Chapter 8

When the lights were on, the magnificent Prince An's Mansion had already been decorated with red silk satin, and all kinds of carriages and sedan chairs were parked in the open space at the entrance. The servants from all mansions who were not qualified to go in with their master gathered in a pile. Yes, the host and the west chattered wildly.

King An Su Yuling, the queen's only half-sister, has always been favored. Now the queen has no heirs, and she is Dayong's first heir.

Under such circumstances, King An's birthday dinner was not only attended by the royal family, but also all civil and military officials. Even those who could not come were sent to send precious gifts in advance.

Su Hailing was sitting in the carriage, observing the scenery on both sides of the street through the window, while recalling in his mind the information about King An Su Yuling from the genealogy.In the past few days, she also managed to get something out of Zimo Hongchen's mouth by insinuating things, just for comparison.

The original relationship between Su Hailing and Su Yuling can be said to be very bad, because she is the younger sister of the empress's father and compatriots, and her own talents are also good, coupled with the preference of the Empress Dowager, Su Yuling is a bit over the top, and never treats other fellows His half-sisters are in his eyes.The queen has no heirs, and she has always been very afraid of Su Hailing, a cousin who is qualified to compete with her for the throne.

"Your Highness, Prince An's Mansion has arrived." Haoyue said outside.

The carriage stopped slowly, the curtain was lifted, Haoyue helped her by the hand and led her out of the carriage.

This time she didn't bring Zimo Hongchen with her, only Haoyue arranged a team of guards to accompany her for protection.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness Princess Ruiqing, the prince is already waiting, please come in quickly." A smiling middle-aged woman came up to them as soon as she saw them.

Su Hailing hesitated for a moment, still thinking about how to answer, Haoyue said: "Thank you, Director Zhang, this is a birthday gift from Her Highness the Princess to King An, it is not a respect."

"The princess is too polite." Manager Zhang smiled and took the brocade box from a guard.

Su Hailing herself didn't know what was in the box, but she believed that with Zi Mo's eyesight and his understanding of King An, the gift must be in line with the identities of both parties.

Stepping into the gate of the palace, I saw that there were already many guests in the main hall, chatting and laughing together in twos and threes.

Perhaps because she knew that Su Hailing rarely walked out of the palace gate, Haoyue approached her from behind and whispered the identities of everyone in her ear.

"Hailing, you're here!" While Su Hailing was still looking around, a woman about twenty years old who looked a little like the queen came up to her with a smile, and grabbed her hand affectionately.

"See King An." Haoyue saluted.

"I didn't expect that the imperial sister really gave Haoyue to you?" Su Yuling's beautiful eyes seemed to sweep Haoyue's soul, and then led Su Hailing to the main seat, saying, "Hailing hasn't arrived at Kaifu yet. At my age, it is rare to go out of the palace once, if I like it, I will stay with Third Sister for one night before going back!"

"Sister Huang will be worried." Su Hailing smiled faintly, and withdrew his hand calmly.

Even if it was just for show to all the officials, Su Yuling was too enthusiastic.As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!
"It's true. I heard that there were assassins in the palace a few days ago." Su Yuling lowered his voice, looked around, and smiled again, "Then we sisters should drink a few more glasses tonight, so we won't get drunk."

Don't get drunk?Su Hailing only felt that her head started to hurt, not to mention that this body is only in her teens, she shouldn't be drunk at all, even she used to not drink at all, this is the iron law of soldiers.So... the only few experiences she had were drinking a few glasses of wine with her grandfather during the Spring Festival.

"Third Sister, what are you talking about with Sister Hailing?" At this moment, another woman in a royal dress walked in from outside the door, walking straight towards them, with a seductive young man in her arms.

"Hello Fourth Sister." Su Hailing called out, trying to take the opportunity to slip away.

"Hey, is this sister Hailing's new servant?" Jin Wang Su Jinling looked at Haoyue critically, then stroked the boy's long hair in his arms and said, "Doesn't Hailing like beauties like Xier? It’s time to be interested in this kind of thing.”

Haoyue's face paled slightly, her fists were clenched tightly under her sleeves.

"Fourth Sister was wrong this time." Su Yuling smiled, "Haoyue is His Majesty's personal bodyguard, and is now in charge of protecting Hailing's safety."

"Oh?" Su Jinling's eyes flickered, and he leaned over and said softly, "Then, the assassination in the palace is true?"

"Assassin? Where did Fourth Sister hear about it? How is it possible?" Su Yuling said calmly.

"Really? That little girl will have to deal with those unruly slaves when she goes back. She even dares to spread this kind of news in the palace." Su Jinling also smiled lightly.

Two foxes!Su Hailing cursed secretly, seeing that they were only focused on fighting openly and secretly, not paying attention to him, so he quickly dragged Haoyue away.

After trotting all the way into the back garden, she was relieved.

The royal family's infighting is indeed well-deserved...

"Your Highness, please let go." Haoyue's embarrassed voice came from behind.

Su Hailing was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that he was still holding his hand tightly.

"Your Highness..." Haoyue struggled, but she couldn't shake off her pull, and she didn't dare to hurt her with internal force. When she was anxious, a trace of blood appeared on her pale face.

"What I said that day was serious, don't you think about it?" Su Hailing said.

After Haoyue was stunned, she realized that she should be referring to making herself the side king, so she couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Why, don't you believe me?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows.

As for Haoyue, she naturally couldn't say she was in love, and they just met each other not long ago, not to mention the empress' orders were mixed in between.However, she knew that she at least liked him. This man was the type she yearned for the most in her 27 years of life. However, what she didn't expect was that a man who is rarely seen in modern times would appear in the world of female lords up.

Therefore, as long as he is willing to marry and does not betray her, she is willing to try to love him.After all, she doesn't think there will be another "heterogeneous" like Haoyue in this society where women are in power.

"Haoyue...not worthy." Haoyue's face changed for a long time, and finally she choked out a word.

"Are you unworthy, or am I unworthy?" Su Hailing didn't ignore the pain and struggle in his eyes, smiled and let him go.

"Your Highness is a golden branch and jade leaf, the proud daughter of heaven..." Haoyue lowered her head and said.

"Okay, I don't like to hear this." Su Hailing walked into the hall without looking back, "The dinner party is about to start, it's not good to be absent."

Haoyue stared blankly at her back for a long time before she stepped up to follow.

Why not agree?The Queen's orders...or her embarrassing status or notoriety?At this moment, he himself was at a loss. He only remembered the girl under the moonlight smilingly inserting a white lotus into his lapel and telling him that flowers should be matched with beauties...

(End of this chapter)

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