Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 101 I'm Engaged

Chapter 101 I'm Engaged

Early the next morning, Daiyu did not wait for news of Huang's visit, but waited for Wanyu's visit.

Wanyu was very happy to visit Daiyu, she hurriedly greeted her, but saw Wanyu's smile was very forced.Daiyu couldn't help being curious, but she didn't ask.

He lured Wanyu to "Lingyuan" where Daiyu is temporarily staying.Wan Yu saw the green bamboos all around, blocking the summer heat outside the courtyard, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Yu'er really enjoys it like this." Daiyu said indifferently: "What is this? If Sister Wan stays here for one night, she will know why this place is called Lingyuan."

In fact, Daiyu didn't like those two words very much, but she couldn't bear the coolness in summer, so she stayed temporarily.

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wanyu asked curiously, "Why do you say so?" Daiyu smiled and said, "In an hour and a half in the morning, the sun will rise, and it will be golden red but not dazzling. Plated with a circle of gold, the texture of the face is also visible. When a gust of wind hits, the bamboo leaves are blown, and the song played is accompanied by birdsong, which is so beautiful and beautiful!"

After Daiyu finished speaking, she looked at Wanyu who was staring blankly at the bamboo leaves and said regretfully, "It's too late now, the sun is shining brightly, so where can I see anything?" After speaking, she dragged Wanyu into the house.

Wan Yu saw this room, there were no words or paintings on the walls, and there were only three bamboo armchairs surrounding a round bamboo table under the wall. On the table was a sapphire vase with a bouquet of gardenias stuck in it.

There are neither curtains nor veils on the east and west sides. The east side is separated by four bamboo screens. It can be vaguely seen that the inside is Daiyu's living place, and the west side is even more transparent. At a glance, three rows of Duobao Pavilion , except for a few strange stones, it is full of books.

There is a large pear wood desk by the window, the pen holder, pen mount and pen stand on the table are all made of bamboo, especially there is a big bamboo tube under the table, which can be used as a painting urn, Wan Yu pointed to the big bamboo tube and said: "This can't be used for painting. The urn, there is nothing broken." Unexpectedly, Zhixuan, who brought the fruit in, heard this seriously.

Zhixuan hurriedly put down the fruit plate in her hand and covered her mouth with a smile, "It can be seen that the county master is as blind as us." As soon as these words came out, both Jin'er and Yang Nanny turned pale, and Yang Nanny looked over fiercely .

Zhixuan also knew that she was being presumptuous, so she hurriedly stood aside with her head bowed and her hands down, not daring to make a sound.Wan Yu asked nonchalantly, "How do you say that?" Zhi Xuan raised her eyes to look at Nanny Yang but dared not answer, Dai Yu shook her head and smiled and said, "Where is this a painting urn? But It's the wastebasket."

Wan Yu couldn't help but widen her eyes after hearing this, and turned her head to look at the big bamboo tube next to the desk, and saw that the roots were coiled and carved into the shape of plum branches, and plum blossoms and flower buds were carved at the root knots, dotted with stars. Half of the bamboo was cut off, and the periphery was polished into the shape of a fish basket, and the stripes of the fish basket were engraved, which is very unique.I don't think Daiyu is used to hold waste paper!

When Wan Yu turned her head to look at Dai Yu, the surprise in her eyes was still there, she shook her head and said, "It's really a violent thing!" After speaking, she also laughed.

After inviting Wanyu to sit down in the bamboo armchair, Daiyu told Zhixuan: "The fruit is cold in nature, so jujube tea will not hurt the spleen and stomach." The four maidservants and Nanny Liu all backed out.

Daiyu didn't know why, but she still said to Nanny Yang: "Mommy and Nanny Liu haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't you go to Aunt Luo's place to chat and rest for half a day?" Nanny Yang looked at Wanyu and knew that they both had something to say , then nodded and smiled: "That's fine, girl, remember not to be greedy for coolness." Seeing Daiyu nod, Fang retreated.

When Jin'er saw that everyone was screened out or sent away, she stood here a little abruptly, and before Daiyu could say goodbye, she said to Daiyu, "Look at the west side." The scenery in "Guange" is pretty good, why don't I go and clean it up, and set up dinner there at noon?"

Daiyu understood that Jin'er was looking for a reason to go out, so she didn't stop her. She nodded and said, "That place is very good. I heard from my father that you should clean it first, smoke the jasmine fragrance, and install an ice basin." Jin'er It should be that he was about to quit, when he heard Daiyu say: "Is there any persimmons in the kitchen? Find a big one, peel and cut two, and sprinkle with rock sugar."

After Jin'er withdrew, only Daiyu was left in the house.There were so many people before, Daiyu reluctantly didn't ask when she saw Wanyu's smile, but now she has to ask.Then she took Wan Yu's hand and said: "My sister has something on her mind, Yu'er can see it as soon as she comes here, I just don't know that Yu'er may share her sister's worries, even if she can't tell her, she will feel better."

Wan Yu patted Daiyu's little hand, sighed but didn't know where to start.Daiyu thought for a while and then said: "People's hearts are like that wastebasket, full of wastepaper, where else can it be filled? Why don't you put it upside down, and your heart will feel better."

Seeing Daiyu comforting herself so much, Wanyu couldn't help but smiled, and finally frowned, looked at the fruits on the table and said softly: "I thought that returning to Beijing this time would be the same as in previous years, and I could go back after the New Year's Eve, but I don't know why my grandfather left us in Beijing, and I even arranged a marriage for my brother a few days ago." Speaking of Hongjin's marriage, Wan Yu sighed.

