Chapter 158

Thank you yzakrr for the monthly pass ~ thank you!In addition, recommend a friend's novel, please comment on "The Pastoral Style of the Leftover Girls of Time Traveling", the author worked very hard.


Mrs. Wang stood up very excitedly, staring at Daiyu like a knife and said, "What did you just say?" Her voice was a bit sharp.

Daiyu stared blankly at Mrs. Wang and didn't know how to react for a while. Although she thought that Mrs. Wang might be very excited, she never thought that Mrs. Wang would look at her like this in front of Mrs. Jia.

Although Mrs. Jia was also very excited, seeing Daiyu staring at Mrs. Wang in a daze, she followed her gaze, and seeing Mrs. Wang looking at Daiyu with such sharp eyes, she immediately scolded in dissatisfaction: "You are so staring at Yu What are you doing? You scared her even if you didn’t see her! You were so shocked.”

Mrs. Wang saw that Mrs. Jia was very unhappy, and immediately explained: "What the old lady said is that I am too excited." As she spoke, her eyes were red and she said: "After Yuanchun entered the palace, there was no news. How many years have I..."

Seeing this, Daiyu sighed in her heart: After all, she is a loving mother who is always good to her children, so she couldn't help thinking of Jia Min.Daiyu's expression also eased a lot and said: "Second Aunt, don't worry, what Yu'er wants to talk about is about cousin Yuanchun."

Seeing that Daiyu looked the same, Old Madam Jia also quickly asked: "Then Yu'er would like to tell my grandmother, how is your cousin Yuanchun? Before she entered the palace, she was raised by me all the time."

Daiyu nodded and said with a smile: "Grandmother, don't worry, Cousin Yuanchun is now a talented person. It was in the Queen's Palace at that time, and Cousin Yuanchun came to thank you. I think she has just been conferred."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up and she asked, "What did she say? How did the sage treat her?" Daiyu's words were interrupted, and she couldn't help but secretly slandered: "I just said that I shouldn't have said it. If so, come to ask this again now?What should I say?Isn't a royal concubine also a concubine?How is Jia Zheng treating Aunt Zhao?

Although Daiyu was dissatisfied in her heart, she pretended not to understand and looked at Mrs. Wang, and said grumpily, "Cousin Yuanchun didn't say anything about the Holy Majesty..." Mrs. Jia came back to her senses, glared at Mrs. Wang and said : "If the Holy Majesty treats Yuan girl badly, can she be canonized?"

After saying that, old lady Jia turned her head to look at Daiyu and asked with a smile, "How does your cousin Yuanchun look? What did you say?"

Daiyu smiled sweetly and said: "Cousin Yuanchun looked very good, at that time it was inconvenient to say anything in the empress's palace, later the empress asked me to go to the imperial garden with cousin Yuanchun, and cousin Yuanchun asked about my grandmother's body, I also asked Cousin Baoyu about his knowledge, but didn’t say anything else.”

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she was very happy, and she thought to herself: After all, I was raised by my side, and I still think about myself when I get to the palace.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jia couldn't help looking at Mrs. Wang proudly, and said with a smile: "Yuan girl has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child, and she is also clever. The rules are that she has been well-bred since she was a child, so that she can be favored by the sage. Not to mention anything else, Just talking about Yuan Yatou's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, wouldn't that be excellent? Especially Qin Zhidao."

Mrs. Jia's smug expression seemed to have aroused Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang couldn't help asking hastily, "Did Yuan Chun ask me anything?" She fixed her eyes on Daiyu.

Actually Yuanchun didn't ask, but Daiyu did.At this time, Daiyu wanted to provoke Mrs. Wang, but she felt that this was too cruel for a mother, so she smiled and said, "Second aunt, don't worry, cousin Yuanchun will naturally ask about you and second uncle, and ask What happened to the sisters in the mansion, I asked many questions."

Mrs. Wang was relieved when she heard this, and said with a smile: "It's hard for her to be alone in the palace and still think about the affairs of the mansion." After speaking, Mrs. Wang showed a particularly affectionate expression to Daiyu and said: "In the future, Yuer Then go into the palace and talk to Second Aunt so that Second Aunt can make preparations in advance and bring something for your Sister Yuanchun."

Daiyu felt a chill when she heard Mrs. Wang's sudden change of temper and called her "Yu'er", but when she heard Mrs. Wang said that she was going to bring something for Yuan Chun, she couldn't help but change her face.

Daiyu hurriedly got up and said: "Second Aunt, don't scare Yu'er, the palace will be searched in and out, if it is found that something outside the palace is brought in, it will be questioned!"

Seeing that Daiyu was unwilling, Mrs. Wang was very unhappy, her face darkened and she said: "If you really want to take it, why can't you take it in? Miss Lin is just trying to shirk?"

Mrs. Wang was even more annoyed in her heart and said: If it weren't for me, Yuanchun, you would have been named the county lord?Yuan Chun is also true, although these things are not good at home, if the Tan girl gets the seal, her tail will be raised to the sky, but there is no reason to take advantage of outsiders in vain!

Seeing Mrs. Wang's complexion, Daiyu became cold-hearted and said, "Don't say I can't bring it in. Even if I did, if I was found out and asked who it was for, how should I answer? For Cousin Yuanchun? Let alone Cousin Yuanchun, even the mansion will be implicated! The unsolved case in the palace is finally settled!"

Daiyu's words were very serious, Mrs. Wang hadn't reacted yet, old lady Jia had already changed her face, and said hastily: "Yu'er, don't talk nonsense! What does the case in the palace have to do with our family?" After finishing speaking, old lady Jia Eagle stared at Mrs. Wang and said: "Are you trying to kill Yu'er, Yuan girl, and everyone in our house?!"

