Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 202 Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 202 Brothers and Sisters
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Taking advantage of the days when Mrs. Wang was locked in the house and not allowed to come out, Wang Xifeng took over the affairs of Jia's house in an all-round way.

All the servants and servants were thoroughly sorted out, and even Wang Xifeng really wanted to do a spot check on all the servants in the mansion just like Daiyu did back then.Get rid of those bad things, those who bully others, and those who are not clean!It's a pity that Jia's mansion is not Lin's mansion. Jia's mansion lacks Lin Ruhai and has an extra Jia old lady.This matter can only be thought about.

Although Mrs. Wang was locked in the house, the construction of the garden not only did not stop, but accelerated.

Because of Daiyu's arrival and Jia Lian's change, Lin Ruhai's inheritance has nothing to do with Jia's mansion, and even the several 10 taels of the Xue family's silver was not "donated" to Jia's mansion. It cannot be compared with Daiyu's previous life and the "Grand View Garden" in the original work, but it is still exquisite and elegant.

From Ningguo Mansion Dengxian Pavilion beside Doufengxuan to the back of Jiamu's courtyard in General Mansion, a three-mile radius was drawn to enclose the courtyard wall, including a barren mountain behind.

A large flower hall was newly built behind the courtyard of Mrs. Jia, and the hall was connected with the family-speaking garden.Also in the backyard of Rongxi Hall, a door was opened and a small courtyard was newly built, side by side with the Dahua Hall.This courtyard is still empty now, but Jia She and his son are planning to leave it for Brother Chun to live in the future.

Further to the east is the current East Courtyard. The door is opened from Ningrong Street, and the layout is symmetrical from east to west. There are not many pavilions, but mostly densely covered with flowers and trees.

The front and back are divided into three entrances. The outermost is the outer study where Jia She and his son stand opposite each other.Behind it is the courtyard of Jia Lian and his wife. Brother Chun and sister Qiao live separately.

The three courtyards are connected in a row, leaning against the north wall of the Shengqin Garden, and the main entrance of the Shengqin Garden is also between the empty courtyard and Jia Shedong's courtyard.

On November 28, the Provincial Family Hospital was finally completed. During this month or so, Jia Lian was very busy, and he didn't even bother to fill his own pockets. Daiyu helped to think of an idea.

Wang Xifeng is also very busy, and doesn't even have much time to spend with Brother Chun and Sister Qiao.Fortunately, Brother Chun and Sister Qiao are now companions, Yaya and Qianqian play with each other, and two wet nurses look after them, and Madam Xing asks anytime and anywhere, so nothing goes wrong.

Jia Amnesty was even more busy. The loan sharks were everywhere, including officials, businessmen, and people of all kinds, ranging from a few thousand taels to tens of hundreds of taels, and some families even borrowed three Two silver coins to see a doctor.But according to Mrs. Wang's receipt, the family will have to pay seven or eight taels when returning it!It can be seen that Mrs. Wang really fell into the eyes of money.

Jia Amnesty not only sent people from door to door to investigate according to the names of the loan sharks.He even secretly found Jia Baoyu and asked him to pay off the debt for his mother, and then went door to door to check.This month, Jia Baoyu has experienced a huge psychological shock. He never imagined that there are such poor people in this world, and he never imagined that his mother would be such a person!
Except for those who eat, drink, whore and gamble, officials, merchants, and Jia Amnesty all exempted them from interest and asked them to repay according to the principal.Like the family who borrowed money to see a doctor, it was indeed too poor. Jia Amnesty even wiped off the odds or simply canceled the debt owed.

This has earned Jia Amnesty and even the Jia Mansion a good reputation. After Jia Baoyu has experienced so much, although he still does not like official career and economics, he is much more mature than before. At least he is no longer as usual. The sisters and maids were joking around.

Of course, now that Xue Baochai has lost her love for Jia Baoyu, Yingchun has also married, Daiyu has not lived in Jia's mansion, and Xiangyun has not come to play because Jia's mansion has built a garden. As for Xing Xiuyan, she has been with Jia Baoyu from the very beginning. There is no intersection, Mrs. Xing has always protected her very well.Therefore, there are not so many sisters playing with him.

After all, Mrs. Jia was old, but after this incident, she fell ill.Even Daiyu sent people to greet her several times.This reminded Mrs. Jia that she not only has a granddaughter who is a concubine, but also a granddaughter who is a county magistrate!Only then did the old lady Jia, who was sluggish, recover a lot of energy.

The completion of the garden is naturally a major event for the entire Jia family, not just for the general's mansion, but also for the Ningguo mansion, but also for the entire Jia family!

Jia Shexiu was at home that day, so he took the old and young men from the East and the West to visit the garden together.Jia Lian and his son, Jia Zhen and his son, Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Cong, and Jia Lan were naturally on Jia Amnesty's accompanying list, and Jia Qiang, Jia Yun, Jia Qin, and others also came with Jia Daixiu and other clan elders.

When a group of people came to the gate of the garden, they saw five main entrances, with bucket tiles and loach ridges on the top, and the gates, bars and windows. They were all finely carved and fresh, without vermilion powder coating. Into a passionflower pattern.Looking left and right, they are all snow-white|powdered walls, and the tiger skin stones below are built according to the situation, and they are not gorgeous and conventional.Jia Amnesty couldn't help but nodded.

Open the door and go in, facing a green peak blocking the front, looking forward, you can see white stone caves, some like ghosts, or like beasts, standing vertically and horizontally, covered with moss, covered by vines, and revealing small intestines and trails.This is very similar to the original.Jia Daixiu and other clan elders said with a smile: "It's not this mountain, and all the scenery in the garden can be seen before the eyes, which loses the fun. It's so good!"

