Chapter 84

"Trial?" Murong Zi's hand holding the teacup froze in mid-air, staring blankly at Su Hailing.

Su Hailing leaned on the bench, playing with Momei Junhan's long hair with one hand, with a half-smile on his face, he said calmly: "The minister chooses the master, and the master also chooses the minister. The head of Murong has set up so many tests to confirm me Is it someone worthy of your assistance, and how do you know that you must be the courtier I need?"

"I don't know how His Highness wants to test?" Murong Zi smiled wryly.

"It's very simple. Within a month, I want you to complete one thing." Su Hailing said coldly, "Only if you can do it, you are eligible to follow me."

Murong Zi stared at her deeply, the air in the room seemed to be solid, after a while, a burst of laughter burst out suddenly.

There didn't seem to be any displeasure in the laughter, but it was extremely carefree.

"What do you think of Master Murong?" Su Hailing asked.

"What a minister chooses the master, and the master also chooses the minister." Murong Zi's eyes flashed a gleam, and he said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, please give me instructions."

Su Hailing turned over his hands, and there was a folded letter paper between his fingers: "The law is not taught to the six ears."

Murong Zi understood, took the note and unfolded it, read it quickly, frowned slightly, then pinched it hard, the internal force passed, and the paper turned into a piece of powder and fell down.

"How?" Su Hailing said.

"Your Highness's exam questions are really not easy, but..." Murong Zi pondered for a while, then raised his eyebrows, and said proudly, "Murong Zi is still sure of completing this matter."

"Then, it's a deal." Su Hailing also smiled slowly.

"Your Highness is planning to leave?" Murong Zi asked.

"My servant is pregnant, and I'm worried about it very much." Su Hailing said lightly.

"I'm afraid the assassins of the Phantom Gate will not give up." Murong Zi pondered for a while and said, "Well, I'll order Qin'er to bring a team of swordsmen to escort His Highness back."

Su Hailing was slightly taken aback. At that moment just now, she clearly saw a trace of sincerity and concern in Murong Zi's eyes, and she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

It's not that she doesn't want the power of the Wu Nian Sword Sect, it's just... what she wants is the Wu Nian Sword Sect who is qualified to stand by her side and is only loyal to her, Su Hailing, not Dayong or the Holy Emperor.

Alright, Murong Zi, take this mission as a real test, do you—do you have the qualifications to know my monarch and his ministers!
"Murong Master." Mei Junhan raised his head, and said coldly, "Do you think that Murong Qin, a mere little girl, and a team of swordsmen can beat me, Mei Junhan?"

When Murong Zi heard this, she couldn't help being stunned.

"Jun Han is right." Su Hailing smiled softly, "I appreciate the kindness of Master Murong, but, with Jun Han and I's martial arts, we really don't need guards. Even if there are many enemies, it is convenient for the two of us run away."

"Your Highness, don't underestimate the assassination technique of Phantom Shadow Gate. It's really hard to guard against." Murong Zi sighed, and said helplessly, "It's nothing to cooperate with each other, but once they turn their faces into enemies, Phantom Shadow Gate... Sigh."

"Master Murong, don't worry, if I die in the hands of the mere Phantom Shadow Sect, I won't be entitled to own this infinite mountain and river." Su Hailing said indifferently.

"What about Haoyue?" Murong Zi suddenly said, "Judging from the meaning of His Highness's words, it seems that he is not going to take him away."

"That's right, I think it's better for him to stay temporarily, the thing I asked you to do...he will be of great use." Su Hailing paused, and then said, "Tell him for me, when he understands, When will you come back to see me? If you don't understand for the rest of your won't have to come back for the rest of your life."

"Yes." Murong Zi looked at her, and said for a long time, "Qin'er said you are too affectionate, but in my opinion, you are really ruthless."

"Really?" Su Hailing slightly raised his eyebrows, and stood up, "It's time for us to hit the road."

"I won't send it off, the horse and luggage have been prepared in the other courtyard at the foot of the mountain." Murong Zi said.

"Thank you." Su Hailing nodded, and pulled Mei Junhan out.

Murong Zi stood alone in the hall, and after a long time said: "Did you hear everything?"

A person slowly turned out from the back hall, it was the pale Haoyue.

"I think there's no need for me to tell the story." Murong Zi said.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand..." Haoyue sat on the chair in a daze, with a dazed look on her face.

