Chapter 49

After sleeping comfortably with a big pillow in his arms, Su Hailing woke up automatically in the early morning.

Not to mention the military training in the past, even in the past three years, she has never slept in for martial arts training.

Reaching out to grab it, the pillow is already empty.

Su Hailing smiled helplessly, got up to wash up, and opened the door.

Sure enough, Mu Qingchen was practicing sword in the courtyard, but to her surprise, Yun Mo was standing beside her.

"Slacker, finally woke up!" Yun Mo angrily threw a few knives at him.

"Why are you still here?" Su Hailing also stared back.

"My young master has decided to take you to Chujing!" Yun Mo snorted coldly.

Su Hailing was speechless for a moment, who took whom?
"Su Hailing, are you sure you want to take him with you?" Mu Qingchen put away his sword and walked over, his clear eyes clearly showed disapproval, "Don't forget what we are going to do."

"I know, I know." Su Hailing smiled, "Anyway, it's just going to Chujing, so I won't miss your business."

Mu Qingchen looked at her, then at Yun Mo, and left without saying a word.

Su Hailing stayed for a while, then turned his head and asked, "Did you offend him?"

"Who knows?" Yun Mo spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Su Hailing glared at him, and warned: "Qingchen's martial arts are beyond your reach, don't wait until the day he kills you and destroys your body and traces, blame me for not reminding you."

"He's so fierce, be careful no one wants him!" Yun Mo hesitated for a while before whispering.

"It's better if no one wants it, I want it!" Su Hailing laughed, ignored him, and went back to the room with his hands behind his back to pack his things.

"You bastard!" Yun Mo said from behind.

Su Hailing shrugged, pretending that he didn't hear it.What's more, after a night, suddenly there was another person, a handsome man, and she had to think about how to explain it to the people in the caravan.

Fortunately, Sister Zhang is a careless person. Hearing that her cousin chased him from home and insisted on pestering her, she gave a few ambiguous looks and said nothing.

On the other hand, Su Hailing, there was an extra cloud in the carriage, and Mu Qingchen didn't know why, but he didn't let her lean on him any more, and he read the book with relish along the way, ignoring others until eating or I am willing to get off the car only when I stay overnight.

At first Yun Mo was worried that the killer from the Phantom Gate would continue to catch up, but seeing no movement for a few days, he gradually calmed down.

Su Hailing was bored looking at the stereotyped scenery outside the carriage. The South Chuduo plain and rivers criss-crossed, resembling the modern Jiangnan style, but every day he saw the same scenery, no matter how beautiful it was, he would get tired of looking at it.Originally, he wanted to ask Yun Mo what happened three years ago, but after thinking about it, he forgot. After all, Yun Mo did not hurt her, and he should not have known about the fake assassination turning into a real assassination.

"Hey! Woman!" Yun Mo couldn't help but said.

"I have a name, call me Hailing, or Sister Su!" Su Hailing said impatiently.

"I'm bored to death!" Yun Mo complained, "Sitting in the carriage all day, shaking until my bones are about to fall apart, can't I go out and ride a horse? Why do I have to be in this caravan?"

"You are the one who wants to go with us." Su Hailing glanced at him leisurely, and said slowly, "If you don't want to, please feel free, no one will keep you."

"You..." Yun Mo became angry again.

"Don't you just want to avoid the eyes and ears of the Phantom Gate? There is nothing safer than being in such an inconspicuous small caravan." Su Hailing added.

Yun Mo snorted coldly, turned around and ignored her.

Su Hailing shrugged, turned to look at Mu Qingchen on the other side, but saw that his gaze was still immersed in the scroll, as if he didn't care about everything that happened around him.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and there was a stern scolding sound from outside, accompanied by Sister Zhang's apologetic smile.

Su Hailing was about to go out to check the situation, when suddenly his clothes tightened, and he was completely caught.

"If it's someone from the Phantom Sect, I..." Yun Mo said with determination, "I can't implicate these ordinary people."

"Are you stupid?" Su Hailing rescued his clothes angrily, and said, "I don't even think about it, how dare a killer organization intercept ordinary caravans for inspection in broad daylight?"

"But..." Yun Mo's lips moved, but he swallowed the words back.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Su Hailing's heart softened, he broke free from his hand, and was about to lift the curtain, but the carriage suddenly started to move, almost throwing her back. a handful.

"What's wrong?" Su Hailing stood firm and poked his head out.

"It's okay, it's a routine inspection by officers and soldiers." Sister Zhang whispered while wiping the sweat from her forehead, "I heard that Nanchu Wulin is encircling and suppressing a big devil. Although the devil escaped, he was also injured. Let us If you see a Jianghu person who is injured, report it to the police!"

"The government is still in charge of the affairs of Jianghu?" Su Hailing was taken aback when he heard the words. One must know that her imperial sisters and important officials in the Yong Dynasty all had expressions of disdain when they talked about Jianghu.

"Our founding emperor of Southern Chu was born in the Jianghu, and the current empress had also wandered in the Jianghu before taking the throne." Sister Zhang proudly said.

"Oh." Su Hailing nodded, seeing that there was nothing else to do, he retreated into the car again.

"How?" Yun Mo asked nervously.

"Didn't you hear it? It's just an inspection by the officers and soldiers." Su Hailing said.

"Do you know who was injured?" Mu Qingchen suddenly put down the book.

"Just say it's a big devil of an evil sect, and the common people don't understand that." Su Hailing shook his head.

"The too coincidental." Mu Qingchen said lightly.

"I also suspect that this matter has something to do with our destination." Su Hailing pondered, "Otherwise, those Taishan Beidou would not have come to the door at the same time."

"What are you talking about?" Yun Mo interrupted impatiently.

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Hailing waved his hand.

"You!" Yun Mo angrily sat down in the corner farthest from them.

"Qingchen, tell me, should we turn a corner and pay our respects in the nunnery?" Su Hailing suggested.

"No need." Mu Qingchen lifted the curtain of the car window, just in time to watch a group of officers and soldiers pass by the caravan.

"I feel more and more that this matter is not that simple." Su Hailing grabbed his hand and said seriously, "Qingchen, if you think about it carefully, senior Qinglian really didn't say anything about that person ?”

"No." Mu Qingchen said with certainty, "It's just that when Master was alive, he would often look at a plum blossom in the yard in a daze."

"When will there be plum blossoms in the yard?" Su Hailing was taken aback, it was obviously a weed.

"Pull it out." Mu Qingchen said indifferently.

"Why?" Su Hailing was even more puzzled.

"Master said when he was dying, let me pull out the plum blossom and bury him with him." Mu Qingchen said.

Su Hailing only felt as if a group of crows were flying over his head... From ancient times to the present, he has never heard of pulling up a tree to be buried with him... Could it be the unique quirks of those seniors?

(End of this chapter)

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