long dream, Su Che slowly woke up.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a pink gauze, and the brocade seemed to be mixed with gold threads, which was dazzling under the candlelight.The bedding and bed sheets were also of the same bright color, which made her, a female officer, frown.

Sitting up, she took a quick look at the surrounding environment, and sure enough, the place where she could see was pink, and the decoration was extremely luxurious. Obviously, the master didn't know the saying that wealth is not in vain.

It's just... Although her history is mediocre, she also knows that there will never be chairs in the Three Kingdoms period!Sure enough, the words of those lunatics in the Academy of Sciences cannot be trusted!

He got out of bed and turned to face the bronze mirror on the dressing table.

Although she didn't mind her looks, she was relieved that the person she was attached to was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old beauty and not a strange uncle or old man.Although the original owner of this body is a bit weak, she doesn't plan to stay here for a long time anyway, so let's just use it!The most important thing now is to figure out what dynasty and place this is, and who this body was originally, and how it was possessed by her.

Judging from the fragmentary words heard before falling asleep, those lunatics must have made a mistake and sent her to the wrong era.

"Squeak~" Just when she was thinking about it, the door was pushed open.

"Who!" Su Che turned around instinctively, posing in the most suitable posture for shooting. Unexpectedly, she forgot for a moment that she was wearing an ancient nightgown, and her pampered body couldn't match her movements. As a result, Just stepped on the hem of the clothes, fell heavily on the ground, knocked his head against the edge of the bed, and felt a sharp pain.

"Ah~~" The boy who entered the door let out a scream when he saw this, threw the washbasin in his hand and rushed over, shouting, "Princess! Your Royal Highness! Come quickly!"

How unlucky... Su Che clutched his bleeding forehead and sighed, "Damn it, won't you help me stop the bleeding first?"
A princess is still a princess!But this boy?No matter how you look at it, it is not a eunuch. Why is it not a maid but a man who serves the princess?This place... how strange it looks!
(End of this chapter)

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