Chapter 4

The dinner ended in a very weird atmosphere. Seeing Haoyue put down her chopsticks and almost ran away, Su Hailing leisurely took the silk scarf Zi Mo handed over and wiped her mouth.

Hong Chen had already lit the lights in the house, and the warm candlelight flickered gently in the breeze, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

The low chirping of night insects could be faintly heard outside the window, and the silvery moonlight fell on the front of the hall, as if covered with a layer of frost.

Back in the room, Su Hailing drove Zimo Hongchen outside with a stern face, closed the doors and windows, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

The Su family originally had a set of breathing kung fu that was handed down in the family. Although it was not as magical as the fictions in martial arts novels, she could shoot laser beams with every move, but she practiced it since she was a child, and she was indeed light and healthy, free from all diseases, Eyesight, ear strength, and wrist strength are all much better than ordinary people.

Slowly sinking her mind, Su Hailing carefully checked the condition of this body, but unexpectedly found that it was much better than she expected.Although she hadn't practiced any kung fu, the original little princess seemed to pay attention to conditioning and exercise, and her physical fitness was no worse than that of ordinary soldiers.What's more, this body is only 16 years old now, and it still has a lot of plasticity.

Breathing and exhaling according to her previous habits, she soon entered a state of detachment.Gradually, the voices outside the house began to become clearer.

Fifteen people... the footsteps of the other person were all well-trained guards, and the footsteps of the other person were so light that they could hardly be heard, so it should be Haoyue's.However, in Su Hailing's view, their siege network is full of loopholes. If she is an assassin, there are at least three ways to reach her room without alarming anyone.

A weak breath circulated through the limbs and bones, and finally disappeared into the Qihai Cave.Although this is nothing compared to before, she is already very satisfied that this body can form true energy for the first time in practice.

Opening his eyes, looking at the scale of the candle and estimating the time, Su Hailing couldn't help being a little surprised.Unexpectedly, it took more than two hours for her to meditate. It seems that the quality of this body is higher than her estimate. It is a treasure!

Facing the mirror, he removed the gauze on his forehead, and sure enough, the wound had already healed.You know, back then she relied on this mysterious ancestral method to save herself countless times on the battlefield.

Not wanting to be bothered by Zi Mo and Hong Chen who were sleeping outside, Su Hailing pushed open the window, stepped out the window lightly, and landed in the garden.

"Who!" As soon as he landed, a low voice came from not far away.

"It's me, come out for a walk, don't make a fuss." Su Hailing shrugged and walked towards him openly, but there was a little doubt in his heart.

Does this man have dog ears?Otherwise, how could it be so clever!Obviously, he jumped out after watching him patrol to the other side.

"Your Highness, it's late at night, and the wind and dew outside are heavy." Haoyue frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "And you still come out through the window, if you fall..."

"Why didn't you see that you were so long-winded in the afternoon?" Su Hailing gave him a blank look, jumped over a bush, and walked towards the lake.

"Your Majesty ordered me to protect the princess." Haoyue followed her helplessly.I really don't know where this little ancestor made a mistake this time. She obviously never looked at her directly before. Didn't she... only like to play with soft and charming teenagers?

Su Hailing didn't have the time to guess what he was thinking, she knew that the empress gave herself a powerful bodyguard so easily, it must have a surveillance mission.If Haoyue can't be dealt with, she will be unable to move forward in this world.

She has always believed that human beings will have weaknesses, as long as they are accurate, it doesn't matter if they are not one of them, as long as they can be used by themselves at critical moments, it is enough.But the most urgent task now is how to reassure the Queen.I believe that some of my unintentional actions today must have made that suspicious and shrewd woman suspicious.

"Your Highness, the water is very humid. If you want to enjoy the moon, you might as well go to the pavilion." Haoyue said.

"The lotus in this pond is blooming well, pick one for me." Su Hailing thought to himself.

Hearing this, Haoyue gave a wry smile, took a breath, suddenly raised her figure, her toes touched the surface of the water, and a circle of ripples appeared. superior.

Easy work!Su Hailing's eyes lit up, she didn't expect such martial arts to exist in this world, sooner or later she must find a way to learn it!
Haoyue grasped the protruding stone on the rockery with one hand to fix her body, bent down, picked off a white lotus, and then returned to the shore in the same way: "Your Highness, lotus."

"Flowers should be matched with beauties." Su Hailing took the flowers, but insisted on sticking them on his lapel.

The white lotus in purple clothes seems to be shining brightly under the reflection of the moonlight.

"Your Highness!" Haoyue's face changed, was she laughing at him?Beauty... If he wasn't born with the coquettish attitude that a man should have, why would the family send him to the mountains to learn martial arts?

"Don't take it off!" Su Hailing sternly grabbed his hand that wanted to take off the flower.

"This...Your Highness, please let go." Haoyue struggled, but did not dare to use force, for fear of hurting her, a trace of embarrassment appeared on her calm face.

Su Hailing was stunned, and then remembered that this is a female version of feudal society, even though Haoyue's martial arts is strong, he is finally a man with a clean background, so naturally he can't be held by her like this.

"Your Highness, Your Highness... Ah, Commander Haoyue is here!" Zi Mo's exclamation came, and Haoyue quickly took the opportunity to withdraw her hand.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing running out?" Su Hailing scolded dissatisfiedly.Especially when he saw that he was only wearing a middle coat and shivering under the night wind, he became even more angry.

"I... I found out that His Highness was not in the room, so I immediately..." Zi Mo lowered her head, tears rolled in her eyes, but remembering the words "Don't cry", she managed to suck them back.

"I just can't sleep, just walk around." Su Hailing waved his hand and said, "It's windy outside, you can go back, I don't need you to wait on me."

"Yes." Zi Mo pursed her lips, and peeked at Bai Lian on Haoyue's lapel, a hint of envy flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back!" Seeing his dawdling look, Su Hailing gave a letter angrily.

Zi Mo breathed a sigh of relief and went back to the room.

"I just found out that the master is not in the room now, and these two servants of His Highness should be trained properly." Haoyue said, and took a few steps back to create a distance.

Su Hailing looked him up and down, and laughed unconsciously.Training?Good idea, but I want to teach you more, what should I do?
"Your Highness!" Perhaps sensing the maliciousness in her eyes, Haoyue frowned.Damn, I was thinking about her life and safety!
"Take me back to my room." Su Hailing smiled again.

Don't worry, she has enough time now to slow, slow, and play.

(End of this chapter)

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