Chapter 82

"How to deal with them?" Mei Junhan frowned.

"Still asking?" Su Hailing sneered, raised his hand, and made a chopping gesture.

"Okay." Mei Junhan nodded in surprise, flicked his fingers, and clicked the two people's fatal points in the air. From then on, there was no such person as Nankey Yimeng in the Nanchu Jianghu.

"Being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself. Could it be that Palace Master Mei still has such a heart of kindness?" Su Hailing said as he walked out.

"It's just a bit of a surprise." Mei Junhan shrugged, "I didn't expect you to know the way of life in Jianghu very well."

"It's not just the rivers and lakes, any world is the same. The swords and swords in the courts and courts kill people without blood." Su Hailing said indifferently.

" still have to go back to that place." Mei Junhan said after being silent for a while.

"Perhaps, this is my fate, the fate I chose." Su Hailing turned his head and smiled, and went to the stable to lead the horse out, "How about it, can I ride a horse?"

"What do you think I am!" Mei Junhan showed a look of embarrassment on his face, "If the wind blows, can't I fall down?"

"Don't you dare?" Su Hailing smiled and rolled his eyes. After all, he wasn't at his own home, and last night wasn't too intense. As long as he was able to draw his sword just now, he knew there was no problem.It's's fun to make him blush!
Mei Junhan gave her an angry look, pulled back her veil, and got on the horse.

Su Hailing sat behind him, kicked the horse's belly, and left in the dust.

Anyway, when the person rescued the shopkeeper and came back and saw the corpse, he would report it to the authorities. As for the rent... ahem, let it be regarded as a reward for saving lives, and the shopkeeper must be embarrassed to ask them for it.

After getting out of Sanhe Town and heading all the way to the southeast, you can see the shadow of Wunian Mountain in the distance.

"I'm afraid we can reach the bottom of the mountain tonight." Mei Junhan estimated the distance.

"Junhan, what kind of poison is that Tianshuibi?" Su Hailing was still a little worried.

"Tian Shui Bi..." Mei Junhan leaned in her arms and said for a long time, "That is a blue lotus that only grows in bitter cold places, in ice springs. It is born with the most yin and cold poison in the world. Things with fiery attributes can be restrained. My father... I heard that he took a red blood fruit for ten years, and my blood is born with the medicinal properties of red blood fruit, so I can restrain Tianshui Bi cold poison."

"I still don't feel anything, do you think the killer is bluffing?" Su Hailing said.

"It's not like." Mei Junhan shook his head and said, "If she is bluffing to get away, she should say that a unique poison is the one, and Tianshuibi... everyone knows that there is no antidote, so how could we let it go? she."

"You said Tianshuibi is extinct, what do you mean?" Su Hailing asked curiously.

"The only place with Tianshuibi has been destroyed by my mother." Mei Junhan said, "As soon as Tianshuibi leaves the ice spring, it will be completely poisonous after three hours, and Tianshuibi can't be combined with any method. Medicine, you can only get its juice by rubbing it. So it is a kind of strange poison in the world, but it is almost impossible to use it to harm people."

"That's strange." Su Hailing couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, anyway, I don't feel uncomfortable. If the killer really just said something casually, but we are here anxious and guessing for a long time, wouldn't it be a joke."

"Didn't you send a letter asking Situ Ye to come to Haiyue Villa? Ask him to check it again after you go back." Mei Junhan said.

"Understood." Su Hailing agreed, and said again, "The sky is blue, is there really no solution?"

"Theoretically, things with the highest sun and highest heat can be cured, but... as far as I know, there is nothing in the world that can completely suppress the cold air of Tianshuibi." Mei Junhan said helplessly.

Su Hailing secretly remembered it in his heart.

"Lan Yan Zui, Tian Shui Bi, the second of the world's three great poisons has appeared, and maybe even Rouge Snow will appear." Mei Junhan suddenly sneered.

"Jun Han." Su Hailing pondered for a long time, and finally said, "The origin of those two killers is not simple. If it was Murong Zi, he probably wouldn't want to put us to death."

"Maybe the target is me?" Mei Junhan smiled wryly, "Even if Murong Zi didn't mean it, but after the news spread, there are not a few people who really want my life."

"Someone." Su Hailing reined in his horse for a weekend.

"A member of the Wunian Sword Sect?" Mei Junhan asked in surprise.

I saw more than a dozen fast horses approaching. The riders on the horses were dressed in purple clothes, and the leader was Murong Qin from the Nine Nether Land Que.

"The head of Murong is very polite. Not only did he host a banquet halfway, but now he even ordered people to welcome him a hundred miles away." Su Hailing laughed sarcastically.

On Murong Qin's face, the calmness and complacency of Jiuyou Di Que was gone. Hearing this, he forced a smile and said, "Murong Qin was ordered by the head to lead Miss Su and Mr. Mei up the mountain."

"In this battle, is it guiding, escorting, or... escorting?" Su Hailing looked at her with a half-smile.

"The headmaster got the news that he feared that some villain along the way would harm the young lady, so he sent us here." Murong Qin said stiffly.

