Chapter 208
No recommendation~ Well, Gu Jing will still work hard to write a good story, for you, but also for myself! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you for the reward, Brother Peak, and the month of pineapple! ~~Hehe~ On this frustrating afternoon, this is a very good gift! O(∩_∩)O Thank you very much!In order to facilitate communication with everyone, Gujing created a Q group: 89292995.Friends who are willing can come to Gujing to chat and communicate~Verification password: Daiyu of the Red Chamber!Gujing is waiting for your visit!

Daiyu, who Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were talking about, started to organize the account books again after the two left. Nowadays, most of the students in the academy are studying medicine, except those who take the imperial examination or go home to farm and go hunting.Therefore, Daiyu thought about opening a medical clinic, and drove all the way to the capital along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

There are many noble women in the capital, and there is a market for female doctors, but there is always a process of acceptance for new things, so Daiyu wants to open one in Gusu, which she knows well, and let Atractylodes macrocephala and Dendrobium bring pistil beads and green leaves. E, the four of them set up the medical hall first, and there will be a place for male and female students to practice in the future.

While Daiyu was thinking about how these students would practice, His Majesty the Emperor was thinking about how to get these people to join the army.And because of this matter, Huang Jiyun rushed over to Zhuangzi before the city gate was closed.

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng returned to the mansion and asked Ping'er to take the nanny to send Brother Chun and Sister Qiao back to the backyard, and they went to see Jia Shege together.

Seeing that the two of them were wearing the clothes they had gone out, Jia She asked, "But went to Zhuangzi outside the city?" It seems that Jia She knew Jia Lian very well.Wang Xifeng replied before Jia Lian: "This is Laba, I'm afraid I won't have time to see my sister. Today, my father will walk with me when I have time."

Jia She nodded and asked again: "Where's my eldest grandson?" Wang Xifeng didn't expect Jia She to change the subject suddenly, and was stunned for a moment before answering when Jia Lian had already said, "Brother Chun is playing with Sister Qiao." I was very happy, maybe I was tired, so I fell asleep on the way.”

Seeing this, Jia She nodded again, and without waiting for Jia She to ask anything else, Jia Lian hurriedly said, "Father said something yesterday, we discussed it, and then we will take Brother Chun and Qiao to go with my father. There is no need for our family to be separated."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Jia She then smiled and said, "It should be so! Hahaha!" It turned out that Jia She was mainly reluctant to leave Brother Chun, thinking that if Jia Lian and his wife didn't go, Brother Chun might not be able to go either, so he said Always depressed, but agreed to let Jia Lian decide for himself, that's why he always has nothing to say.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng also understood, and said with a smile: "Father, don't worry, Brother Chun can't live without Master!" Jia She was even more delighted when he heard this.

After coaxing Jia Amnesty, Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng returned to the backyard where they lived.Ping'er had already boiled hot water for them earlier, waiting for them to come back and take a bath.Seeing this, Jia Lian waved to Ping'er and said, "Okay, I don't need you here. You've been tired all day, go down early and have a rest."

Wang Xifeng was still wondering what happened to Jia Lian, so Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled and retreated. Wang Xifeng looked at Jia Lian in puzzlement, and seeing his bright eyes looking at her, she couldn't help but blushed and lowered her head. He said softly, "My lord isn't going to wash up yet, why are you looking at me?"

Wang Xifeng didn't know how beautiful she looked with such affectionate eyes, red cheeks and lowered head, revealing half of her snow-white neck, Jia Lian couldn't help short of breath, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why don't you wait for grandma to take a bath first?"

Wang Xifeng didn't expect Jia Lian to say such blatant words, she couldn't help but suddenly raised her head, Jia Lian's deep eyes attracted her, and she couldn't help being stunned.

Wang Xifeng didn't even know that the moment she raised her head suddenly, she was like a frightened deer, especially those watery eyes that suddenly hit Jia Lian's, making his breathing even more rapid.

Seeing Jia Lian approaching, Wang Xifeng seemed to have just recovered, lowered his head again, and said in a mosquito-like voice: "What did you say? I can't bear it." Jia Lian hugged Wang Xifeng and beat her horizontally. Picking it up, he smiled softly in her pink ear: "Then invite grandma to serve Master Si."

Wang Xifeng only felt weak all over, how could he have the heart to speak again?Leaning his head on Jia Lian's shoulder, he still carried him to the water room, and his breathing gradually became rough...

The tent in Hongluan was warm and the night was short. When Wang Xifeng opened his eyes again, Jia Lian did not leave, and was looking at him with his head propped on one hand.Wang Xifeng couldn't help but blushed again, hugged the quilt tightly with both hands, lowered her eyebrows and said softly: "Master, why, didn't you go to study?"

Seeing her like this, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Wait for grandma to have breakfast together." As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Wang Xifeng suddenly raised her head, her eyes were wide open, and her small mouth was half-opened. How could Jia Lian let it go? Such a good opportunity?Then he lowered his head and printed it... After a while Jia Lian continued: "I have already told my parents that we will have dinner in our own room today."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Wang Xifeng felt relieved, and slapped him twice angrily, so that he felt balanced.Jia Lian wasn't annoyed either, but instead smiled.

The two were chatting and laughing when Ping'er heard noises inside and asked outside, "Is grandma getting up?" Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng both fell silent immediately.It took a while to laugh again.Thinking about it, Ping'er never thought that Jia Lian, who got up early every day to practice martial arts and study, would stay in the house at this hour today.

