Chapter 90

Although he said he was not interested, Mu Qingchen finally went together.

Su Hailing knew that there would be no danger in the Lan Mansion, so he thought it would be good to let him go for a walk, and he didn't stop him.

At dusk, the two of them walked across the street as if taking a walk without any entourage, and arrived at Marshal Lan's mansion.

The guard at the door couldn't help being stunned when he saw the pair of men and women in casual clothes, and didn't know whether to stop them for a while, until Su Hailing took out the invitation card and stuffed it into her hand.

"Ah, ah! So it's Su Zhuangzhu, please come inside!" The servant suddenly realized, remembering his major general's order, and hurriedly let the guests in with a smile on his face, but he was still muttering to himself.

She has also been a servant in the Lan Mansion for several years. There are many people who come to visit the Marshal on weekdays, but none of them are like this one today, and they just walked over on two legs like this one.

After hearing the news, Lan Qinshuang came out to meet her, and she smiled when she saw Su Hailing.

Su Hailing was afraid that she would tell what happened last night, so he gave her a hard look.

Lan Qinshuang looked at Mu Qingchen, although the veil on her face was the same, only a pair of eyes could be seen, but her own existence was not reflected in those clear eyes.

She sighed secretly, this time, she really gave up.

"Aren't you afraid that your mother will be unhappy when you come to pick me up like this?" Seeing Lan Qinshuang driving away the servants and leading the way, Su Hailing couldn't help asking curiously.

"Don't you think her old man doesn't know about my relationship with you? You might as well be more generous." Lan Qinshuang rolled her eyes and added, "But personal friendships are private ones, I don't care about anything else."

Su Hailing smiled and said, "Then why did Marshal Lan invite me over to the house today, you don't know?"

"I just counted this." Lan Qinshuang touched her nose in embarrassment.

"Oh?" Su Hailing slightly raised his eyebrows.

"This winter is hard." Lan Qinshuang said suddenly.

Su Hailing's heart moved, and he vaguely grasped Lan Jing's intention.

Haiyue Villa has been rooted in Xijing for three years. Su Hailing has already made a plan to let Haoyue get involved in the business of rice grains and medicinal materials early on, and gradually control most of the markets in Xijing and even surrounding cities.

Last year, the grain harvest in Dayong was not good, and the purchase of grain from Nanchu through the mutual market was abolished because of the civil strife in Nanchu.It's hard to survive a winter without causing a major famine, but soon it will be the season of spring sowing, and it is still a big problem to get the seeds together.

"My mother is inside." Lan Qinshuang's voice interrupted her meditation.

Su Hailing nodded, took Mu Qingchen's hand and walked into the side hall.

There was no one in the hall, only a gray-haired middle-aged woman stood in front of the window with her back facing the door, her hands behind her back, staring at the distant sky.

Although he was only dressed in a simple blue robe, the murderous aura exuded from that tall and straight back was indeed tempered on the battlefield.

"Greetings to Marshal Lan." Su Hailing bowed slightly regardless of whether she could see it or not.

"Master Su is polite, please sit down." Lan Jing turned around slowly, and when her eyes fell on Lan Qinshuang, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Mother, you and Hailing are so different in age, you can't talk together, right? So my daughter volunteered to accompany her." Lan Qinshuang said with a smile.

Su Hailing almost couldn't laugh out loud when she heard the words, it's a good thing she can say it to accompany the guest!
"You girl, you dare to hang out in a brothel all night. What are you doing to accompany guests, isn't it just to avoid confinement?" Lan Jing gave her an angry look.

"Mother, there are guests here, can you save some face for me?" Lan Qinshuang said awkwardly.

Su Hailing couldn't help but looked her up and down curiously. He didn't expect that such a dignified general actually stayed in the brothel for a night. Could it be that Danfeng really has such a great charm?
"The family education is not strict, so Master Su laughed." Lan Jing apologized.

"Don't dare." Su Hailing slightly raised the corners of his lips.

This marshal is quite interesting, I am afraid that he already knows her body skills...

A few handsome servants brought tea and then quietly retreated.

Su Hailing pulled Mu Qingchen to sit aside, while Lan Qinshuang saw that her mother didn't drive her away seriously, so she also sat down cheekily and refused to leave.

Lan Jing ignored her, and said solemnly to Su Hailing: "Lan Jing is from a military background, and she never likes to beat around the bush, so she just said it straight."

"Marshal Lan, please speak." Su Hailing lightly made a "please" gesture, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"This commander wants to buy grain from the owner." Lan Jing said.

Su Hailing froze for a moment, this is really straightforward, without even a little embellishment.