Aren't you the villains who are bad for me?Su Hailing sneered, ignored them, and walked forward exquisitely.

Murong Qin froze for a moment, gritted her teeth, waved her hand, and led others to follow.

Su Hailing didn't care about the followers behind him at all, just chatted and laughed with Mei Junhan in a low voice, and occasionally ate some small tofu, but Mei Junhan was not Haoyue who bullied her and Mu Qingchen who always pampered her, this was a dark night Roses, with thorns, can pierce!
Murong Qin followed at a distance. Although she couldn't hear what they said, the faint laughter from Qingfeng made her grit her teeth.

This woman may have a little ability, but she values ​​men so much, can she really become the heir of His Majesty the Holy Emperor?

It's not that she doesn't believe in Murong Zi's vision, it's just that... for some reason, she didn't like her very much when they first met in the medicine house.

Although the Baili official road was just a trot all the way, it also came to the foot of Wunian Mountain at dusk.

"Wu Nian Mountain has a steep mountain road, horses can't pass through it, so you have to walk up the mountain from here." Murong Qin said.

"Oh." Su Hailing responded lightly, took Mei Junhan off the horse, and left Mo Ye in the other courtyard set up at the foot of the mountain.

Murong Qin ordered the others to stay in the other courtyard, and led the way up the mountain by himself.

Seeing the movement of her feet, Su Hailing and Mei Junhan couldn't help but smile at each other.

Is this also considered an exam?If he couldn't even deal with a little girl, Mei Junhan would have been killed. Even if Su Hailing had nearly [-]% of Mu Qingchen's internal strength, even if he hadn't fully functioned, he would still be a top player in the world.

The two followed unhurriedly, always keeping a distance of about ten feet from Murong Qin in front.

Murong Qin glanced at them out of the corner of her eye, gritted her teeth, and tried her best.She is already the best at lightness kungfu, and she is very familiar with every plant and tree in Wunian Mountain. If someone who doesn't know martial arts uses this technique, I'm afraid I can only see an afterimage.

After a while, Murongqin let out her true energy, slowed down her pace, and stopped. After all, running like this is exhausting.

Heaving a sigh of relief, she was about to look back, when suddenly, a chuckle came from not far behind: "Jun Han, I didn't expect that Wunian Mountain looks desolate, but the view from a high place is not bad. .”

"It's far worse than my Lengxianggu." Mei Junhan's voice was full of disdain.

"I guess, the plum blossoms in Lengxiang Valley must have turned into snow, so people like you can be raised." Su Hailing said.

"Slick tongue, beware of tongue pulling hell!" Mei Junhan said angrily.

"Why do you care so much about what happens after death?" Su Hailing shrugged and said indifferently.

Murong Qin stared, secretly cursing.

"What, it's here?" Su Hailing looked up and saw her, pretending to be surprised.

Murong Qin let out a "hum", turned her head and continued to run towards the mountain.

"Miss Qin, it's better to go faster, we are very hungry." Su Hailing laughed loudly.

"Maybe Murong Zi is so stingy that he wants to save money on a meal." Mei Junhan suddenly said.

Su Hailing was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Murong Qin had no words to answer, she could only sulk herself.

Of course, it is also a joke to say that they are going up the mountain to eat. After all, they only ate dry food an hour ago. Besides, although Wunian Mountain is not very high, the mountain road is steep and narrow, and there is a cliff on one side. , or the sky is full of stars.

Murong Zi had already greeted her at the door, but Su Hailing's gaze passed her and landed on the person behind her: "Haoyue?"

"Miss!" An excited look flashed across Haoyue's face, she walked up a few steps, then knelt down.

"What is this for? Get up!" Su Hailing couldn't help frowning.

"I... made Miss worry." Haoyue lowered her head and said softly.

"Do you still know that I will be worried?" After the joy of seeing him for the first time, Su Hailing thought of his restless anxiety during these days, and Yang Wan spent countless efforts to find his whereabouts, but he was in the Wunian Sword Sect well-behaved. He couldn't help but lower his voice slightly.

Haoyue bit her lip, but stubbornly did not say a word.

"Get up first, let's talk about your business when you get back." Su Hailing said.

"Yes." Haoyue obediently stood up and followed behind her.

Su Hailing sighed secretly, it really...has no explanation at all.

Seeing that they had finished talking about the old days, Murong Zi came up to them with a smile: "Miss Su is here at the Wunian Sword Sect. Our school is full of splendor. Please come in."

As she spoke, she waved her hand in an elegant and natural movement.

"The head of Murong is too polite." Su Hailing walked in with his arms around Mei Junhan's waist openly.

When a group of people came to the main hall, the waiter brought tea and fresh fruits and then retreated, even Murong Qin did not stay in the hall.

With a "bang", the two thick hall doors closed. Although the lights were bright, it felt a bit chilly for no reason.

"Sect Master Murong has put up such a battle, do you have anything to say?" Su Hailing picked up the teacup, put aside the tea leaves with the lid, and said calmly.

"I believe His Highness will be very interested in what I have to say." Murong Zi said.

"All ears." Su Hailing took a sip of tea without raising his head.

