Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 210 Congee Shed

Chapter 210 Congee Shed
In the final analysis, Miaoyu is not like Daiyu. At any rate, Daiyu has a memory of more than twenty years and a mature soul.Although Miaoyu looks a few years older, but Miaoyu is really only a teenage girl, like a young girl.Even if it is keeping filial piety, how can one really calm down?It might have been okay if I had been staying at Panxiang Temple, but I went back home and lived there for many years.

Although Miaoyu has already moved away from Daiyu's Zhuangzi, she bought another small Zhuangzi on the side.Before that, Daiyu was busy with taking care of the account books and regulating the property. On the one hand, Miaoyu didn't like these general affairs, and on the other hand, she didn't want to disturb Daiyu, so she never came over.But at this time, after learning that Daiyu had sent Ruizhu and Lue away, she immediately moved back.

Seeing that Daiyu was wearing a moonlight gown with cloud sleeves with a stand-up collar and narrow azure borders, and matching it with a moon-white moon skirt, Miaoyu felt that Daiyu's clothes were too plain.

Look at yourself again, although it is still the filial piety period, after all, you have passed the hot filial piety, wearing a light blue squirrel fur-trimmed straight brocade silk robe, and an ink blue floral skirt.It was originally very plain, but compared with Daiyu, it looked extraordinarily bright.

Seeing Miaoyu coming, Daiyu didn't get up to greet her, just smiled and nodded, and continued to make her own tea.Miaoyu shook her head in dissatisfaction and said, "Hui'er, you're losing your manners even more!"

But Daiyu said without turning her head: "Where do you start with this? It's just that you are treated as one of your own and not polite to you. Didn't my sister treat herself as an outsider?" After speaking, Daiyu turned her head He glanced at Miaoyu.

Seeing Daiyu like this, Miaoyu gave her an angry look and didn't argue with her, after all, she really didn't treat herself as an outsider.Thinking of this, Miaoyu sighed, sat down next to Daiyu, took the tea set from Daiyu's hand and began to fiddle with it.After a while, the fragrance of tea came out.

Daiyu quickly picked up a small tea bowl between her two fingers, sniffed lightly and praised: "Good tea!" Miaoyu laughed and said, "Are you praising my craftsmanship? Or are you selling your tea yourself?" What about it?" Daiyu turned her head to think for a while and said, "Both!" The two laughed together again.

The two laughed for a while, and Miaoyu asked, "The next one is Laba. Can Huier set up a porridge shed this year? I heard that you do it every year." Daiyu nodded while sipping her tea, "Yeah. , of course the porridge shed is going to be set up? Why is my sister also interested?" In Daiyu's memory, Miaoyu in the original book is aloof and aloof, how could she do such things?
Unexpectedly, Miaoyu nodded seriously and said: "Such a kind deed, of course I cannot be missing." Miaoyu said with a mysterious smile: "I can cook the secret meal of Panxiang Temple!" Daiyu asked puzzled Said: "What is the secret meal?" Miaoyu just smiled and didn't answer.

When the two of them were discussing how to set up the porridge shed and where to set it up, Qinghe came to report and said, "Miss, the third master and grandma of the Yunfu are here to visit, butler Song asked where to receive them?" Daiyu was stunned and asked in puzzlement Said: "That Yunfu?" As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered that Yingchun was married to a surname Yun?Then he immediately laughed and said, "But the Jia family welcomed the girl earlier?"

Seeing Qinghe nodding, Daiyu said angrily: "Is there even a need to ask? Of course I invited you over!" Daiyu forgot that there was also Yun Baozhou, the third master of Yunfu, who was accompanying him!Qinghe didn't think about it either, so she hurried out to invite her.

Yun Baozhou heard that Daiyu had invited Yingchun to talk in the back house, he hesitated for a while before saying to Yingchun: "Xin'er go, I will pick you up later." Yingchun looked at her affectionately for a while, thinking that only Dai Yu is alone, and there is no male lead, and it is really inconvenient for her husband and son-in-law to stay here, so she nodded and said: "Master, go on your own, don't worry about me, if you don't have time, I will go back."

However, Yun Baozhou shook his head and smiled, "How can I let Xin'er go back alone? You can rest assured that the Lord will pick you up later." In this way, Yun Baozhou looked at Yingchun and followed Qinghe who came to greet her. The two of Xueyan went in before turning around and leaving.

But it's not too early or too late, and it's winter, and Yunbaozhou has nowhere to go, so they can't go back to the city at this time?It's better to take a walk in the nearby villages, which can be regarded as relaxing.

I didn't want to take two steps, but I met Jia Baoyu who was also wandering in the small village outside Zhuangzi.Yun Baozhou couldn't help but curiously shouted: "Why is Baoyu here?" Jia Baoyu didn't expect that someone would know him here, so he turned around for a moment, only to find that it was Yun Baozhou.

Jia Baoyu had a very bad impression of Yunbaozhou at first, and he couldn't explain why, but felt that he had taken his sister away, and was extremely unhappy in his heart.But after going through a lot recently, seeing you again at this time, I actually feel very embarrassed.

Jia Baoyu walked up to Yun Baozhou awkwardly, and was about to say something, but Yun Baozhou was a familiar person, so he put his arm on Jia Baoyu's shoulder.

Jia Baoyu was stunned at first, he was not used to it, but how could Yun Baozhou care whether he was used to it or not?He also deliberately asked with a straight face: "Why don't you know how to call 'brother-in-law' to listen to someone you see?" Yet?
Although Jia Baoyu thought so in his heart, when he heard what Yun Baozhou said, he still tilted his head, turned his body sideways, half bent and cupped his hands and said, "Baoyu has seen brother-in-law."