"What's Zhuang's idea?" Lan Jing asked.

"I wonder how much Marshal Lan wants to buy?" Su Hailing thought for a while.

"20 shi." Lan Jing answered quickly, apparently having already estimated this number.

"Marshal Lan seems to be a bit domineering." Su Hailing frowned, and said calmly, "20 shi of grain is enough for 20 troops for three months, how can I have so much grain in my small Sea Moon Villa. "

"Most of the grain merchants in Xijing rely solely on Haiyue Villa. As long as Su Zhuangzhu asks, it's not difficult to collect 20 shi of grain." Lan Jing said.

"Although the merchants give Haiyue Villa some face, they must be profitable after all, right?" Su Hailing asked rhetorically.

"I am willing to pay a price that is [-]% higher than the market price." Lan Jing said.

"Huh?" Su Hailing was stunned for a moment, and countless thoughts immediately turned in his mind.

Blue Jing What does this mean?Originally, she thought it was just because the seeds sown in spring were not enough, but 20 shi was a bit too much. I am afraid that all the grain hoarded in Xijing and surrounding cities would be used to barely meet it.Moreover, Lanjing even offered a price that was [-]% higher than the market price...

"What's Su Zhuang's idea?" Lan Jing asked again.

"May I ask Marshal Lan, there is no war at present, why do you need to raise such a large amount of food?" Su Hailing asked.

"Su Zhuangzhu should know that I, Dayong, had a poor harvest last year, which made it difficult to sow this year's spring." Lan Jing said plainly, "Xijing has always been a land of grain production. Your Majesty has ordered this commander to be responsible for purchasing grain from Xijing at a high price to ensure that The spring sowing is in time."

Lan Qinshuang couldn't speak, looked at her mother, then at Su Hailing, frowning and thinking hard.

She has read the Queen's secret decree, and also understands the situation in various places. She knows that although there are food shortages, it is far from such a serious situation, but she doesn't know what her mother's intentions are.

"Since it is His Majesty's will, can Marshal Lan take out the imperial decree?" Mu Qingchen who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

"Bold!" Lan Jing suddenly changed color, slammed the table vigorously, and said sharply, "Your Majesty's decree, is it something you can watch at will!"

"If there is no imperial decree from His Majesty, how would we know if the Marshal is hoarding food and grass in private, waiting for an opportunity to plot something wrong?" Mu Qingchen ignored her pressure and still said lightly.

The expression on Lan Qinshuang's face changed several times, this was too straightforward, it just pointed out that Lan Jing wanted to rebel!How could this handsome-looking man have such courage?

"" Lan Jing was so angry that her voice was trembling, and she unabashedly released her battlefield aura.

Mu Qingchen gave her a cold look, then continued to turn his head to look at the scenery.

Su Hailing coughed twice, calmly dissipating the murderous aura in the room.

Although she and Mu Qingchen didn't care about this murderous look, the baby in Qingchen's stomach didn't like it.

With a movement of Mu Qingchen's hand, it gently covered the back of her hand.

Su Hailing was stunned, and the words he just said flashed through his mind for a moment—if there was no imperial decree from His Majesty, how would we know if the marshal hoarded food and grass in private, waiting for an opportunity to plot something wrong?


She looked back suddenly, a fine layer of cold sweat had already seeped from her back.

So it is!I am really a fan of the authorities, but it is not as clear as Mu Qingchen.

Lan Jing was afraid that she would hoard food and grass and wait for an opportunity to rebel, so she wanted to use this trick to remove all her food.Without food, how to recruit sergeants?Even if she has countless gold and silver in her hands, so what, she can't eat it when she's hungry, and she can't wear it when she's cold. As time goes on, the court has plenty of ways to take it back slowly.She wants to refuse, but the timing of Lan Jing's choice is not bad - Chunbo, if she refuses, as long as someone with a heart spreads it, she will immediately lose the popularity of the people, and it will be difficult for her to move forward.

But there was something wrong, if it was really Su Xueling's will, or even Su Yuling's intention, they would not have let her go so easily.You know, as long as she obediently surrenders her food, she will immediately gain huge wealth, which she will not be able to enjoy in a few lifetimes, and at the same time gain a huge popularity. Even if her identity is spread in the future, no matter who becomes the emperor, she will not be able to kill her , after all, the mouth of the world is hard to stop.

"Young Master Mu misunderstood." Seeing the tense atmosphere in the venue, Lan Qinshuang had no choice but to say, "I have seen His Majesty's imperial decree too, and there is no...cough cough, it's just that the imperial decree did not stipulate the amount of food to be collected."

Su Hailing got a hint from Mu Qingchen, and quickly figured out the current chaos.

