Chapter 73

Lan Qinshuang stared deeply at the woman in front of her.

Su Hailing, of course she is very familiar with this name, just yesterday, she mentioned it to her mother.Dayong's most noble bloodline, the only direct descendant of Qinsheng Empress Su Jie, is also... the most qualified heir to the throne today.

It turns out that Haiyue Villa is actually her property?Then, what happened three years ago was really planned by this princess.And she... is by no means the ignorant person that her mother thought she was.Just from what she learned about the power of Haiyue Villa from the information last night, Su Hailing is definitely not easy to bully!

"Why, General Lan has heard my name?" Su Hailing said calmly.

"Ah, no." Lan Qinshuang came back to her senses, smiled and said, "It's just that Su is my surname in Dayong, so it's just a bit of a surprise."

"Oh." Su Hailing lowered his eyes, picked up the teapot on the table and poured her a cup of tea, and said, "Hailing never drinks alcohol, so I have to trouble General Lan to drink tea with me."

"Don't dare." Lan Qinshuang quickly took the teacup with both hands.

Although they both knew each other, she knew the identity of the person in front of her. Even if she didn't admit it at the moment, blood was something that couldn't be erased.

Soon, all the dishes were brought up, as if she noticed the dignified atmosphere here, the youngest sister didn't dare to talk too much, she quietly stepped back after putting away the dishes.

"General Lan, please." Su Hailing gracefully made a "please" gesture.

"Thank you Su Zhuangzhu." Lan Qinshuang glanced at Mu Qingchen again, and then picked up the chopsticks.

Su Hailing smiled, and naturally picked up a piece of fish with a small plate, picked out the fishbone and placed it in front of Mu Qingchen.

Lan Qinshuang was surprised when she saw it.Seeing how proficient they are, it's obvious that they do it often. I can't imagine that a dignified and noble man, as a wife-lord, can love his husband so much?

Mu Xin looked at this and then at that, obviously at a loss.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the banquet was somewhat dull, Su Hailing casually raised some topics. She is from modern times, and she has countless whimsical ideas in her mind, while Lan Qinshuang is informal and has many years of experience in the army. The two talked about it in a short while Marching formation, military tactics, but Mu Qingchen and Mu Xin were left aside.

Su Hailing also became more and more excited as she talked. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years of cultural gap, there is actually someone here who can accept her thoughts, and can also give rebuttals and supplements.

If it was said that she approached Lan Qinshuang for the military power of the Lan family at first, then at this moment, she already regarded this girl of the same age as a confidant in her heart.

Since the second sister recognized Lan Qinshuang, the nearby seats were vacated, and the other guests were separated by a screen so as not to disturb their conversation.

However, at this moment, a screen suddenly fell down, and a young man with dark blue long hair stumbled in.

Su Hailing's reaction was quick, he hugged Mu Qingchen with one hand, and grabbed Mu Xin with the other to get out of the seat, while Xuexue on her lap was frightened, jumped up and grabbed her clothes.

Lan Qinshuang was not slow, and quickly moved aside.

"Clang clang clang" with the sound of shattering dishes, the collapsed screen hit the table heavily, and suddenly, all the delicacies on the table were in vain.

"Hey, are you okay?" Seeing that the boy couldn't hold his feet and was about to throw himself on the dripping table, Lan Qinshuang couldn't stand it anymore and reached out to help him.

Almost at the same time, there was a commotion downstairs, mixed with the sound of tables and chairs being overturned and a few foul words from the guests.

The blue-haired boy glanced at the stairs with a look of panic on his face.

"Let's go, I've lost my interest." Su Hailing said flatly.

"Ah?" Lan Qinshuang was taken aback when she heard the words, then looked at the pitiful boy again.

His skin is much fairer than that of ordinary people, his nose is straight, his eyes are dreamy light purple, and with his long dark blue hair, he is obviously not from Dayong.

"Things related to men are the most troublesome!" Su Hailing said impatiently, she would not miss the sly look that flashed in the boy's eyes.

"No!" The blue-haired boy rushed over and grabbed her sleeve, "Please help me, someone is going to catch me!"

"What does it have to do with me?" Su Hailing frowned, and shook her off coldly.

"But..." The blue-haired boy didn't seem to expect the person in front of him to be so cruel, he bit his lip and didn't know what to say, his bright purple eyes sparkled.

Mu Xin looked at Su Hailing, and seemed to want to open his mouth, but was pulled by Mu Qingchen, so he had to swallow it again.