"The Phantom Gate does not agree to cancel the killing order." Murong Zi said.

"What?" Su Hailing was taken aback, put down his teacup, and sneered, "Sect Master Murong seems to have said that Phantom Sect is a peripheral organization of the Wunian Sword Sect. Could it be that the sect leader can't control himself?"

A wry smile appeared on Murong Zi's face, and he said after a while: "Whether it's Wunian Sword Sect or Phantom Shadow Sect, they only obey His Majesty's will after all. Murong Zi chose His Highness, but Phantom Shadow not Admit that Your Highness has passed the test."

"I was attacked by a killer." Su Hailing said after a moment of silence, "Even if the Phantom Gate doesn't admit that I have passed the trial, it shouldn't take my life. If I die, the blood of the Holy Emperor will be severed... Don't follow me. I said that Nankeyimeng has nothing to do with Phantom Gate."

"Of course they don't dare to sever the bloodline of the Holy Emperor." Murong Zi sighed, and said solemnly, "It's just...they found another successor of the bloodline of the Holy Emperor!"

"What did you say?" Su Hailing was really surprised this time.

"I heard that the woman's mother is the daughter of His Highness's grandmother Ye Wang and a man outside the palace. She should be His Highness's cousin." Murong Zi explained, "This woman is pregnant with His Highness Ye Wang's handwritten letter." , there is no problem with your identity."

"So... the Wunian Sword Sect and the Phantom Sect split." Su Hailing quickly regained his composure.

"The Phantom Sect Master thinks His Highness is too soft-hearted, but I think that woman is too sinister and vicious." Murong Zi shook her head, her tone was helpless, but still full of firmness, "You can win the world by all means, but to rule the world, you must You must have a loving heart and a mind that tolerates the world.”

Su Hailing was slightly moved when he heard the words, did not expect that Murong Zi, a person from the world, would have such insight?
"Who is the so-called blood of the Holy Emperor?" Mei Jun asked coldly.

"I don't know." Murong Zi said, "I've only seen her twice, she was covered with a face, she was very mysterious, but for some reason, the Phantom Gate obeyed her instructions, and as soon as I heard the news, I sent Qin'er, But it's still a step late, fortunately His Highness is fine."

Su Hailing laughed secretly, with her and Mei Junhan's martial arts, even if Murongqin and others arrive in time, it's hard to say who will protect who!

"How did your highness think about the proposal that day?" Murong Zi continued, not caring about her indifference.

"If I'm still the same, I don't accept it." Su Hailing said.

"Why?" Murong Zi stood up all of a sudden, "If it is said that His Highness used to have the confidence to defeat King An and King Jin on his own, but now he has the blood of another Holy Emperor and has the support of the Phantom Sect. Although they are in the same camp as the Phantom Gate, but for hundreds of years, no one knows what kind of power the other party has developed into!"

"So what?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "The way of using soldiers, if you blindly focus on the use of strange weapons, it sounds good to be good at using strange soldiers, but it sounds bad to be opportunistic and eager for quick success. Weird ways are the weak's last resort. Use the means, but don’t use them frequently, God will not always favor you. The combination of Qi and Zheng is the way of kings.”

Murong Zi was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Seizing the world is the same thing." Su Hailing glanced at her, and continued, "If the Phantom Sect thinks that they can win the throne with mere assassination techniques and some shady methods, it is simply a joke!"

"It seems that I did not choose the wrong person." Murong Zi laughed quietly.

"I don't understand." Su Hailing sighed, "His Majesty the Holy Emperor has passed away for 300 years, you people are still keeping this promise from generation to generation, what is it for?"

"For what?" Murong Zi was stunned, with a flash of confusion in her eyes, and she answered after a long time, "Perhaps... it's just a habit. I'm used to taking this will as my belief."

Su Hailing is speechless, she doesn't understand what kind of person that Holy Emperor is, even after 300 years, there are still so many people following her loyally, not only Murong Zi, but also Haoyue...

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but look back at Haoyue standing behind her.

I haven't seen him for a few months, but he seems to have lost a lot of weight again, and his face is also a little pale, only his eyes are still as clear as before.

"It's getting late today, Your Highness and Mr. Mei should rest first." Murong Zi said.

"Alright, let's talk about it tomorrow." Su Hailing nodded, she really didn't want to get entangled with Murong Zi at the moment, she still had a lot of things to ask Haoyue!

"Anyway, Haoyue has lived here for a long time, and I'm familiar with it, so I don't have much to do." Murong Zi smiled lightly, and left just like that.

"Yue, take us back to the room to rest." Su Hailing said.

"Yes." Haoyue lowered her eyes and silently led the way.

Su Hailing followed with a gloomy face, but suddenly, his right hand was held down.Turning his head, he saw Mei Junhan shaking his head slightly at her.

"Don't worry, I understand." Su Hailing patted his hand gently to reassure him.

Mei Junhan looked at her, then at Haoyue, but finally fell silent.

Su Hailing pressed his chest with one hand, as if he could feel the coolness of the jade bracelet through his clothes.

Yue... I hope you can give me an explanation, I only give one chance, otherwise...don't blame me...

(End of this chapter)

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