Chapter 80

Murong Zi stared blankly at the woman in front of her, as if she didn't recognize her.

With Mei Junhan by her side, she would know the value of the Wunian Sword School, but...she said, she doesn't need it?
"I said I don't need it, does Master Murong want me to say it a third time?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows.

"Your Highness, you know that with the power of my Wu Nian Sword Sect, neither Su Yuling nor Su Jinling is your opponent, let alone the Su Xueling who has only one breath left. The only one step away." Murong Zi's voice was full of temptation.

"It's just one step away, so what if we cross it?" Su Hailing looked at her with a cold tone.

"So what?" Murong Zi was even more shocked.She asked... so what if you cross over?That is naturally the king's land and the only one in the world!
"Only me?" Su Hailing smiled sarcastically, with a deep murderous look in his eyes, "The Wunian Sword Sect, so what about you, Murong Zi?"

Murong Zi only felt a burst of cold air from his feet directly to his heart.

"Hailing." Mei Junhan pressed the hilt of his sword to protect her, and understood what she meant.

The Wunian Sword too powerful for her to control now.

"Your Highness is afraid that I want to become the Supreme Emperor." Murong Zi calmed down and said slowly.

"I don't like being married to others." Su Hailing replied very frankly.

"Your Highness, why don't you listen to the history of my Wu Nian Sword Sect first." Murong Zi said.

"I'm not interested in other people's family history, but I have a few questions I want to ask." Su Hailing said flatly.

"Excuse me, Your Highness." Murong Zi seemed slightly relieved, and said with a smile.

"First." Su Hailing raised a finger, his voice was quiet but extremely sharp, "What is your relationship with Phantom Gate?"

"The Phantom Gate was originally an outlying organization of the Wunian Sword Sect." Murong Zi replied very straightforwardly.

"So, you were also instigated to design the Xuanming Palace, provoke the duel between Junhan and Qingchen, and mobilize the Southern Chu government and martial arts to encircle and suppress Junhan?" Su Hailing's face turned cold.

"That's right." Murong Zi nodded and said, "I just want to take back the power of Xuanming Palace, which is beneficial to His Highness' great cause, but I have no selfish intentions."

Mei Junhan let out a cold snort, and the aura on her body became even colder, but she didn't draw her sword after all.

"The Phantom Sect master's idea of ​​attacking Jun Han was also your idea?" Su Hailing said.

"Yes." Murong Zi looked at the expressionless Mei Junhan, and smiled again, "Now that I know that Palace Master Mei belongs to His Highness, of course I dare not deal with him anymore."

Hearing the phrase "Princess Mei is His Highness's person", Su Hailing's heart beat quickened, and he turned to look at Mei Junhan, only to see him turn his face away in a panic.

"Your Highness, if Palace Master Limei becomes the servant, it will be the best result." Murong Zi continued.

"Shut up!" Su Hailing scolded angrily, "Although he is a son and daughter of the Jianghu, it is probably inappropriate for the head of Murong to say such words!"

Murong Zi smiled, looked at Mei Junhan, but said nothing.

"Second question." Su Hailing took a deep breath and took out the jade bracelet from his bosom, "Is this something you gave to Yang Jue?"

"That's right." Murong Zi smiled, "Sure enough, it's back in your hands."

"Who have you met? Haoyue or Situ Ye." Su Hailing said coldly.

"Your Highness is so smart, why don't you guess?" Murong Zi said.

"Haoyue is in your hands." Su Hailing said without hesitation the answer she had been thinking about for the past few days.

"Exactly, as expected of the descendant of His Majesty the Holy Emperor." Murong Zi smiled lightly.

Su Hailing sneered, a descendant of the Holy Emperor?Unfortunately, her soul comes from another time and space. A modern female general named Su Che has nothing to do with Murong Zi's "Holy Emperor"!
"I know Your Highness is wondering why the Wunian Sword Sect didn't come to find the blood of the Holy Emperor until 300 years later." Murong Zi ignored her indifference and continued, "Actually, the Murong family was entrusted by the Holy Emperor and has been working for 300 years. I'm looking for the hero. It's just... the descendants of Su Qing's lineage are afraid of the instability of the throne, and they have been suppressing the Yongzheng lineage. In the past 300 years, the only young master who can make the Murong family look good is Her Royal Highness. One."

"You asked Murong Qin to embarrass me, so you can be regarded as 'attractive'?" Su Hailing sneered.

"It's just a trial." Murong Zi said in a deep voice.

"Really? That's such a pity. Because..." Su Hailing said, the Xie Xie sword was drawn out of its sheath, and a beautiful arc was drawn, pointing at Murong Zi's throat, and then the last half sentence came out, "I don't like it." you!"

Although Murong Zi didn't expect her to attack without warning, she is worthy of being a generation of martial arts masters. Although she was not disturbed, she turned her body to one side, avoided a sword when there was no time to attack, and immediately retreated violently.

"Junhan!" Su Hailing had exhausted his old strength and hadn't had new strength yet, so he couldn't stop him for a while, so he yelled hastily.