Murong Zi secretly sighed, Su Hailing was right, this kind of thing can only be understood by himself...

On the other side, Su Hailing and Mei Junhan quietly went down the mountain, and brought back Mo Ye from the other courtyard at the foot of the mountain. Although the other white horse prepared by Murong Zi was not as good as Mo Ye, it was obviously a horse that could be chosen just in case.

Su Hailing felt at ease, since her horse was lost by the Wu Nian Sword Sect anyway, it is only natural to pay her a horse now.

The two rode their horses and galloped for a while, looking back at the shadow of Wunian Mountain, Mei Junhan reined in the horse and couldn't help but said: "Hailing, what on earth did you ask Murong Zi to do?"

Su Hailing looked around and saw that the surrounding terrain was empty and there was no way to hide people, so he lowered his voice and said, "I asked her to draw the military defense map of the capital and the topographic map of the imperial palace, by the way... to see if Su Xueling is real about to die."

"Could it be that you suspect..." Mei Junhan said in surprise.

"Although we haven't spent much time together, I know that imperial sister very well." Su Hailing sneered, "Scheming, Su Yuling and Su Jinling are really not her opponents."

"If the news that the Empress is dying is a fraud, then who exactly is she trying to deal with?" Mei Junhan said in shock.

"The snipe and the clam are fighting..." Su Hailing bit his lip, trying to shake off some thoughts, "I still hope the news is true, but we can't care about that much at the moment, the most important thing is to win the support of the Lan family... ...Aren't you going back to Xuanming Palace first?"

"No." Mei Junhan shook his head and said, "In this situation, I don't feel at ease if I don't send you back to Xijing."

"What did you notice?" Su Hailing asked alertly.

"Since leaving Wunian Mountain, I've been following Xiao Chongzi!" Mei Junhan sneered.

Su Hailing knew that his experience in the world was far from his, and he would not doubt his judgment, so he only said, "Phantom Gate?"

"I don't know." Mei Junhan shook his head and said, "I followed him very far and very carefully. I can't see who it is for the time being. Do you want to deal with it?"

"Don't startle the snake." Su Hailing said, "If it's someone from the Phantom Sect, even if one small fish is disposed of, they will still send another one. There is no need to waste time."

Mei Junhan remained silent.

"Let's go! Try to reach the town before dark." Su Hailing looked up at the sky and said.

On their return journey, they did not take the shortcut they had come here, but returned to Dayong along the official road that the caravan traveled.There are very few deserted mountains and wild mountains on this road, and there are towns along the way. Even if the Phantom Gate really wants to send assassins, they should be more cautious.After all, people in the Jianghu are not lawless, one has to look at the faces of the officials.

With Mei Junhan's reminder, Su Hailing also began to pay attention to the movement after getting up, and indeed noticed the subtle traces, if you are not careful, it is really easy to be ignored.

But since they were just following and didn't do anything yet, Su Hailing let them go.

The two steeds walked at a moderate pace, and when it was getting dark, they happened to arrive at Yong'an, an important commercial town in Southern Chu.

After choosing an inn to settle the horses and luggage, several waves of guests immediately came downstairs.

"What should I do?" Mei Junhan asked displeased.

"Let's go for a walk first." Su Hailing thought for a while, then dragged him out to the night market.

Because Yong'an is the only place where Dayong and Nanchu commercial roads must pass, the streets are still very lively at night.

"Still following?" After walking a few streets, Su Hailing turned his head and asked.

Mei Junhan nodded and frowned.Although the stalker hadn't taken any action so far, he didn't want to be watched at night when he slept.

Su Hailing looked around on the bustling street, his eyes fell on a delicate small building surrounded by red and emerald green, and he smiled slightly.

"What are you thinking again?" Mei Junhan looked at her, and intuitively felt her scalp go numb.

"I have a way, follow me." Su Hailing pulled his sleeve and folded it to the right.

Although Mei Junhan didn't understand what she wanted to do, she didn't struggle, and immediately followed her without saying a word.

Soon, a gentle and elegant woman walked out of a tea shop on the side of the road, staring at the backs of the three of them with deep eyes.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Another fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl put down a piece of porcelain she was pretending to play with and walked behind her.

"They seem to have found out." The Xiuya woman said distressedly, "It really can't be careless at all."

"Then follow?" The little girl asked with her head tilted.

