Chapter 44

Early the next morning, under Caiyun's almost murderous glaring and Mu Xin's mournful tears, Mu Qingchen and I packed our money and went down Xiaohan Mountain.

This is the first time for Mu Qingchen to enter the life of ordinary people. Although he is still calm on the surface, the occasional flash of surprise in his eyes shows that he is very interested in this world that is completely different from Xiaohanshan.

Originally, it was very noticeable for an unmarried man like him to walk on the street with a woman without wearing a veil, but fortunately, the people in the small town are simple and honest, and there are not as many rules and regulations as in the capital, and Mu Qingchen is not The kind of beauty who is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away when they look at it, these village women and husbands who have never seen the world only look at his appearance, and they don't feel how special his temperament is. .

Su Hailing secretly planned that when he arrived at a crowded place, he must hire a carriage.

In the eyes of discerning people, Mu Qingchen is more conspicuous than Haoyue, not to mention, she doesn't want others to casually look at the person who belongs to her!
"Miss, buy a branch of flowers for this brother!" A little flower seller saw them, his eyes lit up, and he immediately came up to greet them, sweetly.

Seeing the anticipation on that little face, Su Hailing smiled, took out a few copper coins and handed them to him, and picked out a sprig of snow-white freesia from the flower basket he was carrying.

"Thank you, miss!" The flower girl took the copper coins and happily went to find the next customer.

"Here, here it is for you." Su Hailing smiled and stuffed the flower into Mu Qingchen's hand.

"Why?" Mu Qingchen frowned, obviously not used to the strong fragrance of the freesia.

"If I don't give it to you, why don't I let a woman hold it?" Su Hailing gave him a blank look.

"I don't like the fragrance of flowers." Mu Qingchen said.

"Then go a little farther and throw it away, the child will be sad when he sees it." Su Hailing said.

"Why Fragrant Snowland?" Mu Qingchen hesitated for a moment, but still held the flower in his hand.

"Because it resembles you." Su Hailing turned his head to look at his side face, and said leisurely, "In a far away country, every flower has a unique meaning. Fragrant Xuelan, does not eat the fireworks of the world, does not know the sinister heart, pure It's like a fairy walking out of a painting."

"Are you laughing at me?" Mu Qingchen glared at her.

"I'm complimenting you." Su Hailing said with a smile.

Mu Qingchen clenched his fist, and when he opened his hand again, he saw that the delicate flowers had been turned into a pile of ice chips, and they dissipated in the air after being crushed lightly, without leaving any traces.

"You don't need to destroy the corpse..." Su Hailing shrugged, only feeling a chill behind his back.

If...he said the last sentence, would he end up in the same fate as that flower?

Freesia, planted in autumn, blooms in winter.Marry first, fall in love later.

Suddenly, a familiar picture flashed in her mind.

Under the moonlight of Chaoyang Palace, she smiled faintly and put a white lotus on the man's lapel.


This man who swore to be with him through life and death, although he has left a secret mark for him, but he doesn't know when he will be able to catch up.

"Go and ask, where is Green Sea?" Mu Qingchen said suddenly.

Although he had no common sense, he also realized that it was inappropriate for him to ask for directions.There are hardly any men on the street, and occasionally a few, also wearing veils, follow closely behind the woman.

"Wait here for me." Su Hailing knew that the green sea was originally the place where Qinglian Sword Immortal and the master of Zhulang Sword fought 30 years ago, and it was also the destination of their trip. The delivery caravan was unloading goods at the gate of Buzhuang, so they stepped forward and patted the leader on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Sister Zhang, are you here to deliver goods again?"

"Hey, isn't this Hailing?" Sister Zhang turned her head and saw her, her thin eyes narrowed into slits, "Why, buy fabrics? This time, Sister Zhang has just brought high-quality fabrics from the capital of Nanchu. Snow silk, take a few feet and go back to make new clothes for your husband at home?"

As she spoke, she looked ambiguously at Mu Qingchen who was not far away.

Su Hailing smiled and didn't explain, just said: "Eldest sister, we are going on a long trip, do you know the place called Luhaiyuan?"

"Are you going to Lvhaiyuan?" Sister Zhang was stunned.

"Yes, eldest sister knows that place?" Su Hailing said.

"Oh, of course I know." Big Sister Zhang settled down, "Lvhaiyuan is not far from the capital of Nanchu, only three or four days away, but... but that place... oh..."

"Is there something wrong with that place?" Su Hailing asked curiously.

"It's nothing, this green sea was originally a famous bamboo sea in Southern Chu, and the scenery is very beautiful, but 30 years ago, when God was furious and thunder came down, the green sea was razed to the ground overnight, and after that Not a single blade of grass will grow." Sister Zhang shook her head and sighed, "What are you doing all the way to that place?"

"Go and do something." Su Hailing nodded and said, "Thank you, big sister."

"Alas, Hailing!" Sister Zhang grabbed her sleeve, "Wait, I'm going back to Chujing after unloading here. It seems that you might as well go on the road with me, and have someone to take care of you! The border has not been very peaceful recently."

"In that case, thank you, big sister." Su Hailing thanked, then turned around and pulled Mu Qingchen over.

"You're welcome, Hailing has taken care of a lot of business for Eldest Sister in the past two years." Sister Zhang heartily patted herself on the chest.

"Elder Sister, everything has been tidied up, you can go on the road!" A young man trotted over and said.

"Hailing, let's go, you can use that carriage." Sister Zhang pointed to a semi-new carriage, "This young man looks like this, are you willing to show him?"

"Thank you, big sister." Su Hailing endured a smile almost to the point of internal injury, and hurriedly pulled Mu Qingchen into the carriage and put down the curtain.

"Su Hailing!" Mu Qingchen shouted in a low voice.

"Qingchen, what do you have to worry about with a businessman?" Su Hailing habitually leaned on his shoulder, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Let go." There was nowhere to hide in the narrow compartment, and Mu Qingchen could clearly hear his heart beating faster and faster.I don't know why, but whenever this woman comes close recently, I feel strange all over.

"No, I like you." Su Hailing said bluntly.

like?what is itMu Qingchen was a little dazed.It wasn't written in the book, and the master didn't teach it, so I didn't understand it.

In the past three years, he has heard similar words countless times, but he still doesn't understand what kind of mood she is talking about liking.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it." Su Hailing seemed to see his thoughts, pressed his hand, and said with a light smile, "Just let it be, follow your heart, and one day, you will understand of."

(End of this chapter)

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