However, Mei Junhan seemed to be in a daze, and he was a little slow in reacting before drawing his sword. He only heard a "bang", Murong Zi had retreated into the secret passage, and the secret door was closed immediately.

"Murong Zi! Give me back Haoyue!" Su Hailing was furious, and struck the secret door with a sword, leaving only a pale white mark.

"I said, I'll be waiting for you at Wunian Mountain." Murong Zi's voice floated into the stone chamber through the small sound transmission hole, causing a burst of echo.

"Hailing, I'm sorry." Mei Junhan said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, why do you have to apologize." Su Hailing sighed, although he didn't understand how Mei Junhan's vigilance would lead him to lose his mind at this time, but thinking about it... Even if you ask, you won't get an answer, right? .

"What should we do?" Mei Junhan asked after being silent for a while.

"Listen to Murong Zi's tone, we won't be trapped here to death, we will be fine after a while." Su Hailing said firmly.

"You..." Mei Junhan opened his mouth, uttered a word, but stopped again.

"What's the matter? Tell me what you want." Su Hailing turned to him and said.

"Why?" Mei Junhan looked at her steadily.

"What why?" Su Hailing was startled, and then suddenly said, "You asked me why I rejected Murong Zi? I think you should understand."

"Are you afraid of being controlled by her?" Mei Junhan shook his head and said, "You are not such a person, and I also believe that as long as you want, you can completely control the Wunian Sword Sect for your use."

"It's a little bit." Su Hailing smiled faintly, and said proudly, "I just...don't like being threatened by others."

Mei Junhan froze for a moment, and slowly, a bitter taste came up.

Haoyue... That name that has been branded on her feelings, that man who is as bright as a bright moon, is different in her heart after all.

"What's more..." Su Hailing raised his head, and continued, "Whatever I, Su Hailing wants, whether it is a country or a beauty, I will get it with my own hands! I want the world, but I enjoy the process of getting it even more, Mr. Han, do you understand?"

"Hmm." Mei Junhan said involuntarily, "You are a phoenix, and the phoenix has a clear ambition. Even if someone holds the world and sends it to you, you will disdain it."

"I knew it, you would understand me." Su Hailing smiled at him tenderly.

Mei Junhan couldn't help feeling hot in her heart.

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the direction of the phantom array.

"The secret door is open." Su Hailing said.

Mei Junhan let out an "oh", and walked out behind her.

In the phantom array, countless figures were reflected from the overlapping mirrors, which dazzled Mei Junhan, who was seeing such a scene for the first time, and almost hit the mirror several times.

"Follow me." Su Hailing shook his head, grabbed his hand in a funny way, and pulled him through the illusion circle.

Sure enough, the entrance above her head where she jumped down with Murong Qin has reopened.

Back on the ground, I saw a fish-belly whiteness in the east.

No matter how long the night is, there is a moment when it ends.

Darkness and light always appear alternately, and no one can replace the other forever.

In the woods in the early morning, there was a slight mist, but the air was so dull that there was no wind.

"Boom~" Faintly, there was a faint thunder in the sky.

"Damn it! Look at the day, I'm afraid it's going to rain." Su Hailing said, looking around, but he couldn't see the two horses, and could not help but curse, "Damn beast!"

"Is it a so-called 'trial' for us to travel on two legs?" Mei Junhan gritted his teeth.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Su Hailing pulled him up and ran away with lightness kung fu.Fortunately, I always carry the silver ticket with me. As long as I leave the mountainous area, I will buy two more horses at worst.

Mei Junhan was dragged away by her involuntarily, trying to struggle, but found that although this woman looked weak, she was quite strong, and she couldn't escape without using her internal strength, so she said: "In the early years, I chased a flower picker. I have spent five days hunting and seeking with him in the mountains, and I am quite familiar with the terrain in this area. There should be a cave not far ahead, let's hide first."

"Which side?" Su Hailing stopped.

"Follow me." Mei Junhan calmly withdrew his hand and led the way.

Sure enough, the weather in the mountain changed as it said it would. Although the two of them moved very quickly, they were still drenched in the rain when the entrance of the cave was already in sight.

"My God!" Su Hailing rushed into the cave, wiped the rainwater off his face, and cursed angrily.

Mei Junhan didn't seem to care. He had been in the rivers and lakes for many years and was exposed to wind and rain. He was already used to this kind of life and didn't feel bitter.On the contrary, seeing this elegant woman in such a mess, it seemed that the sultriness of these days had suddenly cleared up, and she felt very comfortable.

"Laugh if you want!" Seeing a pile of dead branches in the corner of the cave, Su Hailing thought it might be left by the people who spent the night here in front, so he moved it out, tried several times, and managed to light the fire.

Mei Junhan wiped the rain from his face and sat down by the fire.

"In this winter, there is thunderstorm." Su Hailing looked at the rain curtain outside the cave in wonder, took off his coat and hung it up to bake, while saying, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and dry your clothes, I won't take care of patient."

"You...I..." Mei Junhan couldn't help but blush.