Mrs. Wang saw that Mrs. Jia was angry, but she didn't dare to say anything more, so she felt annoyed, but she also lowered her head and said: "The old lady calms down, my daughter-in-law dare not."

Seeing this, Daiyu thought for a while and tried to comfort her: "Grandmother, don't be angry either. The second aunt is only worried about cousin Yuanchun, but she has a kind heart. Yu'er envies her." As she spoke, Daiyu leaned her head on Old Madam Jia's arm .

Seeing that Daiyu looked a bit lonely, old lady Jia stretched out her hand to hold her in her arms and rubbed her for a while, saying, "Grandmother loves you! Your mother is watching you from the sky too!" As she spoke, old lady Jia's eyes turned red.

Wang Xifeng hurriedly joked: "How old are you? You're still in the arms of your ancestors. You really have nothing to be ashamed of!" She said while stroking her cheeks with her fingers.

Aunt Xue also smiled and said: "After all these years, I finally got news from Yuan girl, I should be happy, why is it like this?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Jia smiled and said: "This is very true. At the beginning, I said that Yuan girl is a great fortune. As expected, she is promising now." Only then did the atmosphere ease up again.

Mrs. Jia smiled and said to Mrs. Wang: "Go and invite the theater troupe to come in. Let's set up a three-day banquet and celebrate well. Those who are close to each other will give a post, and let everyone follow along." Happy."

Mrs. Wang was also in a hurry to respond, but Daiyu thought to herself: I really shouldn't be talking about these things, there's no need to cause any trouble!But for a talented person, what is it like to celebrate with such great fanfare?
Then Daiyu thought again: Dad didn't know what he was thinking, but he asked me to come and inform them today... If I had known it earlier, it would have been fine if I didn't say anything!
After Mrs. Wang agreed, she hurriedly went to make preparations. Even Li Wan and Wang Xifeng were called to help by her. The first thing to do was to set up the stage.After all, this is her daughter's happy event, and Mrs. Wang is also very concerned.

Daiyu talked and laughed with Mrs. Jia again, and then returned to Linglong Courtyard with sisters Sanchun and Baochai.

After the crowd dispersed, Mother Jia recalled and ordered: "Go and bring Yun girl over and have fun. Let the sisters kiss each other too."

Because Lin Ruhai said that Daiyu's future will be determined by the emperor, Mrs. Jia took it for granted that the emperor had taken a fancy to Daiyu, and now she was just waiting for Daiyu to come of age, so she stopped thinking about Eryu, and now she is the one who has taken a fancy to Daiyu. Xiangyun.From the beginning to the end, Mrs. Jia never considered Xue Baochai, who was born in a merchant.

After returning to the Linglong Courtyard with Daiyu, Tanchun and others gathered around Daiyu to inquire about the situation in the palace. Although Baochai sat aside, she did not ask questions, but listened attentively.

Daiyu picked out what she could say, described it to the Sanchun sisters and Baochai, and finally concluded: "I don't see it as a good place. It's better to be comfortable outside the palace. How many years has Cousin Yuanchun been in the palace?" ? Now he is just a talented person, even if he became a noble concubine that day, there will be a queen empress on top of him."

After hearing Daiyu's words, everyone was thoughtful.Yingchun was fine, she was already engaged and had no idea. Yingchun was still very satisfied with the family Jia Lian had found for her.

But Tanchun felt yearning for it, and couldn't help saying enviously: "Just living in such a place is wonderful!" After hearing this, Daiyu really wanted to give her a blank look, but thinking about how unsightly it was, how could she hold back? up.

As for what Baochai was thinking, Daiyu didn't know, she kept silent, and the way she looked at Daiyu was quite different from before.

But Daiyu didn't know that Lin Ruhai was standing in the imperial study at this moment.Lin Ruhai was originally angry about Jia's plan to plot against Daiyu, but for Jia Min's sake, he endured it, but yesterday Jia Yuanchun dared to plot against Daiyu, Lin Ruhai couldn't help it!

As for what Lin Ruhai said to the emperor, no one knows, only that Lin Ruhai has been in for a long time, during which the emperor even passed on a meal in the imperial study, and had lunch with Lin Ruhai.Later, Huang Jiyun was replaced, and the three of them discussed for a long time inside.

It wasn't until it was getting late that the emperor let Lin Ruhai and Huang Jiyun go back.On the second day early, the emperor issued a decree that Enke would be added in March.

For a while, people's attention was concentrated here, not to mention the Imperial College, which is very concerned about this aspect?

After class, Yun Baozhou approached Jia Lian and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you plan to refer to it? My younger brother will definitely refer to it this time. Maybe I can also earn a Fengguanxia pendant for Lingmei." He laughed as he spoke.

Jia Lian thought for a while and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet. I have to go back and ask my teacher and uncle. I can make a decision after discussing it. Since you've made a decision and it's easy to study, I'll serve you wine to celebrate."

Apparently Jia Lian was very concerned about Huang Jiyun's claim that he failed the exam, so he really didn't pass the exam, so he wanted to ask Huang Jiyun and Lin Ruhai what they meant first, at least he had to ask his mentor Huang Shufeng.

Yun Baozhou looked at Jia Lian and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law is really cautious, but if you try in the end, you will lose. We are still young, so why should we care?" If I have a drink, can it be regarded as an advance wish for my title on the gold list?"

Jia Lian didn't refuse either, and sent Xing'er back to report to Wang Xifeng, and then went to the nearby Yunkelai with Yunbaozhou...

 ... This volume is coming to an end, and a new chapter will start soon... Maybe many friends will not like it, but Gu Jing hopes to show the red building in Gu Jing's heart, mainly because of the understanding of some characters and the background of the times I, please forgive Gujing!
(End of this chapter)

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