phoenix jiuxiao

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Thousands of miles of mist, thousands of miles of moonlight.

A small boat floats quietly on the lake, with a delicate wind lamp hanging on the bow, emitting a dim yellow light, elegant and quiet.

"Bastard Su Hailing! Stupid Su Hailing! Go to hell!" A voice suddenly came from the cabin, scaring the night birds resting on the ship's side to spread their wings and quickly break the night of the lake.

Bai Libing looked at the exquisite wine and dishes in front of him with great anger.

The original delicacy lost its heat and became hard to swallow.

What about the rare Mid-Autumn Festival...

Bai Libing bit her chopsticks, barely tasted a few mouthfuls of food, then vomited with a frown, and continued to scold a bastard who should have been here a long time ago but has not been seen yet.

If I had known this, I should have stayed in Haiyue Villa, and made fun of that rigid Lu Tong, and teased that little boy Shui Li by the way, how carefree it is!Or go to Lan Qinshuang to fight for wine, her newlywed husband... is obviously Qin Guijun from the original palace, hmph!Stupid Su Hailing, is it true that everyone in the world is blind?Now... That woman is probably very happy to be hugging left and right, so why should he wait for an even stupider fool like a fool on Mid-Autumn Night?He clearly knows... There is a state banquet in the palace tonight, as the emperor, how could he leave the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty behind.She clearly knows...the ones in her harem are her favorites.But... just so foolishly believed a note she scribbled, and waited alone from the sun down until the moon was in the sky.

"Bastard! Fool! Wood!" Bai Libing cursed, and broke off a section of chopsticks. After a while, the exquisitely carved wooden block became a pile of sawdust.

After folding the chopsticks, continue to throw the vegetables into the lake.

Soon, a group of colorful fish surrounded the boat, scrambling to devour the dishes.

"It's cheaper for you!" Bai Libing picked up the bamboo, and threw it into the water angrily.The fish was scared away, but the boat was shaking violently while making circles in the middle of the lake.

There was a flurry of hands and feet, and it was hard to stabilize the hull, but it had already drifted away a long distance.

"You're here to bully me too!" Bai Libing threw the bamboo, thinking about what else he could use to vent his anger.

The sapphire wine jug on the small table is warm and lovely, and it contains the chrysanthemum green that he specially brought back from Nanchu, just because one day Lan Qinshuang accidentally mentioned the mellow and clear chrysanthemum flower of Nanchu, which is unique in the world.

Picking up the jug and filling a cup, the clear and transparent liquid made the jade cup even more crystal clear, so I was reluctant to throw it away.

Drink it slowly, the originally warm wine is naturally cold, just like the dew in this autumn.

Suddenly, the hull shook violently.

A thin steel wire was wrapped around the mast, and it was straightened, and a faint blue figure used the strength to fly across the lake gracefully and came straight to the boat.

The corner of Bai Libing's lips twitched, and with a light flick of his fingers, the jade cup slid across the air with a green shadow, made an arc, and flew back into his hand.

Only a "pop" sound was heard, and the steel wire broke in response.

The man in blue couldn't wait to guard against it, and his body suddenly sank, but he didn't panic, instead he relaxed his body, as if he planned to go directly to the lake to take a bath.

"You rascal..." Bai Libing sighed, kicked the bamboo flying with a kick of her toes.

At the moment when the man in blue was about to fall into the water, the bamboo came to his feet. The man in blue took advantage of his strength to rise and fall, and just landed on the stern of the boat.

Looking at each other from a distance of a boat, Bai Libing raised his eyebrows and smiled after a while: "Is Your Majesty willing to give up those beauties in the palace?"

"Where did the beauty come from?" Su Hailing spread out his hands gracefully, walked over, and hugged him, "Even if there is, how can it be as good as my Li Bing..."

"Don't think that I'll let you go just by saying a few sweet words." Bai Libing turned around and got out of her embrace somehow.

"I know, you don't want me to soak in cold water in the lake this season." Su Hailing laughed lowly.

"There's no more food." Bai Libing snorted coldly.

"Wine is fine." Su Hailing said, picked up the jug, and filled the jade cup in his hand.

"The wine is getting cold too." Bai Libing pouted.

"Then...warm a pot of moonlight...boil wine." A low voice echoed in his ears, and a pair of warm palms wrapped his hand holding the cup.

The clear wine in the jade cup rippling, shattering a moon shadow.

"Hey, Hailing." After a long time, Bai Libing suddenly laughed.

"What?" Su Hailing responded.

"Can you row a boat?" Bai Libing turned to look at her, her deep purple eyes flickering.

"Not very good." Su Hailing was speechless. He is the queen, and he would not ask her to row a boat at ordinary times, and in modern times... there is not much opportunity to row a boat. Although he has learned theoretical knowledge, he has hands-on experience. ……No.

"What a coincidence, neither will I." Bai Libing smiled.

"And then?" Su Hailing sighed.

"Just now... I threw the bamboo out." Bai Libing had an innocent face, but couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

"You did it on purpose... little scoundrel!" Su Hailing's voice gradually dropped.

The following words disappeared between the tight lips and teeth along with the mellow chrysanthemum green...

If wine is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicated, and the moonlight is like water like the sky.

After a long time, Bai Libing leaned in her arms and asked curiously, "Those few, did they really let you out so easily?"

"Of course it's not that easy." Su Hailing raised his eyebrows and made a bitter face.

She was forced to make countless promises before Mu Qingchen and the others agreed that she would come out to meet beautiful women... Sigh, whoever is called Bai Libing may not come back several times a year.

Maybe it was because of being bound by the temple for 20 years, so Bai Libing yearned for a free life and would rather wander around the world. Fortunately, he did not refuse his act of sending secret guards to protect him secretly.

"It deserves it!" Bai Libing's purple eyes sparkled with a smile, and the brilliance flowed.

"It doesn't matter, you have to make it up to me!" Su Hailing's arms around his waist tightened even more.

"Rogue!" Bai Libing cursed again with a smile.

"If I wasn't a rascal, you would have lost track of where you would have gone." Su Hailing smiled triumphantly.

Back then, after the spring breeze, she used secret techniques to return to the palace to deal with Caiyun's affairs. Before leaving, she did not forget to have Bai Libing imprisoned and sent to the capital—since they are all hers, do you want to run away?No doors, no windows, nothing!

So, after the two parties signed countless unequal treaties, Su Hailing finally released him with satisfaction.

However... It didn't take long for her to regret it. What kind of lover's contract, in the eyes of this guy who deserves to be beaten, her lover is far less important than the beautiful scenery and delicious food from all over the world!

"What are you doing!" Bai Libing suddenly exclaimed.

"Don't do anything, I want you!" Su Hailing said viciously while pulling his belt, "This time, you can't get out of bed for three days, so tell you to run again!"


The bright moon gradually disappeared into the clouds, and the sky and the earth were dark.

Alas...see no evil...

(End of this chapter)

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