The change of clothes in the bag disappeared along with the horse. Although he was a casual person in the Jianghu, it was still difficult for him to take off his clothes in front of a woman.

"No need, I'll just warm up like this, it'll be done in a while." Mei Junhan said.

"Are you kidding me?" Su Hailing said slightly angrily, "I don't even look at the weather, and I don't take off my soaked clothes. When the cold air hits my bones, there will be ghosts even if I don't have typhoid fever!"

"It doesn't matter to me, you... choo!" Mei Junhan just uttered a word, his nose itched, and he couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

"You said it's okay! Did you catch a cold? I told you to take off your clothes and bake." Su Hailing frowned, and casually threw a few sticks of dry wood into the fire, and the dim flame immediately became vigorous again.

"I..." Mei Junhan looked at her in embarrassment, his face was faintly reddened by the flames.

The drenched clothes were sticking to his body, even if he had internal strength to protect his body, it was still cold that penetrated into the marrow of his bones.

"Forget it, I'm afraid of you." Su Hailing sighed, dropped the wooden stick in his hand to move the woodpile, and stepped forward to pick off his clothes.

"Hailing!" Mei Junhan was startled, and quickly grabbed her hand.

"It's a big deal, I'll just marry you." Su Hailing left a sentence impatiently, and continued to pick.

Mei Junhan froze when she heard the words.

She said... to marry him?

No, it's not, but... it's just a joke.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, after a while, he realized that Su Hailing had already taken off his coat when he lost his mind, and spread it in front of the fire to roast.

A gust of cold wind blew in from the entrance of the cave, making him shiver in his underwear.

"I really doubt how you have survived in the rivers and lakes until now!" Su Hailing patted his forehead, stretched out his hand and pulled him to a place sheltered from the wind to sit down, and then embraced him in his arms.

Mei Junhan took a deep breath, trying to make herself look more relaxed, but she secretly laughed at herself.

He has always been protecting others, setting up a shelter for the entire Xuanming Palace. How long ago did he become the one who needs to be protected?However... the unexpected warmth of the hug behind him made him sink involuntarily...

Slowly, with a sigh, he slowly relaxed his body, letting himself lean on those slender shoulders.

Just once, today... let him be willful...

Su Hailing was surprised to see the person in his arms slowly relax from the initial discomfort, and finally fell asleep.

"I almost wondered if you were Mei Junhan." After a while, Su Hailing murmured to himself, but the movements of his hands were more gentle, and he adjusted his position carefully, letting him sleep be more comfortable.

It turned out that it wasn't that she hadn't thought about going back to Jiuyou Dique to avoid the rain, so that the embarrassing situation in front of her would not be there.However, Murong Zi's mind is unpredictable, and no one can guarantee whether she will change her mind in the next moment.Staying in that place for a moment longer, the more dangerous it is.

But for a while, the rain outside the cave became heavier, and the original ray of dawn was forced to go back, and the sky was pitch black.

The body in my arms was getting colder and colder, it was like holding a piece of ice.

Su Hailing intuitively felt that something was wrong, she was fine, Mei Junhan had deep inner strength, how could she just fall asleep like this?Is it possible that he is really sick?
Reaching out to touch his forehead and cheeks, the tentacles were icy cold, not like the temperature of a living person at all.

Su Hailing was startled, and quickly grabbed his wrist to feel his pulse.

She had studied traditional Chinese medicine with her mother before, and she also learned a lot of medical skills from Mu Qingchen in Xiaohan Mountain for three years. In addition to the all-encompassing books in Qinglian Jingzhai's study, she can be regarded as a good doctor.However……

The messy pulse made her heart sink immediately.

It's not a disease, it's a poison, and it's a very severe cold poison. When the cold air from the torrential rain invades the body, it explodes all at once.

Su Hailing put down Mei Junhan's hand, his face was ashen.

She believed in Mei Junhan's ability, she wouldn't even be unaware that she was poisoned.The only possibility is that he was poisoned not long ago, and he didn't realize it for a while.

"Murong Zi!" Su Hailing pronounced three words fiercely.

Except for Murong Zi, she couldn't think of anyone who could poison Mei Junhan.

I'm afraid she was afraid that Haoyue's threat was not enough, so she took another Mei Junhan?

"Cold..." Mei Junhan spat out a word from her thin, bloodless lips.

Su Hailing gritted his teeth, threw the remaining dead branches and everything that could be burned into the fire, helped him sit up, unbuttoned their underwear, pressed their skins together, and warmed his own body temperature Pass to him.

She didn't know what kind of poison it was, and she didn't dare to use her internal strength to force the poison at will. The cold jade heart meridian was extremely cold, and if it confronted the cold poison, the trouble would be even greater. Before she was more than [-]% sure, she didn't want to take risks.

As if he had found a heat source, Mei Junhan subconsciously leaned his whole body closer to her arms.

Su Hailing could only smile wryly, while secretly rejoicing that Mei Jun's cold was caused by cold poison. Although the method of heating made people blush, nothing else would happen.After all... No one can hold an ice sculpture and still have desire, even if the ice sculpture is so beautiful...

(End of this chapter)

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