It's true, it was Su Xueling's order to requisition food, but such a quantity was Lan Jing's own initiative.The reason is also very simple - Lan Jing wants to protect her!

What a loyal minister, I'm afraid Lan Jing made such a plan after thinking about her for a long time after learning of her identity.

Taking the bottom line out of the pot made her have no capital to rebel, so naturally it wouldn't affect Dayong's stability.But as Dayong's loyal subject, she respects the Holy Emperor, and she doesn't want the only bloodline of the Holy Emperor to be cut off, so... let her have no hope of the throne, and be a rich lady with peace of mind, and live this life without worrying about food and clothing. Life is the best ending!
"What's Su Zhuang's idea?" Lan Jing asked this sentence for the third time, with a hint of urgency in her tone.

"May I think about it." Su Hailing put down his teacup, and said calmly, "Marshal should know that what you want is not a small sum, and this matter is not related to my Haiyue Villa family, so I can't give an answer right away."

"The owner should know that the spring sowing is coming soon, and the time is very tight." Lan Jing pressed.

"I will give the Marshal an answer in three days." Su Hailing had already thought through his mind, and he responded freely, "I have to call the grain merchants in Xijing to ask for their opinions, not to mention... so much grain must be mobilized by them the power of."

"Okay, three days." Lan Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a serious expression on his brows, "Three days later, I will be waiting for the good news from Master Su."

"Marshal, from what you said, it seems like you want to drive us away immediately." Su Hailing said with a slight smile, "I remember, you invited me to the banquet."

Lan Jing froze for a moment, then laughed heartily: "Master Su was joking, such distinguished guests are usually not invited to the door, so there is no reason to rush out. Ask Qin Shuang to accompany the owner and this young master to visit the marshal Let's go to the mansion, and at the banquet later, I will toast the owner a few more glasses."

"In this way, there will be General Lao." Su Hailing stood up with a smile on his face.

"Don't dare." Lan Qinshuang bowed to her mother, but didn't get any hints, so she could only lead them out suspiciously.

"Qin Shuang didn't understand?" Su Hailing said with a smile.

"Yes." Lan Qinshuang scratched her hair and said depressedly, "Isn't it just to buy grain? Why is it so serious, it seems to be related to Dayong's life and death. Besides, although last year's harvest was not good, it didn't With such a food shortage, I really don't understand what my mother is doing."

"Qin Shuang is a good general, but not a good politician." Su Hailing shook his head.

"Oh?" Lan Qinshuang raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Is there any deeper meaning to this matter of buying grain?"

"Marshal Lan... is a good man." Su Hailing said suddenly.

"Ah?" Lan Qinshuang was stunned, as if she didn't understand why she would say such a sentence suddenly.

"Qingchen, are you tired?" Su Hailing pretended not to see her expression, turned his head and said softly.

"It's okay, I'm in good spirits today." Mu Qingchen said.

"Let's go sit in the garden for a while." Su Hailing thoughtfully wrapped his arms around his waist, and walked towards the gazebo.

"Hailing!" Lan Qinshuang couldn't figure it out, and chased after him in a few steps.

"Qin Shuang, what is the most direct way to stop a rebellion?" Su Hailing asked.

"Kill the leader." Lan Qinshuang said without thinking.

"If you don't want to kill, or can't kill?" Su Hailing said.

Lan Qinshuang was taken aback for a moment, and fell into deep thought, her expression slowly changed.

"Your mother is a good person." Su Hailing smiled and said again, "It's a pity that she is a little stubborn."

"Hailing." Lan Qinshuang hesitated for a long time, finally gritted her teeth, as if she had made some kind of decision, and said in a deep voice, "You wanted to get close to me on purpose, don't deny it...I just want to ask, do you want to get close to me?" Is it me, or the Lan family?"

"Is there a difference?" Su Hailing asked back.

"Yes!" Lan Qinshuang nodded heavily, staring at her and said, "Without the support of the Lan family behind her, will Lan Qinshuang still be regarded by you?"

"I thought what were you trying to say." Su Hailing couldn't help laughing, and said seriously after a while, "I thought what I want is a general who is invincible in all battles, a friend who can accept my thoughts and ideas. The Lan family... ...Without the Lan family, you would still be a famous general, Lan Qinshuang, but without you, Lan Qinshuang, how many years would the Lan family be able to survive?"

Lan Qinshuang stared at her blankly, never expecting to get such an answer.

"Qin Shuang, what do you want?" Su Hailing asked another question.

"What do I want?" Lan Qinshuang repeated, but a thought that had been entrenched in her mind for a long time gradually began to take shape...

(End of this chapter)

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