He thinks that Su Hailing is a very gentle person, he will not refuse to save her, but since neither she nor the young master will save her, maybe...they are right?
Still Lan Qinshuang couldn't see it, hesitated for a while, stepped forward and said: "Anyway, it's just a little effort, let's treat it as a condiment after dinner!"

"It seems that your dinner has been ruined." Su Hailing looked at her for a while, let out a low laugh, and then said, "You solve it yourself."

"Okay." Lan Qinshuang smiled, and picked up the folding fan on the table.

"Stinky boy! Let's see where you go!" Unexpectedly, the voice of this "villain" was pleasant, a little hoarse but full of magnetism.

The blue-haired boy hid behind Lan Qinshuang in a panic.

"Yang Jue." Seeing the face of the woman in black who appeared at the door, Su Hailing couldn't help but lower his face, and put his hand on the hilt of the Xie Xie Sword.

Unexpectedly, at this very moment, she would see her here again...Yang Jue, the general manager of Prince An's Mansion.

Su Hailing has not forgotten that three years ago, it was Yang Jue who led An Wang's soldiers to hunt down her and Haoyue all the way, but in the end Haoyue seriously injured her, but did not kill her.

"It's you!" Yang Jue also looked as if he saw a ghost.

It was just hunting down a man of a different race, how could... meet that man in Xijing?
The scenes of that night three years ago slowly floated in my mind.

"Your opponent is me." Lan Qinshuang waved her fan, quite eager to try.

Of course she recognizes Yang Jue, the chief manager of Prince An's Mansion.However, judging from Yang Jue's reaction when he saw Su Hailing, it can't be wrong that Su Hailing is Princess Ruiqing. It's really worth it to come out today!

Thinking about it, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Noticing the change in her momentum, Yang Jue couldn't help but let out a soft "Huh".

Suddenly, Mu Qingchen, who was watching coldly, raised his hand and threw out a teacup.

"Bah!" The blue-haired boy fell limply on a chair, unable to move, he couldn't help but screamed in panic, "Hey! What are you doing to me!"

"It's nothing." Mu Qingchen sat down on an undamaged chair, and said calmly, "I just don't like to be someone's shield. So before they decide the winner, please stay there obediently. "

Although he lost his internal strength, it was still more than enough to perform acupuncture on a person who does not know martial arts.

"" The blue-haired boy was suddenly speechless from anger.

Su Hailing didn't care about what happened behind him at all, his eyes were fixed on Yang Jue, and he kept thinking about the impact of various countermeasures on the current situation.

She did not intend to hide her identity, but Su Yuling found her whereabouts all at once, which was far beyond her expectations.Originally, it was a great gain to have a happy conversation with Lan Qinshuang, but if Yang Jue was sent back to report to Su Yuling, the gain would not be worth the loss.

On the other side, Lan Qinshuang also looked at Yang Jue with a smile on her face. Although she had no intention of making the first move, Yang Jue was obviously not allowed to arrest anyone in that posture.

Yang Jue frowned, feeling extremely troubled, whether it was a conflict with the Lan family that the master was about to woo, or the appearance of Princess Ruiqing, it was all beyond her expectations.And the most important thing is that Lan Qinshuang and Su Hailing are actually very close. Could it be that the Lan family has turned to Su Hailing?

For a while, everyone had their own thoughts, and in this strange silence, the situation was on the verge of breaking out.

Finally, the young and energetic Lan Qinshuang couldn't help it, and with a light reprimand, the folding fans closed together "shua", and stabbed Yang Jue's ribs at an extremely tricky angle like a poisonous snake.

Although Yang Jue didn't want to be an enemy of the Lan family, this young man couldn't let him go. In desperation, he could only fight Lan Qinshuang.

"Tch!" The fan wind passed by Yang Jue's ears, and a few strands of hair fell, and a thin line of blood slowly flowed down his right cheek.

"You're still distracted at this time, Manager Yang is too underestimating people!" Lan Qinshuang said with a smile.

"How dare I underestimate General Lan." Yang Jue reached out to wipe off the blood on his face, his pupils constricted.

Lan Qinshuang didn't dare to be negligent, and stared at her movements, she knew that Yang Jue was serious this time, once he made a move, it would definitely be a shocking blow.

"Cough..." Suddenly, there was a soft cough, like throwing a small stone into a calm lake, and ripples immediately appeared on the water.

Yang Jue's heart tightened, and he saw that Mu Qingchen stood up and took two steps towards this side, with a sneer on his pretty lips.

Among the people present, only this man was invisible to Yang Jue.His footsteps are obviously flimsy and he has no internal strength, but the kung fu of punching acupoints with the teacup just now is extremely clever, obviously only a top expert can perform it!