Jia She's eyes were bright, and he looked at Jia Lian, but Jia Lian said calmly, "Let's swim from this path, and when we come back, we can go out from the other side so that we can have a look around." The others followed Jia Lian and meandered into the mountain pass.

Jia Huan looked around wretchedly, and when he looked up, he saw a mirror-like white stone on the mountain. He wanted to show off and shouted, "Where is there another stone, it's just an inscription!" Hearing Jia Huan's words, everyone looked up, Jia Lian He explained: "This is where the question is left. I don't know who will come first, uncle or brother?"

For a while, you look at me, I look at you, Jia Zhen thought for a while that as the patriarch, she naturally had to speak first, and then said: "Dicui Mountains" Jia Zhen's words, Jia Daixiu, as the eldest of the clan, naturally couldn't keep silent Without saying a word, he thought for a while and said, "Green satin and fragrant brocade." After hearing this, Jia Lian secretly said, "It's really a group of laymen!"
Although Jia Amnesty said he didn't understand poetry, the officialdom these years was not for nothing, especially in the Ministry of Industry, where you shouldn't see too many pavilions.

Jia Amnesty thought for a while and looked back at Jia Lian. He was about to let Jia Lian show off. He didn't want to see Jia Baoyu. The elder sister built it, and you will be the first one to mention it!" Jia Amnesty's words, as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately got the support of all the people in the clan.

Seeing this, Jia Baoyu knew that he couldn't shirk, thought for a moment, and took two steps forward. Seeing this, Jia Huan said disdainfully: "If you don't, you won't, why put on airs?"

Seeing Jia Huan like this, Jia Lian couldn't help but look back at him, and then at Jia Cong who was following behind him. Fortunately, Jia Cong followed quietly all the time, looking around curiously, but didn't make a sound. Jia Lian He couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking: Fortunately, I didn't meet someone like Jia Huan!
Jia Baoyu walked a few steps, walked into the bluestone path, then stepped back, looked at Jia Amnesty and the others, bowed his hands and said: "It's better to tell the old than to make up the new, and this place is not the main view of the main mountain, but it is As soon as I explored the scenery, I raised my ears. Mo Ruozhi wrote the old poem "The winding path leads to a secluded place", and I ask the elders of the uncle's family to decide."

Seeing this, Jia Amnesty nodded and was about to speak, but Jia Lian smiled and said, "Okay! What a 'winding path leading to seclusion', the word 'winding path' is very wonderful! However, the word 'tongyou' is slightly inconsistent, why not change it For 'picking up fun'?"

All the people in the entourage were chewing on the four words "picking up interesting things on a winding path", and they all felt very good. Jia Shefang nodded and said to the young man who was following: "Remember, I will order someone to write it later and carve it as soon as possible." Jia Lian said with a smile: "Father, why do you want to look far away? Since it was built for the mother-in-law, why not let Brother Bao write it?"

Jia Lian's words surprised everyone. Although Jia Lian suggested it, Jia Amnesty looked at Jia Baoyu still hesitantly.

Seeing this, Jia Lian laughed and said, "Why don't you let Brother Bao write the book and you'll know it at a glance?" So everyone nodded in agreement.Jia Lian looked at Jia Baoyu with a sigh in his heart, walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "A man should be brave, and more importantly, he should be responsible! This is what my uncle taught me back then."

Speaking of which, Jia Lian also felt sorry for him. After experiencing so much these days, he became a little depressed. He also happened to see his handwriting was very good, so he helped him a little bit, after all, they were all brothers in the same family.

Jia Baoyu naturally understood that Jia Lian was teaching him to help him, so he looked at Jia Lian with bright eyes, and although he didn't say anything, he nodded heavily at Jia Lian.Seeing this, Jia Lian asked people to set up a table and prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones.They even brought clean water to wash their hands.

Everyone saw Jia Baoyu, after washing his hands, wiped them dry carefully, took a deep breath, lifted up a corner of the big red python arrow-sleeve gown, tucked it around his waist, and then took a pen from the pen holder and held it in his hand. But he was not in a hurry to write, as if he was planning something.After a while, just as some of the youngest among these people could no longer rest in peace, Jia Baoyu suddenly moved his ink and began to write.

Jia Baoyu was originally intelligent, but it was a pity that he was used to being lazy, and he didn't like official career and economics, so there were some deficiencies in the Jingzi History Collection.But he did put in a lot of hard work in calligraphy, so the four characters look like dragons and phoenixes, with strong strokes.Of course, if you compare with calligraphy masters, you must be inferior, but he is only fourteen or thirteen years old now.

Jia Amnesty carefully read the words "Curved Paths Picking Interests" mentioned by Jia Baoyu, and nodded again and again, and the look in his eyes looking at Jia Baoyu was much gentler.After ordering people to collect it, everyone moved forward again.

Stop and go along the way, or write a plaque, or pair, or Jia Lian mentions one, or an individual from the clan gathers one, and occasionally Jia Baoyu can think of one.After it was proposed, those who did not bother to leave it were all written by Jia Baoyu alone.Everyone has already recognized Jia Baoyu's calligraphy.

Turning the whole garden down, it was already dark, Jia She saw that Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu were brothers and sisters respectful, thinking of himself and Jia Zheng, he couldn't help being sad, but he couldn't help being happy for Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu.Feeling happy for a while, I invited all the people in the clan to Xianke to have a drink, and Hai Chufang went away separately.

(End of this chapter)

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