"I'll go with them, Susu, you go and report to the sect master," the elegant woman said.

"No, I'll follow." The girl named Susu shook her head and said, "My tracking skills are better than yours."

"That's fine too. Be careful yourself and don't act rashly." The Xiuya woman instructed.

"Understood!" Susu left a sentence and followed carefully.

I saw two slender figures, one black and one white, walking side by side on the street, forming a pleasing scenery, causing men and women on the road to turn their heads one after another.It's a pity that the woman has such an appearance and temperament, how stunning is the husband next to her under the veil?

However, Su Hailing and Mei Junhan, who had attracted much attention, didn't seem to notice it. They talked and laughed all the way, turned left and right, and finally entered a flower house.

"Drunk Red Mansion?" Su Su stared at the charming world of beauty, singing and dancing inside the door, and couldn't help hesitating, should she follow in?
While struggling, suddenly——

"Oh, Miss, you are here! Come in and sit down!" A coquettish man with heavy makeup grabbed her arm and pulled it in, screaming, "Zi Yan, Xiuxin, come and greet the guests where!"

"This... this is..." Susu broke out in a cold sweat, before she could break free from the man's pull, she was surrounded by a group of handsome men, and the strong aroma made her almost suffocate.

"Miss, have a drink!"

"Miss, rest your legs first!"

All the men left and right said one sentence, so that Su Su didn't even have a chance to speak.But it's not good for her to kill in public, so she can only eat yellow lotus as a mute, and she can't tell her suffering.

"Hahaha..." Su Hailing and Mei Junhan, who slipped out of the drunk red building from the back door, looked at each other and laughed endlessly.

As soon as they entered the door just now, Su Hailing threw a silver ticket over, telling the men inside to wait on the little girl outside, and then they took advantage of the chaos and left.

"Let's go!" Su Hailing took Mei Junhan's hand and walked back to the street, and checked carefully that there was no one following him. Then he quickly returned to the inn, paid the bill immediately, and walked away under the inexplicable eyes of the shopkeeper.

Mounting their horses, the two of them galloped across the street in an unusually ostentatious manner, exited the city from the north gate, circled half of Yong'an City from the outside of the city, and re-entered the city from the south gate in a low-key way, only to find another inconspicuous inn to stay.

However, although the inn is small, it is clean and tidy, and there is no shortage of things that should be there.

After casually eating some dinner and taking a hot bath to go all the way, Su Hailing couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't know how those people who follow us will react."

"I'm afraid they will think that after we got rid of the follower, we left the city immediately and rushed all night." Mei Junhan said while wiping her wet hair.

People who are used to the rivers and lakes are not so particular, but after Su Hailing knew the sky water cold poison on his body, as long as conditions allowed, he would always let him soak in hot water for a while before going to bed every day.

"Yeah." Su Hailing nodded in agreement, "They don't have many people to keep an eye on, even if they stay, they won't be able to crucify every city gate. Tomorrow we can change up a little."

" did you want to enter the brothel?" Mei Junhan blushed, but couldn't help but ask.

Su Hailing was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, it's the first time I've entered such a place in my life."

"What does it matter to me how many times you go in!" Mei Junhan roared angrily, but looked a little embarrassed.

"Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with me, okay?" Su Hailing approached with a smile, took a clean cloth, took over his work, and continued to wipe the long black satin-like hair.

"Let it go, anyway, it will be done in a while." Mei Junhan said indifferently.

"No!" Su Hailing glared at him, "If you sleep without drying your hair, you will have a headache tomorrow."

"I am..." Mei Junhan looked at her speechlessly, not to mention sleeping with wet hair, even sleeping in water.

"I don't care how you lived in the past." Su Hailing said sternly, "I can't control it when you are not by my side, but as long as you are by my side all day, I will not allow you to care less about your body."

"You...I..." Mei Junhan stared at her blankly, unable to speak for a while.

Su Hailing carefully blotted the moisture from the hair, threw the cloth towel aside, picked up a strand of long hair, brought it to his lips, and kissed it gently.

"What are you doing?" Mei Junhan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly pulled his hair back from her hand.

"You are mine, your body, hair and skin, everything belongs to me." Su Hailing's domineering voice rang in his ears, and then he hugged him and slowly fell on the bed, "Remember, it belongs to me I will never allow anyone to hurt anything, including yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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