Jia Lian got up first, put on his clothes, and then shouted to the door: "Come in." Ping'er didn't expect Jia Lian to be in the room, so when Jia Lian made a sound, Ping'er was startled. I couldn't help but blushed all of a sudden.

Ping'er took several deep breaths before suppressing the throbbing in his heart, led the two little maids, and brought water in.Seeing that Jia Lian was fully dressed, Ping'er felt relieved for some reason.

After Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian had washed and washed, they asked Brother Chun and Sister Qiao again, and when they learned that they had all gone to Mrs. Xing's house, they had a simple and warm breakfast together in their own room. .

After breakfast, Jia Lian went to the outer study. Wang Xifeng went to Mrs. Xing's room to see Brother Chun and Sister Qiao. After thinking about it, she thought Laba was a good opportunity, so she got up and went to Mrs. Jia's room.

When Wang Xifeng arrived, Tanchun and Xichun were joking with Mrs. Jia.Seeing Wang Xifeng approaching, the two quickly got up to salute.Wang Xifeng laughed and said, "Why are all my sisters so born?" After finishing speaking, he bowed to Mrs. Jia and said, "Greetings to my ancestors. I don't have to go to the Three Treasures Palace. I come here today, but I beg my ancestors." coming."

Old lady Jia smiled at Tanchun and the others: "See? I've seen thick-skinned ones, but I've never seen such thick-skinned ones. Come to see me empty-handed, and let my old lady do things for her! This is a good abacus. It's really good! You have to learn a little bit."

"Oh, my ancestors love me dearly! This is the Laba Festival. How can such a big event be handled by an inexperienced person like me? Even if I want to, if I can't handle it Well, it’s fine if I get ridiculed, our Jia family is also a century-old family, how can we afford to lose that person? I can’t take the responsibility too, can I?”

Seeing that she was telling the truth, Old Madam Jia didn't doubt him, she thought for a while and said, "In that case, I'll let the second wife lead you to do this together later, and you should also take some scouting girl, see And she's grown up too."

Wang Xifeng quickly complied, but thought in her heart: What my sister said is indeed true. As soon as I opened my mouth, the old lady thought of the second wife, so I noticed this earlier. Fortunately, my sister reminded me, and now I let it out by myself. And save me from embarrassment.

Tanchun didn't expect the old lady to mention her, so his face turned red and he said, "I will definitely learn from my second sister-in-law." Old lady Jia nodded, and then talked about other things.

Wang Xifeng chattered about following Mrs. Jia as if she was running a horse, but she was secretly observing Tanchun and Xichun in her heart.Tanchun was very excited to see that Mrs. Jia had arranged for her to learn how to be a housekeeper.But Xichun didn't change in any way because Mrs. Jia didn't mention her.Wang Xifeng thought: This Xichun either really doesn't care, or this city is deep enough!

As soon as Wang Xifeng said the words of giving up power to Mrs. Jia, Mrs. Wang got the news.Mrs. Wang was both happy and proud, and asked with a sneer at Zhou Rui's family: "How? I took my things, and I have to return them all sooner or later." She said with a cold snort and continued: "There is also the little girl in the backyard. Bitch, show me this!"

Mrs. Wang's temperament has changed a lot recently, Zhou Rui's family has to be careful around her, so they didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately responded: "Grandma said that the biggest reliance in this mansion is the empress in the palace. Madam The mother of the empress, if she knows that the wife has been wronged, she will definitely not forgive lightly."

Hearing what Zhou Rui's family said, Mrs. Wang nodded in satisfaction and said: "It's good that you know, now I have two things for you, the first is to take care of the backyard, and the second is to take care of it She's looking for a stable woman." After speaking, Mrs. Wang raised her sinister eyes, stared at Zhou Rui's family and said, "Do you understand?"

If Zhou Rui's family hadn't been by Madam Wang's side for a long time, and their psychological quality had been tempered, they would have been scared to death at this moment.Fortunately, Zhou Rui's family calmed down quickly, lowered their heads not to look into Mrs. Wang's eyes, and replied flatteringly: "Understood, Madam, don't worry, servant understands, and I will settle the matter."

So Mrs. Wang nodded and laughed loudly.After a while, when Zhou Rui's family thought Mrs. Wang was crazy, Mrs. Wang stopped laughing, waved her hand and said, "Go and find Baoyu for me."

Zhou Rui's family hastily withdrew as if they had received an amnesty, but where can she find Jia Baoyu now?After going through those things, he got Jia Lian's encouragement and guidance, and he showed his skills in the garden a few days ago and won many praises. Although Jia Baoyu is still not listed in the Heart Sutra History Collection, he has fallen in love with it. calligraphy.

Now, through Jia Lian's introduction, Jia Baoyu met a famous calligrapher from the Imperial College. Every day, he went to the Imperial College to look for him at dawn, and he always returned home after dark.At this moment Mrs. Wang asked Zhou Rui's family to find Jia Baoyu, but she was stumped.

After Zhou Rui's family left, Mrs. Wang lost all her expressions, and walked towards the small Buddhist hall in a daze, staring at the Buddha statue for a long time, no one knew what she was looking at.Neither burn incense nor chant sutras.

No one knew that Mrs. Wang always stood like this for a long time, and after making sure that no one was staring at her in the bright and dark places around her, she would step forward and turn the Buddha statue.

In this way, a hidden grid of one foot square will be exposed behind the altar.Inside was an exquisite nanmu box, beautifully carved and inlaid with treasures.Mrs. Wang will habitually look left and right, and then carefully hold it out.Inside is the money collected by Mrs. Wang over the years in charge of the house, which was not found by Mrs. Jia last time.

(End of this chapter)

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