Chapter 16

It was already late at night when we returned to Chaoyang Palace, Su Hailing took off the gorgeous palace attire a few times, and jumped into the steaming bath in his middle clothes.

"Your Highness." Hao Yue followed in, taking clean silk scarves and clothes from Hong Chen.

"Why, don't be shy today, want to take a mandarin duck bath with me?" Su Hailing teased.

Haoyue threw everyone out, closed the door, and gave her a hard look: "Can you be more serious?"

"What's the matter?" Su Hailing was startled, and his face immediately became serious.

Haoyue hung her clothes on the screen, walked to the pool and sat down on the floor, took out the secret bag in her arms, and said in a deep voice, "Did your Highness not read the contents inside?"

"I took the things and came back in a hurry. I don't have time to look carefully." Su Hailing shook his head, wondering, "Is there something wrong?"

"That's right." Haoyue spread out the secret book, pointed to a few lines of text in it and said, "Your Highness, please take a look, this book is a general under General Zhenyuan who exposed the general's collusion with the enemy and treason, authentication, material evidence, confession Everything."

"'s really not right." Su Hailing pondered, "The master general's collusion with the enemy is naturally done in an extremely secretive way. How can people find all the evidence? As for the confession... Eh? There was no torture, Did General Zhenyuan admit it in front of the criminal officials in charge of the investigation after the incident?"

"The leader of the front line colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. That is a felony to punish the nine clans." Haoyue frowned and said, "Ordinary people would deny it to the end even if the evidence is solid, how can they admit it like this?"

"There is definitely a conspiracy." Su Hailing left the next sentence, thought for a while and said, "Haoyue, is there any descendant of General Zhenyuan alive?"

"Probably not." Haoyue shook her head and said, "For other crimes, men can still act as official prostitutes, but collaborating with the enemy is tantamount to treason, no matter men, women, old or young, they will all be killed within the nine clans."

"Will there be any sincere servants to help?" Su Hailing recalled the story of the orphan of the Zhao family in ancient China, and asked tentatively, "For example, using another child to replace the master's child and so on. "

"This..." Haoyue pondered for a while, and finally denied it, "No, there is no baby in General Zhenyuan's family, and the twins under his knees were both 13 years old at that time. She is still the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, and she has a grudge against General Zhenyuan, so it is absolutely impossible for her to collude and cheat when her body is verified."

"Oh?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows and fell silent.

So... who exactly is Yun Mo, and why does he care about this old case that has no victim?

"Your Highness, do you really want to take care of this matter?" Haoyue asked worriedly.

"No wonder!" Su Hailing smiled, took the secret bag and threw it aside, then grabbed his waist and dragged him into the water forcefully.

"Ah!" Haoyue let out an exclamation, caught off guard.

"Don't move." Su Hailing took off his clothes with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Don't deprive me of the pleasure of undressing the beauty."

The warm breath blowing into the ears made people blush and heartbeat.

Haoyue tightly closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and let those slender jade hands be presumptuous on her body.

Su Hailing could only lament in her heart, and she didn't know why the self-control she was always proud of didn't work every time she came to Haoyue?Then if she can go back to modern times in the future, will she become like a beautiful man who will rush to...

Thinking of this, her movements froze suddenly.

Yes, she might want to go back, so what about Haoyue?In this society of women, a man's chastity is more important than his life, and Haoyue is already hers!

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Haoyue felt that she suddenly stopped all movements, and couldn't help opening her misty eyes.

"Haoyue..." Su Hailing stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly, "If... I mean if, one day I'm not here, what will you do?"

"Your Highness... do you want to leave this palace?" Haoyue said softly.

"...That's right." Su Hailing said.She didn't know what happened to the real Su Hailing, and she didn't know if her soul returned to modern times, would this body die, or... be returned to the real owner?

Even if she inferred from the attitudes of Zi Mo and Hong Chen, she also thought that if it was the original Su Hailing, he would definitely not treat Haoyue well.

"I will follow Your Highness." Haoyue leaned meekly on her shoulder and said quietly, "If Your Highness is really tired of the court and has given up the throne, then please let Haoyue leave this prison with you."

Su Hailing couldn't help laughing bitterly upon hearing this.Even if I can't go back to modern times, can I live a life that I am willing to hide my name and hide for the rest of my life?Even the next generation must hide their blood.

"Your Highness?" After hearing no reply for a long time, Haoyue raised her head.

"Just kidding, how could it be so easy to leave." Su Hailing forced a smile, picked up a cloth towel and wiped his body.

A trace of doubt flashed in Haoyue's eyes, but she still didn't speak in the end.

After washing their bodies, Su Hailing didn't bother to wear those troublesome ancient clothes, so he put on a single shirt, carried Haoyue, who was also only wrapped in a bathrobe, back to the room, and put him on the bed.

"Your Highness is going out?" Haoyue watched in surprise as she slowly dried her hair and tightened her belt.

"I'll be right back, you go to bed first." Su Hailing said, went back and picked up the secret book, looked around, put it on top of the bed curtain, and then took out the jade pendant left by Yunmo from under the pillow and opened the door go out.

Carefully avoiding the guards led by Lu Tong, she quietly buried the jade pendant under the tree Yun Mo had mentioned. At the same time, she was also a little curious, how did Yun Mo know that she buried something?It's not possible to squat not far away and stare at it every day!
Walking back slowly, she began to think about the secret book again, and always felt that there was something wrong in it.

The biggest puzzle is that even if General Zhenyuan really colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country, and the evidence of the crime is convincing, why did the empress keep this report book in the secret cabinet?Why not file it together with other memorials, or... there are other secrets in this memorial.

As a soldier, what Su Hailing hated most in his life was traitors. However, General Zhenyuan, those 300 lives, were they victims of a conspiracy, or did they really deserve to die?

While thinking about it, she didn't avoid Lu Tong any more, and went back to her room openly.

Haoyue was leaning on the bed wearing only her underwear, she felt relieved when she came back.

"It's late, go to sleep, we'll talk about things tomorrow." Su Hailing took off his clothes, got into the bed, and wrapped his arms around his body.

"En." Haoyue hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out her hand and put it on her waist.

Su Hailing smiled and hugged him tighter.

Taking the initiative is also a kind of progress, isn't it?I believe that one day, he will be able to let go of the difference in status and smile naturally in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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