Chapter 38

Su Hailing only felt that she was in the endless darkness, without any light or sound, as if she was the only one left in the world.

I opened my mouth to shout, but my throat was so dry and astringent that I couldn't utter a single word.

Walking forward aimlessly, not knowing where the exit is, or, she stayed in the same place from the beginning and did not move at all?
Suddenly, a faint light spot appeared not far away.

Su Hailing regained his energy and walked forward quickly.

"Who are you?" In the twilight, there was a girl with an expressionless face, but that face was almost the same as that of Su Hailing looking in the mirror, there was almost no difference.

"I'm Su Hailing." Su Hailing stared at her coldly, his throat loosened, and he could speak.

"Then who am I?" A trace of confusion appeared on the girl's face.

"I only know that from the first day I came into this world, I can only be Su Hailing." Su Hailing said indifferently, "Don't worry, I will avenge your revenge, and I will take all your things from my seat." I took it back from the person on the phoenix chair. So..."

As she spoke, she raised her head and waved her hand, and the whole space was shattered into pieces like a glass mirror.

"...Miss, miss!" A familiar voice suddenly came from next to my ear.

Su Hailing forced himself to open his eyes, but saw that he was lying on a simple bamboo bed, and Haoyue was sitting on the edge of the bed with a worried face, still holding her hand tightly.

"Miss, you're finally awake!" Haoyue's eyes sparkled.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Hailing tried to sit up with his help, and said hoarsely.

"Miss's poison has flared up again, and it's all my fault." Haoyue said with guilt and regret, "I really don't know, my pure yang internal strength and lingering poison are mutually restraining, but they almost harmed miss."

"Who saved me then?" Su Hailing asked, but a figure consciously appeared in his mind.

"Mu Qingchen." Sure enough, Haoyue replied, "He used his internal force to help the lady temporarily force the poison together."

"Temporary?" Su Hailing frowned, "That is to say, it will still happen?"

"En." Haoyue nodded with difficulty.

"Don't be sad, I won't let myself die." Su Hailing's fingers lightly brushed his eyebrows, then turned his head to look at the sky, and said, "Yue, is it dawn soon? I want to go out for a walk."

"Yes." Haoyue hurriedly took the coat hanging on the side and put it on for her.

As soon as the door was opened, Su Hailing shivered involuntarily from the cold wind blowing towards him.

"Miss, it's cold outside, or..." Haoyue stopped her.

"I'm fine." Su Hailing shook his head and strode out.

The glaciers under the morning sun reflect thousands of brilliance, which is too beautiful to behold. However, on the snow outside the house, the figure of the man in white with the sword dance makes all the surrounding scenery eclipsed.

"Yue, how is your martial arts better than his?" Su Hailing whispered.

"It's far worse." Haoyue smiled wryly.

"If you're all right, go down the mountain." Caiyun walked over from the other side and looked at them very unkindly.

"Sister Cai..." Mu Xin beside her said timidly, "Miss Su's body is still very weak, isn't it..."

"It was you who caused the trouble!" Cai Yun glared at him.

"Yue, let's go." Su Hailing said lightly.

"But miss..." Haoyue stared at her blankly.

"But what? I can't be cured if I stay here." Su Hailing smiled, "Instead of waiting to die in this cold place, why don't you try your luck with some evil doctor."

"Yes." Haoyue sighed softly.

"Who said you can go?" At some point, Mu Qingchen had put away his sword and was looking at them.

"You want me to stay?" Su Hailing turned his head and looked at him expectantly.

"The room you slept in last night is for you. Come to me every morning and evening, and I will force you." Mu Qingchen left a sentence and walked into the room as if no one else was there.

"Yue, did something happen after I passed out?" Su Hailing turned to look at Haoyue inexplicably.

Haoyue also shook her head incomprehensibly.

"It doesn't matter, I'll talk to him." Su Hailing shrugged and smiled friendlyly at Mu Xin, as for Caiyun...she just ignored her.

"Sit down." Mu Qingchen had just hung the sword back on the wall, when he saw her follow in, he pointed at the chair lightly.

"I'm curious, you don't seem to be such a sympathetic person." Su Hailing sat down generously, and even poured himself a glass of water.

"You're very strange, I'm interested." Mu Qingchen said, and with a flick of his sleeve, the cup that Su Hailing brought to his lips was in his hand, "I want to force poison, you can't drink water now."

"Okay." Su Hailing licked his lips helplessly. If he knew that he would drink some water when he got up, his throat would be smoking.

Mu Qingchen didn't say much anymore, he stood behind her, put one hand on her back, and spat out his palm strength slightly.

Su Hailing only felt a cool breath, like a clear spring after melting ice and snow, slowly flowing into his body, and suddenly, his drowsy head was also cleared.

The cold air circulated in the meridians for a week, and then flowed out from the vest, but she felt that there seemed to be something extra in her body.

"Okay." Mu Qingchen withdrew his hand, "You can go out now."

"I said, have you always been like this?" Su Hailing looked at him depressed.

Letting her stay, but being so indifferent, does this count as "interested"?

"What is this?" Mu Qingchen asked puzzled.

"Forget it. I'll go back and rest." Su Hailing secretly rolled his eyes and stood up.Well, this man is mentally handicapped and lacks emotion!
"Wait." Mu Qingchen said suddenly, "You said that you are afraid of death, is it true?"

"It's human nature to be afraid of death, and it's not something to be ashamed of." Su Hailing said indifferently, "Everyone has a weak side in their hearts. Forcibly ignoring it is just a cowardly escape. Being able to face your own fragility, That is a kind of courage in itself."

After speaking, she opened the door and walked out without looking back.

"Miss, how are you?" Haoyue, who was waiting outside the door, rushed to meet her.

"I said, I can't die." Su Hailing took his hand and frowned, "Why is it so cold? Who told you to wait for me here, why don't you go into the house!"

"Miss, I..." Haoyue's lips moved, a trace of struggle flashed across her face, and she said after a while, "I'm going down the mountain, so I can't accompany Miss."

"Why?" Su Hailing's face turned cold.

"Miss must stay here, and I am going down the mountain to inquire about the whereabouts of the evil doctor Shangguan Xuanji." Haoyue said firmly.

"Are you afraid that I won't allow it?" Su Hailing smiled slightly when he heard the words.

"Miss..." Haoyue slowly raised her hand, caressing her cool cheek.

"Go. You are a man outside alone, so be careful about everything. Also, don't abuse yourself." Su Hailing gently straightened his clothes for him, and said, "It doesn't take a day or two to find someone. Don't forget to sleep and eat. Damage your body, come back every once in a while, let me see you, you know?"

"En." Haoyue suppressed the tears in her eyes and nodded heavily.

Su Hailing couldn't help wrapping his arms around his neck, and pressed a kiss on his lips.

Without any lust, just the touch of lips, a very pure kiss, but it still made Haoyue's pale face a faint blush.

"We and you, don't you take it for granted!" Caiyun's angry voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hey, are you still there?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows, turned his head away, his face was full of surprise.

Caiyun twisted the corner of her clothes vigorously, the thin fabric was almost torn by her, and Mu Xin's face was flushed, looking at them with shyness and curiosity...

"I, I'm leaving!" Haoyue seemed to have just noticed that there were people watching, and fled in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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