Yun Baozhou originally wanted to be tense, but he was amused by Jia Baoyu's antics, and he didn't care what Jia Baoyu thought, so he smiled to himself: "Brother-in-law, I will send your sister to see your sister today. Your sister's house doesn't have a male host, and I can't go in, but you are also here, so you can accompany me to have a cup of tea, I heard that your sister's tea is very good."

As he spoke, he put his arms around Jia Baoyu's neck and walked back, talking about how Yingchun was going. Growing up at a young age, can you know better than him?He didn't have to think about it like a bee buzzing, but Jia Baoyu only dared to think about it in his heart.

When he came to the gate of Daiyu Zhuangzi, Jia Baoyu seemed to remember something, and said to Yun Baozhou with a slightly reddened face, "Why don't brother-in-law go in by himself? I have to go to the edge of the city to look at the porridge shed."

Yun Baozhou became even more interested when he heard this, and immediately smiled and said: "Oh? You still set up a porridge shed at the edge of the city? Why did you set it up so early? Isn't it two days before Laba?" Saying that, Yun Baozhou turned around again, pulling Jia Baoyu towards the gate of the city.

Jia Baoyu explained as he walked: "Madam said to accumulate blessings for the elder sister Xiande Concubine, our house set up a porridge shed three days in advance, so that the master came to watch. I thought that the master might not have the time, so I invited myself over." Look at the porridge shed."

It was rare for Yun Baozhou not to speak, and only slightly raised his eyebrows.Although Yun Baozhou is talkative and likes to talk, he is not a fool, he will answer and say anything.Even though Yun Baozhou, like Jia Lian, thought that this "virtuous concubine" was very nondescript, but facing Jia Baoyu at this moment, he just smiled.

Yun Baozhou didn't want to say something to Jia Baoyu about "virtuous concubine", and he couldn't say it well, so he changed the subject and said: "Since I have met you, I have nowhere to go, so I will go with you to see Look, I'll pick up your sister after closing the porridge shed later." Then he took the lead and walked forward.

The two walked a long distance one after the other, and Jia Baoyu called out in a condescending manner: "Brother-in-law." After thinking for a while, he took two quick steps to catch up with Yun Baozhou, and patted his shoulder just as he was about to speak, but Yun Baozhou suddenly turned around and grabbed Jia Baoyu's hand.

Yun Baozhou is not some feeble scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken. Although Yun Baozhou's riding and shooting is not the best compared to others among the six arts of gentlemen, it is not weak. Jia Baoyu can bear that strength ?Jia Baoyu immediately cried out.

Yun Baozhou came back to his senses at this time, quickly let go of his hands and smiled, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I was thinking about something just now, but I forgot that you were beside me." Jia Baoyu felt wronged, but he was saying no What happened, I had to take a few deep breaths, and then said: "Brother-in-law, my horse is still tied outside Zhuangzi."

When Yun Baozhou heard this, he slapped his forehead suddenly and said, "Hey! Look at my head, I forgot, hey, let's go back and lead the horse, otherwise we won't be able to walk over." Yun Baozhou said He also looked towards the city gate and said, "It's quite a long way from here to the city gate!"

Speaking of which, Yun Baozhou turned around and walked back again, and said as he walked, "We have to walk faster, the porridge shed is out of porridge after that, and it will be too late to go to the city to eat." At this time, for Yun Baozhou, Jia Baoyu was powerless to say anything, but felt that this person was very unreliable!
Thinking of Yingchun marrying him, Jia Baoyu thumped his chest.But it was too late to say anything at this time.The two returned to Daiyu Zhuangzi again, each led their horses, and rode together towards the city gate.

After Qinghe went out for a while, she led in a young woman who combed her hair in a lily bun, with wishful auspicious cloud hairpins inserted obliquely, and adorned with topaz spring flower hairpins.She was wearing a small leather jacket with light yellow embroidered Chunlan on the side, and a fresh green skirt with pleats and flowers, and a piece of oily yellow jade was pressed on the skirt.It looks gentle and soft, yet charming and charming.

When Daiyu saw it from a distance, she admired in her heart: "Fortunately, this winter jasmine was not picked up by Zhongshan wolf!"
Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help smiling knowingly, she got up and went to greet her, took Yingchun's hand and said, "Why is Sister Ying here?" As she spoke, Daiyu remembered that just now Qinghe came to report that it was Third Master Yun and grandma Come, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Yun..."

Before Daiyu could finish speaking, Yingchun quickly explained: "We all know the situation in my sister's house, why should I be so polite?" In order to welcome the spring, he entered the pavilion and sat down.

Yingchun and Miaoyu had met each other before, and when they met again at this time, they both nodded and smiled. Miaoyu soon talked about setting up a porridge shed. Count me in too."

When Yingchun said this, she was still a little apprehensive, but she didn't want Daiyu and Miaoyu to look at each other and say in unison: "That's very good!"

Daiyu tilted her head and smiled and said, "Even if you don't say anything about Yingjie, you won't be able to run away from you. We are going to make it bigger this time, so naturally we need someone to take charge. Now that you are here, you will be in charge at this time." .”

Yingchun looked at Daiyu, then at Miaoyu, and said in her heart: This matter is really inconvenient for the two girls who have not left the court, but this matter has not been discussed with the master, I don't know if the master will agree, but sister Lin and I am gracious, and I cannot shirk this matter.Then he nodded and smiled and said: "Since I am the one who has the final say, I will naturally follow your arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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