Chapter 150
I would like to thank O(∩_∩)O Fengqi, book friends 160326111627630, Yaya21 for their love and support~ and Du Ruo who reads books on QQ, thank you!

Back in Lin's Mansion, I was busy with Lin Ruhai's meals and soups, various account books at the end of the year, various preparations for the New Year's Eve, and the New Year's rituals of various houses and houses.But Daiyu is still happy and content.

The stewards in various places have followed Daiyu for many years, and they already know Daiyu's habits, and there are two people, Hanxiao and Zhixuan, who help Daiyu to read the account books, and it doesn't take much for Daiyu to do random checks .

Princess Wujun sent all kinds of ingredients to Daiyu when she came back, and she sent a lot of them, and Zhuangzi also sent a lot of game.Qiluo helped Daiyu take care of the New Year's gifts sent by the various houses, and it was just a matter of changing hands for Daiyu to redistribute and send them to each family.

The New Year's etiquette of only being close to others needs careful consideration.Needless to say, the Prince Wu's Mansion, but the Huang Mansion and Jia Mansion need careful consideration.

Daiyu hesitated again and again, and gave the coral tree given by the queen to Mrs. Lin. The coral tree was more than one foot high and red all over. It looked festive and auspicious.Mrs. Xidelin seems to be doing something.He kept praising Daiyu.

Daiyu chose four brightly colored palace satin tribute brocades for each of the three girls in the Huang Mansion, and each got a string of red coral bracelets at the same time.

The two Mrs. Huang troubled Daiyu for a long time, and she didn't know what to send, so Mother Tang suggested: "Master, why don't you send two pots of begonias you planted with your own hands? The old slave looks at Clivia as well." Excellent." This remark made Daiyu's eyes brighten and she readily agreed.

Needless to say, Huang Jiyun, it was still a set of clothes, hats, shoes and socks sewn by Daiyu herself. Compared with the set given to King Wu, although it was not as gorgeous, it showed more care.

Needless to say, the stitches are dense, and on the base of the moon white, the whole body is flat-embroidered with royal blue Wanfu pattern, which feels as if it is woven, and it is delicate.

Huang Shufeng got a set of top-quality purple sand tea set with bamboo joints from Daiyu, and Huang Mengxue also got a folding fan from Tang Yin that Daiyu had treasured for many years.

Everyone in Huang's mansion has received generous gifts from Daiyu, and they will not be stingy in return.Furthermore, Huang Jiyun has not been married since now, although he has two or three concubines but no heirs, he has only been one apprentice for many years, and all kinds of treasures are brought to Daiyu.

But Jia's House is different, regarding Jia's New Year's ceremony, even Nanny Tang and Yang Nanny have a headache, they don't know what to do for a while.

Qi Luo looked at Daiyu's frowning expression, and muttered, "Your maidservant is watching, nothing can be worth the real gold and silver to satisfy the people of that household!" Looking at Daiyu.

Seeing this, Nanny Yang reprimanded with a straight face: "That's the girl's grandmother's house, how can you let you talk nonsense like this? I will punish you carefully when I hear you say that again in the future!"

Hearing Nanny Yang's words, Qi Luo frowned even more, stomped her feet and ran out.Daiyu laughed out loud and said, "Don't talk about her, mama, even I want to come here too."

As she spoke, Daiyu covered her mouth and laughed.Seeing this, Nanny Yang was very dissatisfied and said: "Young lady, I dare not spread this word! Careful people gossiping, it won't hurt the reputation of the young lady."

Nanny Tang also kept nodding her head and said: "Old sister's words are very true, but they are just some property, so don't worry about it, so what if you give it to them? The girl is the head of the county, so you must not be stingy. It will damage the palace. face."

Daiyu heard Tang Nanny mentioning the face of the palace, so she sighed inwardly, collected her expression, and took out the account book to pick and choose.

A pair of multicolored golden flower and bird Guanyin vases jumped into Daiyu's eyes.This was something that Jia Min loved very much when he was alive, but now Daiyu decided to give it to Mrs. Jia. Daiyu knew that the old lady liked these brightly colored objects the most.

The girls and sisters living in Jia's mansion, as well as Li Wan, Wang Xifeng, and Daiyu all prepared the next year's gift according to the rules of the girls in Huang's mansion.The brothers are also new books, pens and inks, nothing else.