With two purposes in one mind, her aura immediately weakened.

"That's all." Yang Jue finally shook his head and sighed, "This kid will be placed with the general first, but...Rui, Miss Su, since I know, the prince will know too, and you will never run away."

"Anyway, you didn't let me go before, so it doesn't make any difference if you add this one." Su Hailing said flatly.

"There will be a period later." After Yang Jue finished speaking, he left neatly just like when he came.

Su Hailing smiled slightly, she knew that Yang Jue still thought she didn't know martial arts, she backed down because she was afraid that Mu Qingchen would team up with Lan Qinshuang, and she had scruples about the Lan family.But...if she knew that Mu Qingchen couldn't fight with others now, would she be so angry that she vomited blood?
Lan Qinshuang patted the blue-haired boy's acupuncture points and said, "Okay, tell me who you are!"

"Thank you for saving me. My name is Shui Li." The blue-haired boy moved his numb hands and feet, nodded at her, and smiled charmingly, "If I read correctly, you are the famous General Lan Qinshuang, right? !"

"Didn't you know this question before you broke in?" Su Hailing said coldly.

Shui Li turned her head and glanced at her, her eyes filled with gloom.He has never been able to see the origin of this indifferent woman, but the glance that she casts over occasionally seems to have a kind of clarity that sees through everything, which makes him tremble with fear.

"How did you offend the people in Prince An's Mansion?" Lan Qinshuang said gently.

"I... She said that she would dedicate me to some prince." Shui Li lowered her head and fiddled with the corner of her clothes, her voice was soft, like a piece of glass that would shatter when touched.

"Are you a foreigner?" Su Hailing asked.

"Huh?" Shui Li was stunned, hesitating and daring to speak.

"Blue hair, purple eyes, and white skin are the characteristics of the Yehuan clan on the grassland." Mu Qingchen interjected quietly, "As far as I know, the current leader of the Yehuan tribe's tribal alliance is named Shuiran. Regardless of age, is it your mother or your aunt?"

"She's my sister!" Shui Li glared at him angrily.

"It turns out that the old cow eats the tender grass." Su Hailing pouted, amused.

"You!" Shui Li raised her eyebrows, and the mournful look on her face disappeared without a trace.

"Stop pretending?" Su Hailing said leisurely.

"You...I..." Shui Li turned her head angrily.

Su Hailing shook his head, after all, it's a child, it's too tender to want to play with her.

"Why is Shuiran willing to let her baby brother come to the Central Plains, and how did you get targeted by the people from Prince An's Mansion?" Lan Qinshuang continued to ask.

"What's your purpose?" Shui Li asked cautiously.

"Qin Shuang, please, please send this little guy to Lord An." Su Hailing left a sentence neatly, pulled Mu Qingchen and left.

"Okay." Lan Qinshuang held back a smile and said.

"You, you can't do this!" Shui Li jumped aside suddenly, her face was clearly full of panic, but she wanted to pretend to be calm.

"If you want us to help you, you have to show some sincerity first." Lan Qinshuang waved her fan carelessly.

Su Hailing didn't speak, but seeing Lan Qinshuang say the word "we" naturally, he couldn't help smiling.

"This is not a place to talk." Shui Li hesitated for a long time before whispering.

"Miss Su, don't you mind if I go to your residence to bother you?" Lan Qinshuang turned her head and said.

"Of course, the honored guest is here, so I can't ask for it." Su Hailing smiled, waved to the young lady who was standing on the side and looked at this side, handed over a bank note, and said, "In addition to compensating for the broken things, there is no other way to pay." Let the kitchen make a table as it is and send it to Haiyue Mountain Villa, especially the signature dish crispy duck that you don’t have, please pack it in a thermal cage, don’t let it get cold.”

"Yes, miss, don't worry, it will be delivered soon!" The second young lady took the bank note and smiled happily, not feeling sorry for the precious screen anymore.

"Please." Su Hailing waved his hand.

Lan Qinshuang didn't move her feet, she just stared at Shui Li, and didn't follow until he moved reluctantly.

Su Hailing clenched Mu Qingchen's hand, and smiled apologetically.

Mu Qingchen shook his head slightly, and put his backhand on the back of her hand.

Su Hailing was certain in his heart, but his eyes sank.

Su Yuling... It seems that the time to meet again is not far away...

Besides, Yang Jue left Zuiyue Tower, turned left and right on the street a few times, and after confirming that no one was following him, he walked into an unremarkable small inn.