Daiyu opened her eyes wide and looked at Wanyu in puzzlement, "Sister Wan, is she afraid that the son will not love you anymore after she gets married?" There was no difference in Yu's expression, so she sighed and said, "Where is it like that?" After saying this, Wan Yu opened her mouth and said nothing.

Daiyu knew that every family had difficult scriptures to recite, and guessed that the princess might disagree with the old prince, but this matter was not for her to intervene.Then he laughed and said: "It's not like that, why is Sister Wan sighing today? I don't think there will be more people who will love her sister in the future."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wanyu didn't talk to her, she just looked at her quietly, Daiyu looked at her very uncomfortably, so she raised her head to look at Wanyu and asked, "Is there a flower on my face?" He reached out and touched his cheek.

But Wan Yu smiled and said: "There are flowers on Yu'er's face, it is even more beautiful than flowers! I just don't know which kid will be cheaper in the future!"

Daiyu blushed when she heard this and said, "Even if it's true what my sister said, then my sister must be ahead of me! Don't ask me who will be better off in the future, but my sister will ask me." After finishing speaking Stuffed a piece of fruit into Wan Yu's mouth.Daiyu didn't know that Wanyu saw her like this, she felt her throat was sore, but no one could tell.

It turned out that as early as two months ago, when the old prince made an engagement for Shizi Hongjin, Shizi Hongjin strongly opposed it. He only said that he was still young and so on. He found many reasons, but how could his arms twist his thighs?In the end, Shizi Hongjin was engaged to a girl from the Su family.

Originally thought that this matter was a foregone conclusion, who would have thought that the news of Daiyu's entry into the capital the day before yesterday would have somehow reached Shizi Hongjin's ears, he was actually drunk for the first time, when Wanyu went to see him, he actually held Wanyu and refused to let go , still muttering incessantly, Wanyu didn't know what he was talking about, but when she got closer, she couldn't help calling: Yu'er!
Who else could this jade be if not Daiyu?No one in the mansion knows about this matter now, if it gets out, what will happen? !Wan Yu was anxious and wanted to come over yesterday.

The concubine didn't know what Wan Yu was thinking, she laughed at Zeng and said: "Even if we are close to the girl of the Lin family, how can anyone visit her on the first day? When she comes to Beijing, she must first visit her grandmother. Unfortunately, I don't have two. My son, those concubines of yours are not worthy of her, otherwise they would ask her to come to her house and be with you every day!"

Hearing this, Wan Yu was terrified!If that's the case, I'm afraid my brother will be in trouble!How could Wanyu dare to show the slightest anxiety?I could only smile and said: "Those concubine brothers are also my own brothers, but after all I am reluctant to give them Sister Yu'er, don't spoil Sister Yu'er."

Wan Yu's vest felt soaked after she finished speaking, but now she thought about it, she was so embarrassed.Looking at Daiyu, it was rare for Wanyu to lose the mood to play.

In "Guan Ge", Wan Yu was invited to have a light lunch.The reason why it is said to be light is because recently Wanyu has only moved a few chopsticks for vegetarian dishes, and the fish and shrimp have not moved at all.Growing up in the south, they all love fish and shrimp.

After the meal, it was only a cup of tea, and Wan Yu took her leave and left. Daiyu was very puzzled, but she failed to persuade her to stay many times.

Wan Yu smiled slightly and said: "Today is considered to be a visit, and there will be plenty of time to come over in the future. You have just arrived in the capital, so you are not in a hurry. When a sister posts a post, I will take you with me. You are not allowed to refuse me!" "

After Wanyu left, Daiyu was still standing at the door blankly. Seeing this, Nanny Yang asked, "What's wrong? But what happened to the county lord?"

Hearing Nanny Yang's voice, Dai Yufang came back to her senses, looked at Nanny Yang in a daze, but said nothing.Daiyu habitually held Nanny Yang's arm, leaned her little head on Nanny Yang's arm, and walked all the way back to the yard.

This kind of Daiyu is really rare, and Madam Yang couldn't help being even more curious, so she asked again, and Daiyu carefully learned what Wanyu said after her arrival today.

After listening to Daiyu's words, Jin'er on the side also looked surprised, but Yang Nanny frowned, a little unbelievable, and a little complicated to look at Daiyu who was still at a loss.

Nanny Yang couldn't help but shook her head and sighed: "Don't think too much, since the eldest son is engaged and the county lord told you, you should prepare a decent gift in advance and give it in the name of the Lin family."

Nanny Yang specifically emphasized "Lin House", and Daiyu couldn't help but think about it in her heart. Usually, her contacts with Wanyu's brothers and sisters are all in the name of individuals, usually on New Year's Day or birthdays. Xuan Jie would bring a copy, so naturally they would also have a share when returning gifts, but they never gave any gift to the Prince Wu's Mansion in the name of the Lin Mansion.

Seeing that Daiyu didn't speak, but only frowned in thought, Nanny Yang also felt distressed, and said to herself: "Yu'er is only ten years old, why did such a thing happen to her?"Maybe it's because I thought it was wrong.But if this is the case, the behavior of the county lord Wan today is even more strange...

Although Jin'er is much older than Daiyu, she has never experienced a relationship, so how can she guess the reason?Seeing Daiyu frowning in thought, and Yang Nanny also frowning in thought, she couldn't help but feel that the two of them made a big fuss, but now they dare not make a sound to disturb them.

 ...Continuing today, three chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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