Nephews and nieces are also gold and silver nudes and clothing materials, which are not very new.Daiyu was stumped by the two wives of King Xing.Daiyu couldn't help but looked up again at the two well-informed old nuns.

Seeing Daiyu's painstaking efforts, Nanny Yang also shook her head and sighed endlessly.But Nanny Tang smiled and said, "However the county lord gave it in previous years, this year it will be fine as usual. There is no need to bother so much."

Daiyu suddenly realized this, and hurriedly asked Lvqing to invite Xiu'er, Xian'er, and Zhilan over, and Ling Hanxiao rushed to make two sets of clothes with her, and Zhi'er rushed over after hearing about it.Under Daiyu's dispatch, the five of them worked together in a division of labor, and rushed out within two days.

After sending all the New Year's gifts to each family, Daiyu was busy until the New Year's Eve was over.On the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, Mrs. Jia originally sent someone to invite Lin Ruhai and his daughter to come over, but Daiyu refused because Lin Ruhai was unwell.

Early in the morning on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, Mrs. Jia sent another person to fetch Daiyu to the house.Daiyu wanted to refuse again, but Lin Ruhai persuaded him: "It will be your second uncle's birthday in two days, Yu'er might as well go there earlier, she will go on the day she becomes a father."

Before Lin Ruhai finished speaking, Daiyu only heard that Lin Ruhai was going there too, so she was very dissatisfied and said: "Father's body is in such a state, why bother to join in the fun? Isn't it good to live quietly and take care of yourself?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Lin Ruhai also knew that Daiyu felt sorry for him, so he smiled and said, "After all, it's your grandparent's house, so don't be too distant. My father is in good health, and I haven't visited the house these days since I returned to Beijing. It's been a long time. It's not appropriate. When the time comes, I will send a congratulatory gift to my father, and pay homage to your grandmother, and pick you up by the way."

Hearing what Lin Ruhai said, Daiyu had no choice but to pack up and go to Jia's residence to salute.There are not many things, after all, when I left, many things were still left in the Linglong Courtyard of Jia's Mansion, now I just pack some replacement clothes and dowry.

Knowing that Daiyu was going to live in Jia's mansion, Nanny Sun was very worried when she thought of Mrs. Jia's thoughts, especially that Jia Baoyu didn't know the rules. A lot of nonsense was said.Grandma Sun was very worried and wanted to go with her.

I don't want to be persuaded by Nanny Yang, "You come from the Jia family after all. Even though you have followed the girl now, after all, it is the old master. There are many things and words, and it is very difficult to speak. It is better to let the princess Mother Tang who came here followed the girl, after all, she is a member of the palace, and many things are much cheaper."

Grandma Sun thought it was reasonable, but she didn't insist anymore, so this time, Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang took Ruizhu, Lue, Ji Chunxiahe and Daiyu to go.

Early this morning, Daiyu was wearing a water-red royal brocade butterfly dress, a moon-white hibiscus skirt, two butterfly jade hairpins, inserted obliquely in the cloud-sui bun, and a red gold inlaid jade inlaid beaded hibiscus forehead chain hanging on her forehead.

Daiyu's attire is not shabby, but it is not grand enough.Nanny Tang originally wanted Daiyu to wear the auspicious clothes of the county magistrate to go away, but she couldn't persuade Daiyu in the end.

A group of people sat in two carriages and were personally escorted by Zhao Bing to Jia's mansion.Knowing that Daiyu was on the way, Mrs. Jia waited happily in the upper room.Unexpectedly, as soon as Daiyu's carriage entered Ningrong Street, something happened.

It turned out that when Qin Keqing was attending the funeral, Baoyu met Beijing Wang Shuirong by chance.Shui Rong introduces Baoyu as a confidant, and Baoyu often visits the palace of Beijing Palace. As for talking about poetry, painting or other things, it has never been reported back to Jia's house. Although there are all indecent rumors in the market, Jia's house does not take it seriously.

Baoyu accepted the post from the King of Beijing, but forgot that Daiyu was coming today, so he left the mansion early in the morning, intending to go to the mansion of the King of Beijing.

