Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 163 Helping the Spirit Return to the South

Chapter 163 Helping the Spirit Return to the South
With Princess Wujun and the prince leading the formation a kilometer away, Mrs. Wang finally didn't dare to say anything more. After dinner, she went back to Jia's mansion, but Wang Xifeng stayed behind.

On the morning of the second day, the emperor announced the news of Lin Ruhai's death at the court meeting. Of course, many people already knew about it, and they had already gone there last night. The lady passed away yesterday, and Mrs. Xing also passed away early in the morning.

Apart from Mrs. Jia, the entire Jia family was mobilized. Jia Amnesty even handed in an application for leave early in the court. Of course, Jia Baoyu was also there.

Jia Baoyu looked at Daiyu who was kneeling silently in front of the mourning hall, her eye circles were red, she wanted to step forward to comfort her but she didn't know what to say, she was anxious to scratch her head, but when she was in a hurry, she was dragged away to invite her out For this reason, the old lady Jia complained fiercely to Jia Lian.

In old lady Jia's mind, now that Lin Ruhai is gone, Daiyu has become an orphan without father or mother. Although she has foster relatives like Prince Wu's Mansion, she is still not as close as she is.Even if Daiyu's future cannot be decided by herself, there is still hope for Baoyu.

Don't look at other things, Shan Daiyu's current appointment is extremely decent, and the Lin Mansion is also the home of nobles and nobles. Needless to say, the family wealth will also be of great help to Baoyu in the future.

There were those in the court who knew about Lin Ruhai's death, and naturally there were those who didn't, but the emperor said, "Give him a posthumous title: Wenzhen, posthumously grant Lin Ruhai the Marquis of Yongding, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion." What a position in the heart of the Holy One.

Some insiders know that the one who is in charge of the affairs of the outer court in Lin's residence is the famous person next to the Holy One - Eunuch Wang.I couldn't help but decide that after going back, the memorial service should be thickened by [-]%.

No matter whether they are thickening the memorial ceremony or pursuing the title of the emperor, it doesn't make much sense to Daiyu.Her only relative, the father who waited for two lifetimes, has gone!
Lively or cold, in Daiyu's view, it was more like the end of a farce.Lin Ruhai stayed in the mansion for 49 days.Under the intervention of the emperor, accompanied by Jia Lian and escorted by a team of imperial guards sent by the emperor, Daiyu will help Ling go south on October 23.

What Daiyu and Jia Lian didn't think of was that the emperor, out of nowhere, let Mo Xuan lead a team of imperial guards to escort them all the way. When the queen knew about it and asked about it, the emperor just smiled and said, "Let that kid Mo Xuan go It's also appropriate to give it away." After speaking, he laughed haha.

On the evening of October 22, Daiyu came to the temporary residence of Princess Wujun in the Lin Mansion.Apparently Princess Wujun didn't expect that her daughter, who hadn't spoken much for more than a month, would come to find her at this time, but she still called her in with a smile.

Daiyu looked at Princess Wujun who had lived in the Lin Mansion for more than a month, and was very moved, especially Princess Wujun was always wearing plain clothes, at most just with colorful fringe on the cuffs or skirts.

Daiyu showed her first smile in more than a month, even though it was very faint, it was still caught in the eyes of Princess Wujun, and her eyes couldn't help but become more and more warm.

Daiyu took the nanmu box with both hands and handed it to Princess Wujun, who looked at her in puzzlement.Daiyu said softly: "Tomorrow, Yu'er is going to send her father back to the south. I'm afraid it will take a year and a half to come back. Yu'er begged her mother and concubine." princess.

Princess Wujun looked at the box in Daiyu's hand, then at Daiyu, and asked, "What's in this box?"

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, then put the box on the table next to Princess Wujun, and waved her hands to make Hanxiao and Zhixuan retreat.Princess Wujun saw that Daiyu was cautious, so she also waved away the mothers and maids in the room.

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while before gently approaching Princess Wujun and said: "Yu'er is dissatisfied with her mother and concubine, here is a note from the above, and a silver ticket of 100 million taels of silver."

