Chapter 14

"Your Majesty, I'm glad you didn't disgrace your life." Qin Yuxuan's shallow voice interrupted Su Hailing's contemplation, and while waving his hands, two attendants turned around carrying the easels.

"Okay!" Su Xueling applauded first.

The queen has made her statement, and the people below will naturally not lag behind, and they immediately applauded.

Qin Yuxuan just stood quietly on the side, without the slightest hint of pride on his face, his whole body was as elegant as a branch of white lotus.

"Hailing, what do you think of this lotus painting?" Su Xueling turned her head and said.

"Of course it's good." Su Hailing rolled her eyes secretly. God knows, she has drawn military maps at most in her life. When did she get involved with such elegant things?
"Thank you Your Majesty and Princess for your appreciation." Qin Yuxuan said softly.

Maybe it's because Zhuyu was in the front, the performance of the next few young masters paled a lot, but it's just playing the piano and dancing, the piano is fine, this man's soft dance still makes Su Hailing not used to it.

What's more, with Qin Yuxuan, the number one beauty in the capital, of course, the people performing next to him will suffer a lot. It seems that Qin Yuxuan's first appearance is also calculated by the empress.

Yawning lazily, Su Hailing looked boredly at the man who was playing the piano in the field, but he didn't know where his mind went.

"With so many beauties present, why does sister Hailing still look uninterested?" Su Yuling asked.

"Third Sister, Hailing has just accepted a servant, and it is just at the time when love is strong, so it is inevitable that he will look down on others." Su Jinling's eyes were full of mockery, but his face smiled brighter, "Is it? Hailing .”

"Yeah, I just like Haoyue." Su Hailing comforted Haoyue's knuckle-whitening hand.

Haoyue couldn't help but blushed when she heard the words, she... unexpectedly said it without hesitation in front of the empress and so many princes who were waiting for her to choose Zhengjun...

"I didn't expect our Hailing to become an infatuated species after being ill for a while." Su Xueling glanced at her meaningfully, and said, "Unfortunately, Haoyue's background cannot be your rightful monarch, you If you like him, you can pamper him more in the future."

"Thank you, Sister Huang." Su Hailing smiled, and turned his attention to the group of beautiful boys below.

Forget it, anyway, judging by the queen's posture, she has to choose one anyway. Instead of waiting for the queen to designate marriage, it's better to choose the one that is pleasing to the eye. There is still more than a year before the king.

However... what bothered her the most was, how could she leave the table for a while without the empress not being suspicious?If you miss this opportunity tonight, it will not be so easy to sneak into the Imperial Study Room again!

"Your Highness, are you unhappy?" Haoyue asked in a low voice.

"Yue, can you do me a favor?" Su Hailing thought for a while, and finally decided to take a gamble.

"Why?" Haoyue glanced at Su Xueling secretly, and asked hesitantly.

"It's nothing." Su Hailing leaned against him, and said with a light smile, "I can't bear the atmosphere here, is there a way to find a reason for me to go out and hide for a while?"

"This..." Haoyue suddenly showed embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I will choose Zhengjun, but let me clean my ears for a while?" Su Hailing knew from his expression that he had a solution, and hurriedly continued to beg.

Haoyue hesitated for a moment, took the wine glass in her hand, and drank it down.

Su Hailing was startled, but quickly understood his intentions, poured another glass of wine with a smile, and brought it to his lips with his own hands.

Do you want to get yourself drunk and let her leave the table with an excuse?
Sure enough, after two glasses of wine, a trace of drunkenness appeared in his clear eyes.

"Hailing, Haoyue still has the responsibility to protect you, so don't get him drunk." Su Xueling reminded.

"Your Majesty, Haoyue is fine." Probably due to drinking alcohol, Haoyue's originally cold voice became soft, making people feel numb.

Su Hailing's eyes brightened, he didn't expect the drunk Haoyue to be so attractive, it seems that if there is a chance in the future, he should get drunk more often!

"Forget it, ask someone to serve a bowl of hangover soup." Su Xueling smiled and shook his head.

"Sister Huang, I'll help Haoyue go to the back hall to rest for a while." Su Hailing said with his arms around Haoyue's swaying body.

"Come back soon, don't keep everyone waiting." Su Xueling pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Miss Huang." Su Hailing simply picked up Haoyue and strode towards the apse.She was very sure that Su Xueling would not stop her, and Haoyue's absence would not affect her choice of Zhengjun.

Under the leadership of a servant, Su Hailing walked through several palaces, chose a side hall, and put the blushing Haoyue on the soft couch.

The waiter skillfully brought water, a clean silk scarf, and even ice cubes.

"Go to the kitchen and get a bowl of hangover soup, you don't need to wait here, everyone go down!" Su Hailing said, wet the silk scarf, and gently wiped Haoyue's face.

"Yes." Seeing her movements, the waiter quickly bowed his head and left.

When there were only the two of them left in the hall, Haoyue awkwardly pushed her hand away, and said in a clear voice, "Your Highness, I'm not drunk, don't worry."

Su Hailing was stunned for a moment, she had also learned the art of reconnaissance, and she asked herself if she was really drunk or fake drunk, she should be able to tell the difference.

"I just used my internal force to force out the alcohol." Haoyue smiled, "If your Highness wants to go somewhere, you have to come back soon."

"How do you know?" Su Hailing was startled.

"At any rate, I used to be Her Majesty's personal bodyguard." Haoyue sighed, and looked up at her deeply, "That night, His Highness probably took the assassin in."

"You know?" Su Hailing was even more surprised.Judging by Su Xueling's appearance, he obviously didn't know about this matter, so to say, it was Haoyue...

"Your Highness said that trust requires mutual care, I think... I understand..." Haoyue said in a low voice.

"Hehe..." Su Hailing couldn't help laughing, "You've liked me since then, haven't you?"

"That's not it!" Haoyue argued hastily, facing her teasing eyes, and said after a long while, "My master used to be the bodyguard next to His Majesty the Holy Emperor."

His Majesty the Holy Emperor?The founding queen Su Jie?Su Hailing couldn't help raising her eyebrows, how many secrets does this Haoyue keep from her?
"I'll be back soon, wait for me." Su Hailing settled down, bowed his head and kissed him, got up and quickly dodged to the back of the hall.

Haoyue covered her lips that had been attacked by surprise, and the red tide that had just faded on her face was flooding again.

Looking at the empty side hall, after a long time, he let out a low sigh.

Back then, if it wasn't for the accident of the flying arrow, the person sitting on the phoenix chair now should be Su Hailing, right?Because of the teacher's instruction, he could not harm the blood of the Holy Emperor, but...the empress was kind to him.From the moment he walked into Chaoyang Palace, he has been suffering in a dilemma, and the most troublesome thing is... Now, he seems to really have a heart for this troublesome princess...

(End of this chapter)

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