Who would have thought that they would run into Daiyu's carriage before they left Ningrong Street, so they immediately stopped Daiyu and her party, cupped their hands and asked, "Is Sister Lin in the carriage?"

Upon hearing Jia Baoyu's voice, Nanny Tang frowned, and Daiyu also felt a headache immediately, but she had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply: "Where is Second Cousin going? Don't delay, I will go." Visit grandma."

Seeing Daiyu's answer, Tang Nanny nodded slightly, but Jia Baoyu said: "Damn it! I forgot that my sister came back today. I accepted the post from King Jing of Beijing yesterday, and I will return as soon as I go." .”

He got off the horse without knowing what to say, and was about to lift the curtain of Daiyu's car. As soon as he grabbed the curtain with his hand, Zhao Bing stepped forward to block Jia Baoyu's hand holding the curtain, and said with a straight face: "Please Don't make things difficult for Second Master Bao." His eyes were fixed on Jia Baoyu even more.

Jia Baoyu smiled as if he hadn't noticed it: "How do you talk through the curtain of the car? I'm just talking to Sister Lin."

When Mother Tang heard it in the car, she yelled angrily: "The disciple of the He family! He stopped the county lord's car and even raised the curtain!"

Jia Baoyu let go of his hand resentfully when he heard the old nanny's angry scolding from inside the car, and said in his heart: These dead fish-eyed beads are really hateful, they actually taught my sister's fairy-like figure to the wrong side!

Daiyu didn't want to cause trouble, so she smiled and said, "Don't be upset, mama, this is my second uncle's cousin." When Baoyu heard what Daiyu said, he clasped his fists and said, "What my sister said is true. So outsider?"

Daiyu took a deep breath with a headache and then said to Jia Baoyu: "Didn't Second Cousin accept the invitation to go to Beijing Palace? Don't hurry up, don't delay the time."

As soon as Jia Baoyu heard this, he woke up and said: "In this case, I will go and sit down first, and I will come back in a while. My sister has to wait for me to come back, and stay in the mansion for a few more days. It is better for the sisters to play together."

As soon as Daiyu heard this, seeing Tang Nanny's already dark face, she stopped talking.Seeing that Daiyu didn't return, Jia Baoyu hurriedly asked, "Your sister wants to stay in the residence?"

Daiyu shook her head helplessly and replied: "Second Cousin, hurry up, I'll go see my grandmother first, I don't dare keep my grandmother waiting for too long."

Baoyu had no choice but to turn his head three times and walked towards his little white horse, and rode the horse towards the Beijing Palace.Daiyu and her party were able to go to the main gate of Jia's mansion.

I don't want to think about this matter, before Daiyu entered the mansion, it has already reached Mrs. Wang's ears. Mrs. Wang was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she couldn't get angry for a while.

The carriage stopped in front of the gate of Jia's mansion, and Nanny Tang got out of the car first, but she saw that Jia's mansion only opened the side door, while the front door was closed tightly.Mother Tang, who was dissatisfied with Jia's family because of the matter just now, immediately became angry.

I saw Mother Tang angrily scolded the two women who came to welcome Daiyu: "You Jia's mansion is so contemptuous of our royal mansion?! What is the status of the county lord, and you are sent here when you come here? And what is the purpose of closing the door?!"

As soon as the two wives heard Madam Tang's words, they knew in their hearts that this person was from the prince's mansion of Wujun, and they did not dare to offend them, so they apologized, "It's a young one who doesn't understand the rules, so I'll report it to my wife." The mother-in-law ran in quickly.

Mrs. Wang heard from Zhou Rui's family that the two wives who went to meet Daiyu were driven back by the nuns of the palace, and when she heard that Daiyu hadn't got out of the car, she said angrily, "Is it possible that I should go?" We can't meet her!"

At this time, the news had also reached Mrs. Jia's room.Old lady Jia, who was waiting for Daiyu to come with joy, was extremely unhappy when she heard about this.After frowning and pondering for a moment, Mrs. Jia suppressed her dissatisfaction and told Yuanyang: "Go, let Lai Da personally open the middle door to welcome you, and then let Zhu's daughter-in-law and Lian's daughter-in-law take the girls to the Yimen." welcome her!"

(End of this chapter)

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