After hearing Daiyu's words, Princess Wujun was taken aback, her face full of disbelief, and then she opened the nanmu box at hand.as predicted!Although it was not a serious booklet, there was a thick letter, judging by the thickness, there might be thirty to fifty pages!
Princess Wujun didn't even look at the letter inside, she stretched out her hand and took out the letter, and there was a silver note under it. Princess Wujun took it out and took a closer look, and it turned out to be a silver note of 100 million taels from Wanfeng Bank!

Princess Wujun looked down at Daiyu who was squatting at her feet, and tentatively said softly, "Yu'er wants mother concubine to hand over this box to the empress?" Daiyu looked at Princess Wujun lightly. She shook her head lightly and said: "Mother Concubine actually understands in her heart that Yu'er wants this box to be handed over to the Emperor on behalf of Yu'er!"

Princess Wujun stared at her for a while after hearing Daiyu's words, finally closed her eyes, and said after a while: "Who made Yu'er my daughter? The mother concubine decided to do it for Yu'er!"

Seeing Princess Wujun acting like that, Daiyu couldn't help laughing and said: "Mother Concubine doesn't have to be like this! Could it be that Mother Concubine thinks that Yu'er will harm Mother Concubine?" Said Daiyu leaned her head on Princess Wujun's knee, Na na said: "Now the concubine mother and sister Wanyu are Yu'er's only support."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Princess Wu's heart also eased a lot. She looked down at Daiyu with a smile, and even reached out to stroke the black silk on her head, and asked softly: "Is it necessary to hide this matter?" Empress?" Daiyu laughed and said, "How can a foreigner visit the Holy Majesty in private? Even if the mother concubine is the younger sister of the empress, there should be no misunderstanding here."

Seeing this, the smile on Princess Wujun's face deepened a bit, she pulled Daiyu up from the footrest, sat by herself, and said softly: "You are indeed my daughter!" Looking at Daiyu, she instructed: "It's a long way, and Mother Tang followed me to the north and south many times. I don't worry if she is here, as long as you go early and return early."

In the early morning of the next day, the Lin clan rushed over to mourn Lin Ruhai, and they also returned to Gusu with Daiyu.This time, Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun were both left in the Lin Mansion in the capital by Daiyu.Even the two butlers Song Shi and Zhang Zheng stayed.

Except for Jia Lian to accompany Daiyu, she only brought with her two families, Nanny Tang, Nanny Chen, Hanxiao, Zhixuan and Lin Zhonglinyi.Although Song Shi and Zhang Zheng wanted to see Lin Ruhai off, they had to keep people in the capital.

When Daiyu and her party walked out of the city gate in a mighty way, Princess Wujun had already handed over the booklet and entered the palace.This time she didn't bring Wanyu with her, and only brought a little maid by her side.

Seeing Princess Wujun, the Queen smiled and said, "I haven't come in to see me for more than a month. I heard that you have lived in the Lin Mansion?" Princess Wujun smiled and said, "Maybe you don't know? Yu'er's mother left early. Huizi's father has also gone, and the concubine, who is the adoptive mother, can't ignore it, right?"

After finishing speaking, Princess Wujun sighed and said: "It's a good thing that the concubine has gone! Later, the prince also came, otherwise I'm afraid something will happen." When the queen heard this, she asked in puzzlement: "How do you say this? "The princess of Wujun then taught the queen what Mrs. Wang did when she first went to Lin's mansion, and the queen couldn't help frowning.

It took a while for the empress to ask: "What are they going to do? Could it be possible that they have started the Lin Mansion's business?" Princess Wujun said with a noncommittal smile: "Who knows?"

Speaking of which, Princess Wujun took out the nanmu box, put it on the small table at hand, looked at the queen and said: "The concubine has something to do when she comes to the palace today, otherwise, the concubine should go back to the mansion first Just go and see."

When the queen heard this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at the box in Princess Wujun's hand and said, "What good thing?" Seeing the queen's appearance, Princess Wujun couldn't help laughing and said, "Good things are good things, but it's a pity that they are not Being a concubine is not filial to your mother!"