The shopkeeper behind the counter, who lowered his head to settle the accounts, didn't even look up at her, and only cared about his faded calculations.

Yang Jue walked through the main hall familiarly, and pulled out a black horse from the stable in the backyard. After going out the back door, there was a remote alley, very close to the city gate.

Although the guards had already begun to close the city gate, she waved a silver token in her hand, and the guard immediately reopened the city gate without asking any questions.

"Drive!" Yang Jue stepped onto the horse, lashed the horse's butt with a whip, and galloped like the wind.

She knew in her heart that letting Shui Li go was a mistake, but compared to the news that Princess Ruiqing Su Hailing was in Xijing and had a close relationship with the Lan family, Shui Li and even the entire Yehuan clan were nothing more than small shrimps. Don't worry about big waves.

"Drive!" Another whip was whipped down fiercely.

The horse was in pain, let out a mournful cry, and galloped wildly.

It was dark and the city gate was closed, so there were no pedestrians on the pipeline leading to Xijing, and it was empty, just for her to gallop wildly without worrying about bumping into passers-by.

Just when she was relieved, suddenly, when she turned a corner, a man and a horse came walking slowly in front of her. Since the horses were all black, the knight was also dressed in black, and even his face was covered with a black veil, revealing only a pair of bright eyes. Under the shroud of night, she waited until she realized that something was wrong, and she almost hit it.

"Get out of the way!" Yang Jue exclaimed, trying hard to rein in the galloping horse, but how could there be time?

Seeing that the black horse was about to be knocked into the air, the knight in black raised his hand lightly, and a few strands of silver shot out from between his fingers, and sank into Yang Jue's mount in a flash.

"Hiss—" the majestic steed let out a mournful cry, its front hooves gave way, and it just fell down.

Thanks to Yang Jue's strong martial arts skills, although he couldn't defend himself, he still jumped up in time and did not fall to the ground with the overturned horse.However, being thrown off the horse that told Mercedes so, she still had to roll twice to stand firm.

The black knight sneered, passed her and continued to move forward.

"Stop!" Yang Jue raised his eyebrows and blocked his way with his hand.

Don't say that she is in a hurry right now, she must meet King An immediately, and she can't travel without a horse. put?
"How are you doing?" The black knight patted the horse's head, and the black horse immediately stopped psychically.

Yang Jue couldn't help but startled when he heard this voice, it turned out to be a young man?

Looking up, I saw that although the whole body of the man was covered in blackness, the only eye that was exposed outside was astonishingly shining, like the deep stars in the night sky, it seemed to be able to look straight into the heart of the person.For no reason, she remembered the mysterious man next to Su Hailing on the Zuiyue Tower just now, it seemed... there was something unusually similar.

"How are you doing?" Seeing that she didn't answer and just stared at himself in a daze, the black knight's tone showed a hint of impatience.

"Leave the horse, you can go." Yang Jue calmed down and said coldly.

"Hehe..." The knight in black was startled for a moment, and then he laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Yang Jue frowned slightly.

Although she could tell from the previous move that the man in front of her was not weak in martial arts, she was still very confident in her own skills.

"I originally wanted to let you go." The black knight shook his head and sighed, "After all, you don't belong to the content of my cooperation with her, even if I meddle in my own business, it won't do any good... That woman is smart! but……"

"Who are you?" Yang Jue's heart trembled when he heard this, and he felt something wrong intuitively, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Boss Yang is really busy, he doesn't even remember old friends." The black knight deliberately pronounced the word "old friend" very hard.

"Have you seen me?" Yang Jue was taken aback.

"Three years ago on the outskirts of the capital, the chief executive generously rewarded me with three copper coin darts fed with poison. Why, the chief executive doesn't remember?" said the black knight.

"You..." Yang Jue suddenly thought of someone, his face turned pale, and he put his hand on the scabbard, "Mei Junhan!"

"The chief executive finally remembered the name of the old man?" Mei Junhan said.

"When did Palace Master Mei start to imitate everyone's ladylike appearance and not show others?" Yang Jue sneered, feeling really strange in his heart.

Mei Junhan has always acted generously. He has never gone in and out like those decent men who hide his face with a veil. Could it be that he has changed his temper after three years of absence?

"What do you have to do with Qing?" Mei Junhan replied flatly, but her heart was not at peace.

Why mask?I don't even know, I want to do it, so I do it.It's just... There's always been a feeling deep in my heart that I don't want to let strangers see this face from now on.

Because, once, in the night when there were only two of us, under the moonlight and the bonfire, that woman quietly praised his face with a hint of shyness...

(End of this chapter)

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