The queen asked in a puzzled "Oh?"

Princess Wujun smiled and said: "Yu'er entrusted his concubine to hand it over to the Holy Majesty last night, and said that he would hand it over to the Holy Majesty himself! So I have no choice but to ask my sister to come here to see when my sister will invite you." Come here, my sister, I can do business too, right?"

The empress stared at the box for a while, then raised her eyes to Princess Wujun and asked, "Do you know what it is?" Princess Wujun nodded and said, "A letter, Yu'er said it was a book!" The princess of the county covered her mouth with a smile and said, "The little girl also wants to write an excerpt!"

The queen frowned when she heard this, but quickly relaxed it, and asked lightly: "What did you write?" Princess Wujun said: "This concubine doesn't know, I only know that there is a million dollar note inside." Two silver bills. I'm afraid that all that can be produced in the Lin Mansion is here."

One million taels may not be much for the **** empire, but it is also a lot for the queen!The queen bowed her head and thought for a while, then she said to Gong'e beside her, "Let Director Xia come to see Ai's family."

After that Gong'e took the order to go out, the queen looked at Princess Wujun and said: "I don't know if the sage will come or not, and someone will invite you." Princess Wujun nodded and said: "Naturally."

Xia Shouzhong rushed in in a hurry, saluted and greeted the empress before she said: "Go to the imperial study to see that the sage is very busy, if you have time, ask the sage to come up, and say there is something important. Do you understand? "Xia Shouzhong hurriedly laughed and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the slave will bring the words to you." Then he ran out in a hurry.

The emperor came over for lunch, and he was surprised to see Princess Wujun, but he still had a majestic look on his face, sitting on the main seat.He looked at the queen and asked, "Didn't you say there is something important?" As he spoke, he took a special look at Princess Wujun.

The queen also looked at Princess Wujun, and then smiled and said, "It's not that the concubine has something to do." Before the queen finished speaking, the emperor asked, "Oh? So Princess Wujun has something to do?" Princess Wujun hurriedly got up Said: "The concubine has something to do. The concubine was entrusted by someone to present a box to the Holy One." Then he took the nanmu box with both hands.

The emperor didn't answer, and only asked: "Who is entrusted by Princess Wujun? As far as I know, doesn't Princess Wujun live in Lin Mansion these days? Who begged you to go to Lin Mansion again?"

Speaking of the emperor's complexion getting a little bad, Princess Wujun hurriedly knelt down and said, "Long live Qi, she is the adopted daughter of my concubine. Lin Hui begged my concubine to hand over this box to the sage."

Hearing that it was the casket that Daiyu begged the princess of Wujun to give him, the emperor couldn't help feeling interested and motioned to take the casket.The queen didn't wait for Gong'e to come forward, so she took it with her own hands and handed it to the emperor.The emperor didn't open it either, but asked, "Do you know what's inside?"

Princess Wujun looked at the queen, and the queen was also frowning at Princess Wujun.Seeing this, the emperor asked in a cold voice: "Why?" Princess Wujun was afraid of causing the emperor's anger, so she explained: "It was written by a concubine and righteous daughter, a letter! It is said that it is to be handed over to the Holy Majesty."

The emperor asked noncommittally: "A letter?" He looked at the empress, and asked: "A letter only looks like an empress?" Even though I wrote a letter, although the concubine didn't know the content, it was a letter after reading it, but that girl would say it was a book!"

The emperor happened to be holding a bowl of tea, and just after eating it, he almost spit out when he heard this, and couldn't help laughing.Uncertainly asked: "Is it really an excerpt?" The queen smiled and said: "Isn't it? I'm afraid I heard it from Lin Qing's house before, so I learned it."

The emperor put down the teacup, nodded and put away the box. He didn't skip the meal, and said: "Okay, I have something else to do, and I will come to see you another day." After speaking, he turned to Wu Jun who was still kneeling on the ground. The concubine said: "The concubine of the county rarely enters the palace, so she will accompany the queen and go out after eating." After speaking, the emperor went out with the box in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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